Functional properties of composite flour: a review
Hasmadi, M., Noorfarahzilah, M., Noraidah, H., Zainol, M.K. and Jahurul, M.H.A. Available Online: 9 MAY 2020 |
Hasmadi et al. reviewed the functional properties of composite flour.
Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding food poisoning and its prevention in Malaysia: a systematic literature review
Nur Afifah, M.Z., Asma’, A. and Malina, O. Available Online: 16 JUNE 2020 |
Nur Afifah et al. reviewed the knowlegde, attitude and practice regarding food poisoning and its prevention in Malaysia.
Mini Review
The use of chemometrics in combination with molecular spectroscopic and chromatographic methods for authentication of Curcuma species: a review
Rohman, A., Rawar, E.A., Sri Sudevi, Nurrulhidayah, A.F. and Windarsih, A. Available Online: 30 JUNE 2020 |
Rohman et al. reviewed the use of chemometrics in combination with molecular spectroscopic and chromatographic methods for the authentication of Curcuma species.
Full Papers
Classification of product life cycle cluster to improve the performance of SMEs apple chips
Novia, C., Santoso, I., Soemarno, S. and Astuti, R. Available Online: 8 JULY 2020 |
Novia et al. classified the product life cycle cluster of SMEs apple chips for performance improvement.
Nanocomposite coating based on chitosan and ZnO nanoparticles to maintain the storage quality of meatball
Mustika, R. and Wardana, A.A. Available Online: 14 JULY 2020 |
Mustika and Wardana studied on the nanocomposite coating made from chitosan and ZnO nanoparticles to maintain the storage quality of meatball.
Proximate composition, sensory evaluation and microbial quality of a dairy product (Special Kheersa) formulated with psyllium husk and malta peel powder
Mamun, A.A., Matin, A. and Badsha, M.R. Available Online: 7 MAY 2020 |
The proximate composition, sensory evaluation and microbial quality of a dairy product (Special Kheersa) formulated with psyllium husk and malta peel powder was studied by Mamun et al.
Lime potentials as biopreservative as alternative to chemical preservatives in pineapple, orange and watermelon juice blend
Olaniran, A.F., Afolabi, R., Abu, H., Owolabi, A., Iranloye, Y.M., Okolie, C.E. and Akpor, O.B. Available Online: 14 JULY 2020 |
Olaniran et al. studied on the lime potentials in pineapple, orange and watermelon juice blend as a biopreservative alternatives to chemical preservatives
Phytochemical and antibacterial properties of sea cucumber (Muelleria lecanora) from Barrang Lompo Islands, Makassar South Sulawesi
Yusuf, M., Fitriani Nur, U.A., Mahyati, L. and Imran, M. Available Online: 22 JULY 2020 |
Yusuf et al. studied the phytochemical and antibacterial properties of sea cucumber (Muelleria lecanora) from Barrang Lompo Islands, Makassar South Sulawesi.
Oxidation of cassava starch at different dissolved ozone concentration: effect on functional and structural properties
Satmalawati, E.M., Pranoto, Y., Marseno, D.W. and Marsono, Y. Available Online: 22 JULY 2020 |
The oxidation of cassava starch at different dissolved ozone concentration and its effects on the functional and structural properties were studied by Satmalawati et al.
Effect of starch-based edible coating application on potato chips characteristic from tubers and flour of potato variety Granola
Wibowo, C., Erminawati, Wicaksono, R. and Haryanti, P. Available Online: 16 JULY 2020 |
The effect of starch-based edible coating application on potato chips characteristics from tubers and flour of potato variety Granola was studied by Wibowo et al.
