Monoacylglycerols and diacylglycerols for fat-based food products: a review
Subroto, E. Available Online: 21 JANUARY 2020 |
Subroto reviewed the monoacylglycerols and diacylglycerols for fat-based food products.
Mini Review
Emerging of Bio-nano composite gelatin-based film as bio-degradable food packaging: a review
Tuan Zainazor, T.C., Fisal, A., Goh, E.G., Che Sulaiman, N.F. and Sarbon, N.M. Available Online: 19 FEBRUARY 2020 |
Tuan Zainazor et al. reviewed the emerging of bio-nano composite gelatine-based film as bio-degradable food packaging.
Full Paper
The quality of nata de coco from sawarna and mapanget coconut varieties to the time of storing coconut water
Santosa, B., Wignyanto, W., Hidayat, N. and Sucipto, S. Available Online: 23 DECEMBER 2019 |
Santosa et al. studied the quality of nata de coco from sawarna and mapanget coconut varieties produced from stored coconut water.
Storage stability of freeze-dried Lactobacillus plantarum S20 starter culture as affected by various formulations of drying medium, and its fermentation characteristics in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) slurry
Sulabo, A.S.L., Villasanta, M.E.L., Hermo, K.G., Lascano, R.A., Collado, L.S. and Babaran, G.M.O. Available Online: 28 FEBRUARY 2020 |
The storage stability of freeze-dried Lactobacillus plantarum S20 starter culture as affected by various formulations of drying medium, and its fermentation characteristics in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) slurry was studied by Sulabo et al.
Regression analysis for determination of antioxidant activity of coconut sap under various heating temperature and concentration of lysine addition
Sulistyo, S.B. and Haryanti, P. Available Online: 20 FEBRUARY 2020 |
Sulistyo and Haryanti studied the regression analysis to determine the antioxidant activity of coconut sap under various heating temperature and concentration of lysine addition.
Prevalence of Bacillus cereus s.l. in ultra-high temperature chocolate milk from selected milk manufacturers in Malaysia
Ubong, A., New, C.Y., Chai, L.C., Loo, Y.Y., Nor Khaizura, M.A.R., Kayali, A.Y. and Son, R. Available Online: 8 MARCH 2020 |
The prevalence of Bacillus cereus s.l. in ultra-high temperature chocolate milk from selected milk manufacturers in Malaysia was studied by Ubong et al.
Physicochemical and functional properties of cassava flour grown in different locations in Sabah, Malaysia
Hasmadi, M., Harlina, L., Jau-Shya, L., Mansoor, A.H., Jahurul, M.H.A. and Zainol, M.K. Available Online: 9 MARCH 2020 |
The physicochemical and functional properties of cassava flour grown in different locations in Sabah, Malaysia was studied by Hasmadi et al.
The effect of processed Tempeh Gembus to triglycerides levels and insulin resistance status in women with obesity
Nadia, F.S., Wati, D.A., Isnawati, M., Sulchan, M. and Afifah, D.N. Available Online: 5 MARCH 2020 |
Nadia et al. studied the effect of consumption of Tempeh Gembus on the triglyceride levels and insulin resistance status in women with obesity.
Purification engineering of mono-diacylglycerol using creaming demulsification technique in 20 kg-scale
Mursalin, M., Sahrial, S. and Yernisa, Y. Available Online: 12 MARCH 2020 |
Mursalin et al. studied the engineering of purification of mono-diacylglycerol using creaming demulsification technique in 20 kg-scale.
Cytotoxic effect of Spirulina platensis extract and Ulva compressa Linn. on cancer cell lines
Maryati, M., Saifudin, A., Wahyuni, S., Rahmawati, J., Arrum, A., Priyunita, O., Aulia, A., Putra, F.P.H., As’hari, Y., Rasyidah, U.M., Fadhilah, A., Muflihah, C.H. and Da’I, M Available Online: 14 MARCH 2020 |
The cytotoxic effect of Spirulina platensis extract and Ulva compressa Linn. on cancer cell lines was studied by Maryati et al.
