Mini Review
Enzymatic hydrolysis as an approach to produce alternative protein from cephalopods ink powder: a short review
Ayu Shazwani, Z. and Rabeta, M.S. Available Online: 27 MARCH 2020 |
Ayu Shazwani and Rabeta reviewed the approach enzymatic hydrolysis to produce cephalopods ink powder as an alternative protein.
Characteristics, immobilization, and application of Candida rugosa lipase: a review
Subroto, E., Indiarto, R., Pangawikan, A.D., Huda, S. and Yarlina, V.P. Available Online: 5 APRIL 2020 |
Subroto et al. reviewed the characteristics, immmobilization, and application of Candida rugosa lipase.
Full Papers
Physicochemical characteristics, microbiological safety and sensory acceptability of coconut dregs during fermentation using Rhizopus oligosporus
Rosni, N.K., Sanny, M., Bahranor, N.S.A. and Rukayadi, Y. Available Online: 29 APRIL 2020 |
Rosni et al. studied the physicochemical characteristics, microbiological safety and sensory acceptability of Rhizopus oligosporus fermented coconut dregs during the fermentation process.
Effect of milk fat globule membrane materials on the crystallization behaviour in dairy recombined cream
Phan, T.T.Q., Le, T.T. and Dewettinck, K. Available Online: 26 APRIL 2020 |
Phan et al. studied the effects of milk fat globule membrane materials on the crytallization behaviour in dairy recombined cream
In vitro anti-diabetic activity of stingless bee honey from different botanical origins
Ali, H., Abu Bakar, M.F., Majid, M., Muhammad, N. and Lim, S.Y Available Online: 7 APRIL 2020 |
Ali et al. studied the in vitro anti-diabetic activity of stingless bees honey from different botanical origins.
The utilization of flour made of the non-milled rice as analog rice ingredients
Sukamto, S. and Patria, D.G. Available Online: 29 APRIL 2020 |
Sukamto and Patria studied and utilized the flour made of the non-milled rice as analog rice ingredients.
Physicochemical and sensory properties of traditional baked cake (kuih bakar) with coconut milk and soy milk
Maimanah-Faizah, I., Ismail-Fitry, M.R., Mohamad Razali, U.M. and Rozzamri, A. Available Online: 30 APRIL 2020 |
The physicochemical and sensory properties of traditional baked cake (kuih bakar) with coconut milk and soy milk were studied by Maimanah-Faizah et al.
Studies on the effect of exogenous application of salicylic acid on post-harvest quality and shelf life of tomato fruit Cv. Abhinav
Chavan R.F. and Sakhale B.K. Available Online: 2 MAY 2020 |
Chavan and Sakhale studied the effects of exogenous application of salicyclic acid on post-harvest quality and shelf life of tomato fruit Cv. Abhinav.
Assessment of fruit and vegetable consumption among female university students
Ahmad Sirfan, A.S., Hamirudin, A.H. and Sidek, S. Available Online: 2 MAY 2020 |
Ahmad Sirfan et al. assessed the consumption pattern of fruits and vegetables among the female university students.
The effects of extrusion conditions on the properties of Amplang, a traditional fish snack in Borneo
Nor Qhairul Izzreen M.N., Siti Amriah, C.G. and Noorakmar, A.W. Available Online: 4 MAY 2020 |
The effects of extrusion conditions on the properties of Amplang, a traditional fish snack in Borneo was studied by Nor Qhairul Izzreen et al.
Carbohydrates intake preference among university students towards balanced intake practice
Mohd Abd Majid, H.A., Ahmad Sharoni, S.K., Anuar, J., Syed Yasin, S.N. and Raju, R. Available Online: 2 MAY 2020 |
The carbohydrates intake preference among university students was studied by Mohd Abd Majid et al. as a guide for balanced intake practice.