Microorganism population, theobromine, antioxidant, and FTIR analysis of Samarinda cocoa bean fermented with mixed culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Acetobacter aceti
Rahmadi, A., Yunus, Y., Ulfah, M., Candra, K.P. and Suwasono, S. Available Online: 27 JULY 2020 |
Rahmadi et al. studied on the micoorganism population, theobromine, antioxidant, and FTIR analysis of Samarinda cocoa bean fermented with mixed culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Acetobacter aceti
Germination improves sensory, phenolic, protein content and anti-inflammatory properties of red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) sprouts milk
Winarsi, H., Septiana, A.T. and Wulandari, S.P. Available Online: 27 JULY 2020 |
Winarsi et al. studied on the germination of red kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) sprouts milk in improving the sensory, phenolic, protein content and anti-inflammatory properties.
Effect of Yellowstripe scad (Selaroides leptolepis) protein hydrolysate in the reduction of oil uptake in deep-fried squid
Hau, E.H., Amiza, M.A., Mohd Zin, Z., Shaharudin, N.A. and. Zainol, M.K. Available Online: 16 JULY 2020 |
The effect of Yellowstripe scad (Selaroides leptolepsis) protein hydrolysate in the reduction of oil uptake in deep-fried squid was studied by Hau et al.
Physico-chemical and quality characterization of pulp oil from two varieties of pili (Canarium ovatum Engl.) from Bicol, Philippines
Tugay, M.M.D.R., Mopera, L.E., Esguerra, E.B. and Castillo-Israel, K.A.T. Available Online: 29 JULY 2020 |
The physico-chemical and quality characterization of pulp oil from two varieties of pili (Canarium ovatum Engl.) from Bicol, Phillipines were studied by Tugay et al.
Nutritional and functional properties of dried Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng. fruit aril and its application in cheese spread production
Carbonera, A.F.A., Tayobong, R.R.P., Barrameda, L.I.C. and Miranda, A.M.V. Available Online: 3 AUGUST 2020 |
The nutritional and functional properties of dried Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng. fruit aril and its application in cheese spread production were studied by Carbonera et al.
Identification of activities of the supply chain management of small and medium-sized enterprise meat chicken producers in Pasuruan district, Indonesia
Nuriyanto, N., Santoso, I., Soemarno, S. and Lestari, E.R. Available Online: 16 JULY 2020 |
Nuriyanto et al. identified the activities of the supply chain management of small and medium-sized enterprise meat chicken producers in Pasuruan district, Indonesia
Antibacterial activity of ethanolic leaf extract of Aquilaria malaccensis against multidrug-resistant Gram-negative pathogen
Jihadi, N.I.M., Hashim, Y.Z.H-Y., Rahim, N.A., Kamal, K.M., Noor, N.M., Sani, M.S.A. and Maifiah, M.H.M. Available Online: 7 AUGUST 2020 |
The antibacterial activity of ethanolic leaf extract of Aquilaria malaccensis against multidrug-resistant Gram-negative pathogen was studied by Jihadi et al.
Physico-chemical characteristics, antibacterial, and antioxidant activities of genuine forest honey from East Kalimantan
Prayitno, Y.A., Emmawati, A. and Rahmadi, A. Available Online: 7 AUGUST 2020 |
The physico-chemical characteristics, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of genuine forest honey from East Kalimantan were studied by Prayitno et al.
Antioxidant properties of Philippine Bignay (Antidesma bunius (Linn.) Spreng cv. ‘Common’) flesh and seeds as affected by fruit maturity and heat treatment
Castillo-Israel, K.A.T., Sartagoda, K.J.D., Ilano, M.C.R., Flandez, L.E.L., Compendio, M.C.M. and Morales, D.B. Available Online: 11 AUGUST 2020 |
The effects of Phillipine Bignay (Antidesma bunius (Linn). Spreng cv. 'Common') flesh and seeds on its antioxidant properties were studied by Castillo-Israel et al.
Quality assessment of gluten-free bread from pro-vitamin A cassava and velvet bean flour
Olatunde, S.J., Odebunmi, O.F., Abioye, V.F. and Oladimeji, T.E. Available Online: 29 JULY 2020 |
Olatunde et al. studied the quality assessment of gluten-free bread from pro-vitamin A cassava and velvet bean flour
Volarization of valuable compound from watermelon by-product using ultrasound-assisted extraction
Lim, W.Y.C., Yusof, N.L., Ismail-Fitry, M.R. and Suleiman, N. Available Online: 11 AUGUST 2020 |
Lim et al. investigate on the volarization of valuable compound from watermelon by-product using ultrasound-assisted extraction.
