Traditional vegetables salad (ulam) of Borneo as source of functional food
Awang-Kanak, F. and Abu Bakar, M.F. Available Online: 8 JULY 2019 |
Awang-Kanak and Abu Bakar reviewed the traditional vegetables salad (ulam) of Borneo as source of functional foods.
Mini Review
In vivo antioxidant activities of Curcuma longa and Curcuma xanthorrhiza: a review
Lukitaningsih, E., Rohman, A., Rafi, M., Nurrulhidayah, A.F. and Windarsih, A. Available Online: 9 JUNE 2019 |
In this mini review, Lukitaningsih et al. reviewed the in vivo antioxidant activities of Curcuma longa and Curcuma xanthorriza.
A review on Listeria monocytogenes in food: prevalence, pathogenicity, survivability and antibiotic resistance
Wai, G.Y., Tang, J.Y.H., New, C.Y. and Son, R Available Online: 3 JULY 2019 |
Wai et al. performed a review on the prevalence, pathogenicity, survivability and antibiotic resistance of Listeria monocytogenes in food.
Full Papers
Phytochemical content and antioxidant activity of selected wild ulam/vegetables consumed by indigenous Jakun community in Taman Negara Johor Endau Rompin (TNJER), Malaysia
Mohd Noor, H.S., Abu Bakar, M.F., Abu Bakar, F.I., Ismail, N.A., Sanusi, S.B. and Mohamed, M. Available Online: 24 JUNE 2019 |
Mohd Noor et al. studied the phytochemical and antioxidant activity of selected wild ulam/vegetables consumed by indigenous Jakun community in Malaysia.
Effect of gamma irradiation on physicochemical properties and microbiological quality of wet yellow noodle fortified with water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica)
Wan Zunairah, W.I., Nuradilah, M.P., Ahmad Zainuri, M.D., Nor-Khaizura, M.A.R., Nor Afizah, M., Ismail-Fitry, M.R., Radhiah, S. and Nur Hanani, Z.A. Available Online: 29 JULY 2019 |
The effect of gamma irradiation on the physicochemical properties and microbiological quality of wet yellow noodle developed with water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) was studied by Wan Zunairah et al.
The employment of FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics for authentication of pumpkin seed oil from sesame oil
Irnawati, Riyanto, S., Martono, S. and Rohman, A. Available Online: 30 JULY 2019 |
Irnawati et al. employed the FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics to authenticate pumpkin seed oil from sesame oil.
Cluster ions to preserve ready-to-eat table grape during cold storage
Chiabrando V. and Giacalone G. Available Online: 30 JULY 2019 |
Chiabrando and Giacalone experimented on cluster ions to preserve ready-to-eat table grapes during cold storage.
Impact of storage condition on postharvest preservation of fresh Bambusa sp. shoot
Changchai, S., Sumrit, T., Kitpot, T. and Inrirai, P. Available Online: 30 JULY 2019 |
Changchai et al. studied the impact of storage condition on fresh Bambusa sp. Shoots.
The survival rate of virulent coagulase-negative staphylococci in pasteurized spiced kunu (a Nigerian non-alcoholic beverage)
Fowoyo, P.T. Available Online: 19 JULY 2019 |
Fowoyo studied the survival rate of virulent coagulase negative staphylococci in pastuerized spiced kunu (a Nigerian non-alcoholic beverage)
Physicochemical, cooking quality and sensory characterization of yellow alkaline noodle: impact of mango peel powder level
Nur Azura, Z., Radhiah, S., Wan Zunairah, W.I., Nurul Shazini, R., Nur Hanani, Z.A. and Ismail-Fitry, M.R. Available Online: 11 JUNE 2019 |
The physicochemical properties, cooking quality and sensory characterization of developed mango peel yellow alkaline noodle was evaluated by Nur Azura et al.
Influence of raisins puree on the physicochemical properties, resistant starch, probiotic viability and sensory attributes of coconut milk yogurt
Amirah, A.S., Nor Syazwani, S., Radhiah, S., Anis Shobirin, M.H., Nor-Khaizura, M.A.R., Wan Zunairah, W.I. and Nurul Shazini, R. Available Online: 9 AUGUST 2019 |
Amirah et al. studied the influence of raisins puree added into coconut milk yogurt based on it physicochemical properties, resistant starch, probiotic viability and sensory attributes.