Formulation, characterization and stability of o/w nanoemulsion containing rice bran oil prepared by emulsion phase inversion
Sari, Y. P., Raharjo, S., Santoso, U. and Supriyadi Available Online: 9 MARCH 2020 |
Sari et al. studied on the formulation, characterization and stability of o/w nanoemulsion containing the rice bran oil prepared by emulsion phase inversion.
Sensorial and physicochemical characteristics of herbal noodle enriched with Centella asiatica
Fadzil, N.F., Abu Bakar, M.F., Yusop, M.H.M. and Abu Bakar, F.I. Available Online: 26 FEBRUARY 2020 |
Fadzil et al. studied the sensorial and physicochemical characteristics of herbal noodle enriched with Centella asiatica.
Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum and Leuconostoc mesenteroides starter cultures in lower salt concentration fermentation on the sauerkraut quality
Zubaidah, E., Susanti, I., Yuwono, S.S., Rahayu, A.P., Srianta, I. and Blanc, P.J. Available Online: 10 MARCH 2020 |
Zubaidah et al. studied the effect of Lactobacillus plantarum and Leuconostoc mesenteroides starter cultures on the quality of low salt concentration sauerkraut.
Modeling of food safety knowledge, attitude, and behavior characteristics
Ellinda-Patra, M.W., Dewanti-Hariyadi, R. and Nurtama, B. Available Online: 20 MARCH 2020 |
Ellinda-Patra et al. modelled the food safety knowledge, attitude ad behaviour characteristics.
In vitro antioxidant properties and digestibility of chicken feather protein hydrolysates
Oluba, O.M., Akpor, O.B., Alabi, O.O., Shoyombo, A.J., Adeyonu, A.G. and Adebiyi, F.D. Available Online: 10 FEBRUARY 2020 |
Oluba et al. studied the in vitro antioxidant properties and digestibility of chicken feather protein hydrolysates
Improving plant layout and processing flow of jelly mushroom drink to reduce microbial contamination
Changchai, S., Sumrit, T., Chunlakan, P. and Inrirai, P. Available Online: 23 MARCH 2020 |
Changchai et al. studied on improving the plant layout and processing flow of jelly mushroom drink to reduce microbial contamination
Effect of chemical agents, metallic salts on the stability of α-amylase, protease and comparative analyses of enzyme activity of selected salad vegetables
Rahman, M.M., Shahjadee, U.F., Khanam, F., Rupa, A.Z. and Azad, M.A.K. Available Online: 9 MARCH 2020 |
The effect of chemical agents, metallic salts on the stability of α-amylase, protease and comparative analyses of enzyme activity of selected salad vegetables was studied by Rahman et al.
Formulation of low-fat cheese analogue from sweet corn extract using papain and lime extract as coagulant
Aini N., Sustriawan, B., Prihananto, V., Sumarmono, J., Ramadan R.N. and Romadhon, D. Available Online: 24 MARCH 2020 |
Aini et al. studied the formulation of low-fat cheese analogue from sweet corn extract using papain and lime extract as cogulant.
The study of angiotensin converting enzyme isolation from crossbred rabbit lung and enzyme storage capacity in frozen conditions
Nguyen, V.M., Tran, T.T. and Vo, H.N. Available Online: 26 MARCH 2020 |
Nguyen et al. studied the angiotensin converting enzyme isolated from crossbred rabbit lungs and the enzyme storage capacity in frozen conditions.
Texture, microstructure and in-vitro starch digestibility of waxy rice cooked with hydrocolloid
Srikaeo, K. and Paphonyanyong, W. Available Online: 26 MARCH 2020 |
The texture, microstructure and in-vitro starch digestibility of waxy rice cooked with hydrocolloid was studied by Srikaeo and Paphonyanyong.
Effect of the different encapsulation methods on the physicochemical and biological properties of Clitoria ternatea flowers microencapsulated in gelatine
Liew, S.Y., Mohd Zin, Z., Mohd Maidin, N.M., Mamat, H. and Zainol, M.K. Available Online: 26 MARCH 2020 |
Liew et al. evaluated the effect of different encapsulation methods on the physicochemical and biological properties of Clitoria ternatea flowers microencapsulated in gelatine.