Addition of brewing spent grains from malt and rice adjunct to the formulation of high fiber biscuit: effects of particle size of brewing spent grains on the product quality
Tran, T.T.T., Ton, N.M.N., Le, N.D.D. and Le, V.V.M. Available Online: 4 MAY 2020 |
Tran et al. investigated the effects of particle size of brewing spent grains from malt and rice adjunct added into the newly formulated high fiber biscuit.
Antimicrobial activities of extracts from Urtica urens
Pillai, M.K., Matamane, R.P. and Mekbib, S.B. Available Online: 19 APRIL 2020 |
The antimicrobial activity of extracts from Urtica urens was studied by Pillai et al.
The effect of blanching and foam mat drying on the physicochemical characteristics of white sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) inulin
Yudhistira, B., Abigail, L.E., Siswanti and Prabawa, S. Available Online: 21 APRIL 2020 |
Yudhistira et al. studied the effects of blanching and foam mat drying on the physicochemical characteristics of white sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) inulin.
Effect of gamma irradiation on physicochemical characteristics and microbiological quality of flat rice noodle
Ahmad Zainuri, M.D., Wan-Zunairah, W.I., Farah-Nadiah, A.R. Fatimah, M.H.B., Nor-Khaizura, M.A.R., Nor Afizah, M., Ismail-Fitry, M.R., Radhiah, S. and Nur Hanani, Z.A. Available Online: 5 MAY 2020 |
The effect of gamma irradiation on physicochemical characteristics on microbiological quality of flat rice noodle was studied by Ahmad Zainuri et al.
Kinetics of ascorbic acid loss during thermal treatment in different pH buffer solutions and the presence of oxygen
Thuy, N.M., Ha, H.T.N. and Tai, N.V. Available Online: 7 MAY 2020 |
Thuy et al. studied the kinetics of ascorbic acid loss during the thermal treatment of different pH buffer solutions and the presence of oxygen.
Fish-based food vendor’s compliance with good processing practices in Bogor, Indonesia
Rahayu, W.P., Utari, I.W., Nurwitri, C.C. and Nurjanah, S Available Online: 9 MAY 2020 |
Rahayu et al. studied the compliance of fish-based food vendor's with good processing practices in Bogor, Indonesia.
Optimization of alcoholic fermentation of dragon fruit juice using response surface methodology
Huan, P.T., Hien, N.M. and Anh, N.H.T. Available Online: 9 MAY 2020 |
Huan et al. optimized the alcoholic fermentation process of dragon fruit juice using response surface methodology.
Ready-to-eat food consumption practices, food safety knowledge and relation to gender and education level of consumers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Anusha, A.C.S., Tunung, R., Kavita, C., Ribka, A. and Chandrika, M. Available Online: 25 APRIL 2020 |
Anusha et al. studied ready-to-eat food consumption practices, food safety knowledge and relation to gender and education level of consumers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Proximate composition, physicochemical characteristics and sensory evaluation of reduced-calorie belimbi fruit (Averrhoa belimbi) jam with maltitol
Ho, L.-H., Irisha Yasmira, S.R.R. and Norlia, M. Available Online: 13 MAY 2020 |
Ho et al. studied the proximate composition, physicochemical characteristics and sensory evaluation of reduced-caloried belimbi fruit (Averrhoa belimbi) jam with maltitol.
Enzymatic browning and chemical composition of whole yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp.) H. Rob.] tubers as affected by blanching
Limbaga, J.C., Esguerra, E.B. and Castillo-Israel, K.A.T. Available Online: 13 MAY 2020 |
Limbaga et al. studied the effect of blanching on the enzymatic browning and chemical composition of whole yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp.) H. Rob.].
Detection of pork in meatballs using probe taqman real time polymerase chain reaction
Orbayinah, S., Hermawan, A., Sismindari and Rohman, A Available Online: 19 MAY 202 |
Orbayinah et al. used probe TaqMan Real Time Polymerase Chain Reactiono to detect pork in meatballs.
Fatty acid composition of underutilized corms, rhizomes and tubers
Tresina, P.S., Doss, A. and Mohan, V.R. Available Online: 13 MAY 2020 |
The fatty acid composition of underutilized corms, rhizomes and tubers were studied by Tresina et al.