Immunomodulatory activity and phytochemical content determination of fractions of suji leaves (Dracaena angustifolia (Medik.)Roxb.)
Handayani, N., Wahyuono, S., Hertiani, T. and Murwanti, R. Available Online: 9 AUGUST 2019 |
Handayani et al. studied on the immunomodulatory activity and phytochemical content determination of fractions of suji leaves (Dracaena angustifolia (Medik.) Roxb.)
Genotypic and phenotypic characteristics associated with biofilm formation in Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. isolated from ulam in Terengganu
Bahri, A.A., Wan Abdullah, W.Z., Lani, M.N., Salleh, W. and Alias, R. Available Online: 15 AUGUST 2019 |
The genotypic and phenotypic characteristics associated with biofilm formation in Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. isolated from ulam in Terengganu were studied by Bahri et al.
Effect of blending and pregelatinizing order on properties of pregelatinized starch from rice and cassava
Tô, H.T., Karrila, S.J. , Nga, L.H. and Karrila, T.T. Available Online: 20 AUGUST 2019 |
The effect of blending and pregelatinizing order on the properties of pregelatinized starch from rice and cassava was studied by Tô et al.
Development and nutritional analysis of healthy chicken soup supplemented with vegetables in Viet Nam
Thuy, N.M., Hang, L.T., Triep, T.L., Tan, N.D. and Tai, N.V. Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2019 |
Thuy et al. developed a formula of healthy chicken soup supplemented with vegetables and studied the nutritional analysis
Proximate composition and antioxidant potential of selected tubers peel
Dusuki, N.J.S., Abu Bakar, M.F., Abu Bakar, F.I., Ismail, N.A. and Azman, M.I Available Online: 1 AUGUST 2019 |
Selected tubers peel were studied for its proximate composition and antioxidant potential by Dusuki et al.
Antioxidant activities of methanolic extract and its fractions of Baccaurea racemosa and Macaranga subpeltata leaves
Widodo, H., Sismindari, Asmara, W. and Rohman, A Available Online: 26 AUGUST 2019 |
The antioxidant activities of methanolic extract and its fractions of Baccaurea racemosa and Macaranga subpeltata leaves was studied by Widodo et al.
Determination of sesame oil, rice bran oil and pumpkin seed oil in ternary mixtures using FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate calibrations
Irnawati, Riyanto, S., Martono, S. and Rohman, A Available Online: 26 AUGUST 2019 |
Irnawati et al. distinguished sesame oil, rice bran oil and pumpkin seed oil in ternary mixtures using FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate calibrations.
Efficient processing of cassava starch: physicochemical characterization at different processing parameters.
Ma’aruf, A. G. and Abdul, H. R Available Online: 27 AUGUST 2019 |
Ma'aruf and Abdul studied the processing efficiency of cassava starch based on different processing parameters.
Effect of natural fermentation on nutritional composition and anti-nutrients in soy-wara (a Nigerian fried soy-cheese)
Adeyeye, S.A.O., Bolaji, O.T. Abegunde, T.A., Idowu-Adebayo, F.T., Hussana, K. and Adebayo-Oyetoro, A.O. Available Online: 5 AUGUST 2019 |
Adeyeye et al. studied on the effect of natural fermentation on the nutritional composition and anti-nutrients in soy-wara (a Nigerian fried soy-cheese)
Comparative microbiological analysis of four different sea fishes collected from local market in Dhaka Metropolis
Nur, I.T., Mou, A.N. and Habiba, U. Available Online: 6 SEPTEMBER 2019 |
Nur et al. performed a microbiological study on four different sea fishes collected from local market in Dhaka Metropolis.