Quality and sensory profile evaluation of gluten-free sapodilla-wild almond seed bar with stevia as partial sugar substitution
Akesowan, A., Choonhahirun, A. and Jariyawaranugoon, U. Available Online: 27 MARCH 2020 |
The quality and sensory profile evaluation of gluten-free sapodilla-wild almond seed bar with stevia as partial sugar substitution was studied by Akesowan et al.
Phytochemical screening, phenolic acid profiling and antioxidant activity analysis of peels from selected mango (Mangifera spp.) genotypes in the Philippines
Ocampo, E.T.M., Libron, J.A.M.A., Guevarra, M.L.D. and Mateo, J.M.C. Available Online: 30 MARCH 2020 |
The phytochemical screening, phenolic acid profiling and antioxidant activity analysis of peels from selected mango (Mangifera spp.) genotypes in the Philippines were evaluated by Ocampo et al.
Phytochemical composition and essential mineral profile, antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of unutilized parts of jackfruit
Adan, A.A., Ojwang, R.A., Muge, E.K., Mwanza, B.K. and Nyaboga, E.N. Available Online: 1 APRIL 2020 |
The phytochemical composition and essential mineral profile, antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of unutilized parts of jackfruit were studied by Adan et al.
Separation and analysis of Monascus yellow pigment produced on durian seed substrate
Srianta, I., Nugerahani, I. and Ristiarini, S. Available Online: 27 MARCH 2020 |
Srianta et al. separated and analysed Monascus yellow pigment produced on durian seed substrate.
Effect of air drying on quality characteristics and mass transfer kinetics of osmotically dehydrated sea buckthorn by stevia
Lentzou, D., Templalexis, Ch. and Xanthopoulos, G. Available Online: 27 MARCH 2020 |
The effect of air drying on quality characteristics and mass transfer kinetics of osmotically dehydrated sea buckthorn by stevia was studied by Lentzou et al.
Consumption of young barley leaf extract increases fecal short-chain fatty acid levels: a before-after clinical trial
Unno, T., Tanaka, H. and Kohara, A. Available Online: 1 APRIL 2020 |
Unno et al. studied the effects of consumption of young barley leaf extract on the levels on short-chain fatty acid in feces.
Determination of simple carbohydrates in beer using SPME, on fiber derivatization and gas chromatography mass spectrometry
D’Auria, M., Emanuele, L., Racioppi, R. and Stefanizzi, N. Available Online: 1 APRIL 2020 |
D'Auria et al. determined the simple carbohydrates in beer using SPME on fiber derivatization and gas chromatography mass spectrometry.
The effects of different pre-treatments on the physicochemical composition and sensory acceptability of ‘Kacang Koro’ energy bar
Wan Mohamad Din, W.N.I., Mohd Zin, Z., Abdullah, M.A.A. and Zainol, M.K. Available Online: 5 APRIL 2020 |
The effects of different pre-treatments on the physicochemical composition and sensory evaluation of 'Kacang Koro' energy bar were studied by Wan Mohamad Din et al.
Effects of various grated sago sizes, steeping periods and trunk sections on sago starch recovery (Metroxylon spp.).
Wan Mohd Fariz, W.A., Rosnah, S., Mohd Zuhir, M.N., Azman, S. and Noramina, H. Available Online: 30 MARCH 2020 |
Wan Mohd Fariz et al. studied the effects of various grated sago sizes, steeping periods and trunk sections on sago starch recovery (Metroxylon spp.).
Physicochemical, antioxidant and sensory characteristics of cookies supplemented with different levels of spent coffee ground extract
Azuan, A.A., Mohd Zin, Z., Mamat, H., Rusli, N.D. and Zainol, M.K. Available Online: 8 APRIL 2020 |
The physicochemical, antioxidant and sensory characteristics of cookies supplemented with different levels of spent coffee ground extract was studied by Azuan et al.
The viability of probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus IFO 13951 and Bifidobacterium longum ATCC 15707 in gummy candies decreased during 4 weeks of storage
Lestari, L.A., Kusuma, W.I., Nurhayati, F., Kusuma, R.J. and Erwanto, Y. Available Online: 3 APRIL 2020 |
Lestari et al. studied the viability of probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus IFO 13951 and Bifidobacterium longum ATCC 15707 in gummy candies during 4 weeks of storage.