Nutrition menu labelling in Terengganu: a cross-sectional study of knowledge, attitudes, perception and their relationship with healthy food choices
Marina, M., Asma’ A., Jaafar, S.N.A., Abdul Wahab, M.R. and Wan Zainal Shukri, W.H. Available Online: 30 MAY 2020 |
A cross-sectional study of knowledge, attitudes, perception and their relationship with healthy food choices of the nutrition menu labelling was studied by Marina et al.
Production of N-acetylglucosamine from shrimp shells’ chitin using intracellular chitinase from Mucor circinelloides
Halim, Y., Fransiska, Hardoko and Handayani, R. Available Online: 13 MAY 2020 |
Halim et al. studied the production of N-acetylglucosamine from shrimp shells' chitin using intracellular chitinase from Mucor cicinelloides.
Effect of incorporation of honey on chilled storage and sensory acceptance of probiotic Melon Manis Terengganu (Cucumis melo var inodorus cv. Manis Terengganu 1) juice
Amiza, M.A. and Loo, B.Y. Available Online: 2 JUNE 2020 |
Amiza and Loo studied the effect of incorporation of honey on chilled storage and the sensory acceptance of probitic Melon Manis Terengganu (Cucumis melo var inodorus cv. Manis Terengganu 1) juice.
Antioxidant and antibacterial activities in the fruit peel, flesh and seed of Ceri Terengganu (Lepisanthes alata Leenh.)
Looi, S.K., Zainol, M.K., Mohd Zin, Z., Hamzah, Y. and MohdMaidin, N. Available Online: 2 JUNE 2020 |
The antioxidant and antibacterial activities in the fruit peel, flesh and seed of Ceri Terengganu (Lepisanthes alata Leenh.) were studied by Looi et al.
Comparative study on proximate and antinutritional factors of dehulled and undehulled fermented Lyon bean (Mucuna cochinchinensis)
Olaleye, H.T., Oresanya, T.O. and Ogundipe, O.O. Available Online: 4 JUNE 2020 |
Olaleye et al. compared the proximate and antinutritional properties of dehulled and undehulled fermented Lyon bean (Mucuna cochinchinensis)
Physical properties and cooking quality of extruded restructured rice: impact of water temperature and water level
Patria, D.G., Sutrisno, A., Hsu, J.-L. and Lin, J. Available Online: 5 JUNE 2020 |
The physical properties and cooking quality of extruded restructured rice was studied by Patria et al. including the impact of water temperature and water level.
Physicochemical properties, nutritional value, and sensory quality of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) rice-like grains
Hurtada, W.A., Barrion A.S.A., Nguyen-Orca, M.F.R., Orillo, A.T.O., Magpantay Jr., R.L., Geronimo, G.D. and Rodriguez, F.M. Available Online: 2 JUNE 2020 |
The physicochemical properties, nutritional value, and sensory quality of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) rice-like grains were studied by Hurtada et al.
Evaluation of freeze-drying conditions on the process kinetics and physicochemical properties of purple shallot
Thuy, N.M., Tuyen, N.T.M., Thanh, N.V. and Tai, N.V. Available Online: 7 JUNE 2020 |
The evaluation of freeze-drying conditions on the process kinetics and physicochemical properties of purple shallot were studied by Thuy et al.
Physicochemical properties and sensory acceptance of Canavalia ensiformis tempeh energy bar
Zainal Abidin, N.A., Mohd Zin, Z., Abdullah, M.A.A. Rusli, N.D. and Zainol, M.K. Available Online: 8 JUNE 2020 |
The physicochemical properties and sensory acceptance of Canavalia ensiformis tempeh energy bar were studied by Zainal Abidin et al.
Edible film characteristic from yellowfin skin tuna (Thunnus albacares) gelatin enriched with cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa)
Ningrum, A., Hapsari, M.W., Nisa, A.A. and Munawaroh, H.S.H. Available Online: 4 MAY 2020 |
The edible film characteristic from yellowfin skin tuna (Thunnus albacares) gelatin enriched with cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) was developed and studied by Ningrum et al.