Efficacy of household washing pre-treatments and cooking methods for reduction of Listeria monocytogenes in artificially contaminated chicken offal
Kuan, C.H., Son, R., Mahyudin, N.A., Tang, J.Y.H., Yeo, S.K., Kuan, C.S., Chang, L.S., Phuah, E.T., Thung, T.Y., Tan, C.W., New, C.Y. and Nishibuchi, M Available Online: 9 SEPTEMBER 2019 |
The efficacy of household washing pre-treatments and cooking methods for reduction of Listeria monocytogenes in artificially contaminated chicken offal was studied by Kuan et al.
Effect of steaming time on antioxidant properties of Napier grass herbal tea by green tea processing method
Ng, K.S., Mohd Zin, Z., Mohd Maidin, N., Abdullah, M.A.A. and Zainol, M.K. Available Online: 10 SEPTEMBER 2019 |
Ng et al. studied on the effect of steaming time on the antioxidant properties of Napier grass herbal time by green tea processing method.
The employment of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and chemometrics for analysis of candlenut oil in binary mixture with grape seed oil
Riyanta, A.B., Riyanto, S., Lukitaningsih, E. and Rohman, A. Available Online: 11 SEPTEMBER 2019 |
Riyanta et al. employed Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and chemometrics for analysis of candlenut oil in binary mixture with grape seed oil.
Antifungal activity of Piper cubeba L. extract on spoilage fungi isolated from tomato, grapes and lemon
Fazly-Ann, Z., Nor-Hafizah, M.Y. and Rukayadi, Y. Available Online: 12 SEPTEMBER 2019 |
The antifungal activity of Piper cubeba L. extract was studied by Fazly-Ann et al. on spoilage fungi isolated from tomato, grapes and lemon.
Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of rice wine from waxy pigmented and non-pigmented rice varieties produced by traditional and multi-parallel fermentation
Chay, C., Dizon, E.I., Hurtada, W.A., Elegado, F.B., Norng, C. and Raymundo, L.C. Available Online: 16 SEPTEMBER 2019 |
The total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of rice wine made from waxy pigmented and non-pigmented rice varieties produced by traditional and multi-parallel fermentation were studied by Chay et al.
Characterization of Asian swamp eel (Monopterus sp.) protein hydrolysate functional properties prepared using Alcalase® enzyme
Halim, N.R.A. and Sarbon, N.M. Available Online: 30 JUNE 2019 |
The characterization of Asian swamp eel (Monopterus sp.) protein hydrolystate functional properties prepared using Alcalase ® enzyme was performed by Halim and Sarbon.
Evaluation of nutritional composition, physico-chemical and sensory properties of ‘Robo’ (a Nigerian traditional snack) produced from watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) seeds
Adeyeye, S.A.O., Bolaji Olushola T., Abegunde, T.A., Adebayo-Oyetoro, A.O., Tiamiyu, H.K. and Idowu-Adebayo, F. Available Online: 6 SEPTEMBER 2019 |
Adeyeye evaluated the nutritional composition, physicochemical and sensory properties of 'Robo' (a Nigerian traditional snack) produced from water melon (Citrulls lanatus (Thunb.)) seeds.
Characterization on antioxidant and physical properties of gelatin based composite films with incorporation of Centella asiatica (pegaga) extract
Nazmi, N.N.M. and Sarbon, N.M. Available Online: 26 AUGUST 2019 |
Nazmi and Sarbon characterized the antioxidant and physical properties of gelatin based composite films with incorporation of Centella asiatica (pegaga) extract.
Effect of kebar grass (Biophytum petersianum Klotzsch) leaf extract on the growth and morphological structure of aflatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus
Lisangan, M.M., Syarief, R., Rahayu, W.P. and Dharmaputra, O.S. Available Online: 24 JULY 2019 |
Lisangan et al. studied on the effect of kebar grass (Biophytum petersianum Klotzsch) leaf extract on the growth and morphological structure of alfatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus.
Cronobacter sakazakii local isolates response to acid stress and their resuscitability
Hati, R.P., Dewanti-Hariyadi, R. and Nuraida, L. Available Online: 16 SEPTEMBER 2019 |
Hati et al. studied on the response of the Cronobacter sakazakii local isolates to acid stress and their resuscitability.
Articles 1 - 31