Development of indigenous Streptococcus salivarius TUCC 1253-fermented soy oral strip using Box-Behnken design for oral health
How, Y.H., Ewe, J.A., Song, K.P., Kuan, C.S., Kuan, C.H. and Yeo, S.K. Available Online: 9 APRIL 2020 |
How et al. developed indigenour Streptococcus salivarius TUCC 1253-fermented soy oral strip using the Box-Behnken design for oral health.
Effect of cooking methods on nutritional composition and antioxidant properties of lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) rhizome
Chen, S.Y. and Tengku Rozaina, T.M. Available Online: 11 APRIL 2020 |
The effect of cooking methods on nutritional composition and antioxidant properties of lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) rhizome was studied by Chen and Tengku Rozaina.
Physical and chemical characteristics of goldenberry (Physalis peruviana) grown in Lam Dong province, Vietnam
Thuy, N.M., Phuong, N.P, Suong, C.T.D. and Tai, N.V. Available Online: 12 APRIL 2020 |
The physical and chemical characteristics of goldenberry (Physalis peruviana) grown in Lam Dong province, Vietnam were studied by Thuy et al.
Microstructure and physicochemical characteristics of modified taro starch after annealing, autoclaving-cooling and heat moisture treatment
Setiarto, R.H.B., Kusumaningrum, H.D., Jenie, B.S.L., Khusniati, T., Widhyastuti, N. and Ramadhani, I. Available Online: 15 APRIL 2020 |
The microstructre and physicochemical characteristics of modified taro starch after annealing, autoclaving-cooling and heat moisture treatment were studied by Setiarto et al.
Detection of enterotoxin gene (sea) and biofilm formation ability among multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from shawarma sandwich sold at selected kiosks in Klang Valley, Malaysia
Salahaldin Fathalla M., Mahyudin, N.A., Mohamad Ghazali, F., Rukayadi, Y. and Jaafar, S.N. Available Online: 16 APRIL 2020 |
Salahaldin Fathalla et al. investigated the prevalence of enterotoxin gene (sea) and biofilm formation ability multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus from shawarma sandwich sold at selected kioks in Klang Valley, Malaysia
Physicochemical and sensory properties of deep fried battered squid containing Brownstripe red snapper (Lutjanus vitta) protein hydrolysate
Chew, R.M., Mohd Zin, Z., Ahmad, A., Mohtar, N.F., Rusli, N.D. and Zainol, M.K. Available Online: 17 APRIL 2020 |
Chew et al. studied the physicochemical and sensory properties of deep fried battered squid containing Brownstripe red snapper (Lutjanus vitta) protein hydrolysate.
Accelerated shelf-life test (ASLT) of batuan [Garcinia binucao (Blanco) Choisy] fruit powder
Ancheta, A.K.G., Yaptenco, K.F., Mopera, L.E., Bainto, L.C., Lizardo, R.C.M. and Dizon, E.I. Available Online: 17 APRIL 2020 |
Ancheta et al. perform the accelerated shelf-life test (ASLT) to study the shelf-life of batuan [Garcinia binucao (Blanco) Choisy] fruit powder.
Effect of starch modification on physico-chemical, functional and structural characterization of cassava starch (Manihot esculenta Crantz
Dolas, K.A., Ranveer, R.C., Tapre, A.R., Nandane, A.S. and Sahoo, A.K. Available Online: 14 APRIL 2020 |
Dolas et al. studied the effects of starch modification on physico-chemical, functional and structural characterization of cassava starch (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
Ethnic differences on cardiovascular disease risk and quality of life in Selangor
Lee, H.S., Aman, A., Kamaruddin, K.S., Ali, A. and Yusof, H.M. Available Online: 19 APRIL 2020 |
Lee et al. studied the ethnic differences on cardiovascular disease risk and quality of life in Selangor.