The changes of chemical quality of ginger during postharvest storage at chilling temperature
Shukor, N.I.A., Misran, A., Ahmad, S.H., Xue, Y.T., Mahmud, T.M.M. and Saari, N. Available Online: 12 JUNE 2020 |
The changes of chemical quality of ginger during the postharvest storage at chilling temperature was studied by Shukor et al.
Mangrove leaves with outstanding content of free amino acids especially GABA, makes them candidates for functional food
Hinokidani, K., Koyama, S., Irie, M. and Nakanishi, Y. Available Online: 12 JUNE 2020 |
Hinokidani et al. studied the free amino acid (GABA) content of mangrove leaves which may be a suitable candidate for functional food.
Characterization of Indonesia wild honey and its potential for authentication and origin distinction
Riswahyuli, Y., Rohman, A., Setyabudi, F.M.C.S. and Raharjo, S. Available Online: 7 JUNE 2020 |
Riswahyuli et al. characterized the Indonesian wild honey and its potential for authentication and origin distinction.
Combination of mild heat and calcium chloride treatment on the texture and bioactive compounds of purple shallot
Thuy, N.M., Tuyen, N.T.M. and Tai, N.V. Available Online: 16 JUNE 2020 |
The combination of mild heat and calcium chloride treatment on the texture and bioactive compounds of purple shallot were studied by Thuy et al.
Comparison of commercially available food decontaminants with established methods of decontamination for household practices which are used to keep foods safe
Feroz, F., Das, K.K. and Islam, T. Available Online: 30 MAY 2020 |
Feroz et al. compared the commercially available food decontaminants with established methods of decontamination for household practices used to keep food safe.
Proximate composition and antioxidant activity of Syzygium cumini fruit grown at different regions in Bangladesh
Ahmed, S., Ahmed, K.S., Hossain, M.S., Azam, M.S., Rahman, M. and Hoque, M.M. Available Online: 16 JUNE 2020 |
The proximate composition and antioxidant activity of Syzgium cumini fruit grown at different regions in Bangladesh were studied by Ahmed et al.
Production and properties of spray dried Clinacanthus nutans using modified corn starch as drying agent
Ezzat, M. A., Abetra, K., Noranizan, M.A. and Yusof, N.L. Available Online: 21 JUNE 2020 |
The production and properties of spray dried Clinacanthus nutans using modified corn starch as drying agent was studied by Ezzat et al.
Microwave-assisted extraction optimization of Sabah snake grass (Clinacanthus nutans Lindau) herbal infusion and evaluation of antioxidant and acetylcholinesterase inhibition activity in vitro
Shafie, N.S.M., Latif, M.S. Ghazali, M.I., Abbas, S. and Kormin, F. Available Online: 4 JUNE 2020 |
Shafie et al. optimized the microwave-assisted extraction of Sabah snake grass (Clinacanthus nutans Lindau) and evaluated the antioxidant and acetylcholinesterase inhibition activity in vitro.
Detection of DNA pork in processed meat products with real time polymerase chain reaction
Rahayu, W.P., Dianti, A.R.W., Nurjanah, S., Pusparini, N. and Adhi, W. Available Online: 24 JUNE 2020 |
Rahayu et al. developed a detection method to detect pork processed meat products with real-time polymerase chain reaction.
Analysis of sunflower oil in ternary mixture with grapeseed oil and candlenut oil in the ternary mixture system using FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics
Riyanta, A.B., Riyanto, S., Lukitaningsih, E. and Rohman, A. Available Online: 24 JUNE 2020 |
Riyanta et al. analysed sunflower oil in ternary mixture with grapeseed oil and candlenut oil using FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics
Application of FTIR-ATR spectroscopy and chemometrics for the detection and quantification of lard oil in bovine milk fat
Windarsih, A., Irnawati and Rohman, A. Available Online: 28 JUNE 2020 |
Windarsih et al. experimented on the application of FTIR-ATR spectroscopy and chemometrics for the detection and quantification of lard oil in bovine milk fat.
The influence of polypropylene- and polyethylene microplastics on the quality of Spirulina sp. harvests
Dianratri, I., Hadiyanto, H., Khoironi, A. and Pratiwi, W.Z. Available Online: 28 JUNE 2020 |
The influence of polypropylene- and polyethylene microplastics on the quality of Spirulina sp. harvests were studied by Dianratri et al.
Adsorption behavior at interface of oil-in-water emulsions prepared with mixtures of milk fat globule membrane proteins and polar lipids
Phan, T.T.Q., Le, T.T. and Dewettinck, K. Available Online: 28 JUNE 2020 |
Phan et al. studied the adsorption behavior at interface of oil-in-water emulsions prepared with mixtures of milk fat globule membrane proteins and polar lipids.
The characterization of physicochemical, microbiological and sensorial red ginger yogurt during fermentation
Widayat, Satriadi, H., Cahyono, B., Girsang, D., Prabandari, N. and Dita, A.S. Available Online: 28 JUNE 2020 |
Widayat et al. characterized the physicochemical, microbiological and sensorial red ginger yogurt during fermentation.
Determination of acid, peroxide, and saponification value in patin fish oil by FTIR spectroscopy combined with chemometrics
Putri, A.R., Rohman, A., Setyaningsih, W. and Riyanto, S. Available Online: 15 APRIL 2020 |
Putri et al. determined the acid, peroxide and saponification value in patin fish oil using the FTIR spectroscopy combined with chemometrics.
Duplex-real time polymerase chain reaction assay for simultaneous analysis of pork and chicken in sausage products
Dinurrosifa, R.S., Sismindari, Rumiyati, R. and Rohman, A. Available Online: 30 JUNE 2020 |
Dinurrosifa et al. developed a duplex-real time polymerase chain reaction assay for simultaneous analysis of pork and chicken in sausage products.
Comparative study of the bioactive and chemical properties of three different Solanum spp. from Ghana
Kortei, N.K., Suetor, J.M., Aboagye, G., Tettey, C.O., Kpodo, F.M. and Essuman, E.K. Available Online: 4 JULY 2020 |
Kortei et al. compared the bioactive and chemical properties of three different Solanum spp. from Ghana.
Prevalence of antibiotic resistance Escherichia coli isolated from Pangasius catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) fillet during freezing process at two factories in Mekong Delta Vietnam
Salako, D.A., Trang, P.N., Ha, N.C., Miyamoto, T. and Ngoc, T.T.A. Available Online: 7 JULY 2020 |
The prevalence of antibiotic resistance Escherichia coli isolated from Pangasius catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) fillet during the freezing process at two factories in Mekong Delta Vietnam was studied by Salako et al.
The strategy for improving the competitiveness of SMEs apple chips in Malang Raya by using the concept of the house model
Novia, C., Santoso, I., Soemarno, S. and Astuti, R. Available Online: 7 JULY 2020 |
Novia et al. studied on the strategy to improve the competitiveness of the SMEs apple chips in Malang Raya by using the concept of the house model
Evaluation of microbial safety knowledge, attitude and practice of street food vendors and consumers in Can Tho City, Vietnam
Ngoc, T.T.A., Hang, N.T.M., Thanh, D.K. and Hoa, L.V. Available Online: 14 JULY 2020 |
Ngoc et al. evaluated the microbial safety knowledge, attitude and practices of street food vendors and consumers in Can Tho City, Vietnam
Determinants of knowledge and perception of probiotic by Jabodetabek college students
Pradito, I.Y., Wardana, A.A., Lo, D., Waspodo, P. and Surono, I.S. Available Online: 14 JULY 2020 |
Pradito et al. investigated on the determinants of knowledge and perception of probiotic by Jabodetabak college students.