Formulation and quality evaluation of instant mango drink powder
Akther, S., Alim, M.A., Badsha, M.R., Matin, A., Ahmad, M. and Hoque, S.M. Available Online: 8 APRIL 2020 |
Akther et al. formulated instant mango drink powder and evaluated the quality of the developed product.
Microbiological quality analysis of different types of popular dried food items
Ahmed, T., Sharmin, A., Paul, A., Dipu, M.R. and Islam, T. Available Online: 3 APRIL 2020 |
The microbiological quality of different types of popular dried food items were analysed by Ahmed et al.
Ramification of pH in pectinase-assisted extraction on the antioxidant capacity of Arabica spent coffee ground (SCG) extract
Shukri, N.A., Mohd Zin, Z., MohdMaidin, N., Mamat, H. and Zainol, M.K. Available Online: 22 APRIL 2020 |
Shukri et al. studied the ramification of pH in pectinase-assisted extraction on the antioxidant capacity of Arabica spent coffee ground (SCG) extract.
Isolation of pathogenic microorganisms and determination of their antibiotic resistance patterns collected from different bakery products of Dhaka city
Das, K.K., Sarkar, A. and Hossain, A. Available Online: 22 FEBRUARY 2020 |
Das et al. isolated pathogenic microorganisms from different bakery products of Dhaka city and deteremined their antibiotic resistance patterns.
Optimization of vacuum infiltration before blanching of black cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum cv. OG) using response surface methodology
Ha, H.T.N. and Thuy, N.M. Available Online: 24 APRIL 2020 |
Ha and Thuy optimized the vacuum infiltration before blanching of black cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum cv. OG) using response surface methodology.
Physicochemical and emulsifying properties of pre-treated octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA) sago starch in simple emulsion system
Saw, S.S., Shariffa, N.Y., Ruri, A.S. and Uthumporn, U. Available Online: 24 APRIL 2020 |
Saw et al. evaluated the physicochemical and emulsifying properties of pre-treated octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA) sago starch in simple emulsion system.
Development of composite biscuits made from amadumbe (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) and investigation of their nutritional and organoleptic properties
Mokhele, T.M., Amonsou, E.O. and Tabit, F.T. Available Online: 14 APRIL 2020 |
Mokhele et al. developed composite biscuits made from amadumbe (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) and investigated their nutritional and organoleptic properties.
Consumers’ willingness to pay for functional rice: a survey from Indonesia
Annur, N.D., Nugrohoningtyas, B.S.H., Rodríguez Dodero, M.C. and Setyaningsih, W. Available Online: 26 APRIL 2020 |
Annur et al. surveyed the consumers' willingness to pay for functional rice in Indonesia.
Microbiological analysis of different categories of food items in Dhaka city, Bangladesh
Uddin, M.A., Jabin, T., Siam, E.A., Afreen, M.T., Uddin, S.S. and Sayeda, U. Available Online: 25 APRIL 2020 |
Uddin et al. performed a microbiological analysis on the different food items in Dhaka city, Bangladesh.
Clitoria ternatea anthocyanin extract suppresses inflammation in carrageenan-induced rat paw edema via down-regulating genes of phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling pathway
Yanti, Sabella, D., Gunawan, A.W. and Lay, B.W. Available Online: 8 APRIL 2020 |
Yanti et al. studied the effects of Clitoria ternatea anthocyanin extract in suppressing the inflammation in carrageenan-induced rat paw edema via down-regulating genes of phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling pathway.
Effect of different molecular weight on the antioxidant activity and physicochemical properties of golden apple snail (Ampullariidae) protein hydrolysates
Saallah, S., Ishak, N.H. and Sarbon, N.M. Available Online: 17 FEBRUARY 2020 |
The effect of different molecular weight on the antioxidant activity and physicochemical properties of golden apple snail (Ampullariidae) protein hydrolysates were studied by Saallah et al.
Optimization of processing parameters for vacuum fried oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacquin) P. kummer)
Hilapad, M.R., Esguerra, E.B. and Castillo - Israel, K.A.T. Available Online: 28 APRIL 2020 |
Hilapad et al. optimized the processing parameters for vacuum fried oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacquin) P. kummer)
Articles 1 - 53