Combined effect of durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) and β-glucan on glycaemic response and food intake in male rats
A Aziz, N.A, Mhd Jalil, A.M. and Roslan, S. Available Online: 13 AUGUST 2020 |
The combined effects of durian (Durio zibenthinus Murr.) and β-glucan on the glycaemic response and food intake in male rats were studied by A Aziz et al.
Effect of polydextrose and stevia on quality characteristics of low calorie biscuits
Rana, M.S., Das, P.C., Yeasmin, F. and Islam, M.N. Available Online: 7 AUGUST 2020 |
Rana et al. studied the effect of polydextrose and stevia on quality characteristics of low calorie biscuits.
Evaluation of physicochemical properties of anthocyanin extracts and powders from purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.)
Ekaputra, T. and Pramitasari, R. Available Online: 18 AUGUST 2020 |
Ekaputra and Pramitasari evaluated the physicochemical properties of anthocyanin extracts and powders from purple sweet potato (Ipomea batatas L.)
Effects of microwave and ultrasound on the extraction of pectin and its chemical characterisation of banana (Musa sapientum L.) peels
Phaiphan, A., Churat, S., Doungta, T., Wichalin, P., Khanchai, W. and Penjumras, P. Available Online: 20 AUGUST 2020 |
The effects of microwave and ultrasound on the extraction of pectin and its chemical characterisation of banana (Musa sapientum L.) peels were studied by Phaiphan et al.
Analytical method validation of reversed phase HPLC for quantitative analysis of tartrazine and auramine O in powder drinks
Lestari, A.D., Rohman, A. and Martono, S. Available Online: 20 AUGUST 2020 |
Lestari et al. validated the analytical method of reversed phase HPLC for quantitative analysis of tartrazine and auramine O in powder drinks.
The interaction effect and optimal formulation of selected polyherbal extracts towards antioxidant activity
Rahim, N.F.A., Muhammad, N., Abdullah, N., Talip, B.A. and Poh, K.H. Available Online: 8 AUGUST 2020 |
The interaction effect and optimal formulation of selected polyherbal extracts towards antioxidant activity were studied by Rahim et al.
Nutritional and sensory quality assessment of plain cake enriched with beetroot powder
Lucky, A.R., Al-Mamun, A., Hosen, A., Toma, M.A. and Mazumder, M.A.R. Available Online: 29 AUGUST 2020 |
Lucky et al. studied the nutritional and sensory quality assessment of plain cake fortified with beetroot powder.
Influence of pectinase–assisted extraction time on the antioxidant capacity of Spent Coffee Ground (SCG)
Khairil Anuar, M., Mohd Zin, Z., Juhari, N.H., Hasmadi, M., Smedley, K.L. and Zainol, M.K. Available Online: 2 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Khairil Anuar et al. studied on the influence of pectinase-assisted extraction time on the antioxidant capacity of Spent Coffee Ground (SCG).
2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity of extracts from Aloiampelos striatula
Mokoroane, K.T., Pillai, M.K. and Magama, S. Available Online: 23 AUGUST 2020 |
Mokoroane et al. studied on the 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity of extracts from Aloiampelos striatula
Application of material requirement planning method in raw materials planning on sardine product in PT. Blambangan Foodpackers Indonesia
Susanti, H.D. Available Online: 4 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Susanti studied on the application of material requirement planning method in raw materials planning on sardine product in PT. Blambangan Foodpackers Indonesia.
Physical properties and sensory acceptance of red palm olein-based low-fat ice cream added with guar gum and xanthan gum as stabilizers
Ismail, A.H., Wongsakul, S., Ismail-Fitry, M.R, Rozzamri, A. and Yusoff, M.M. Available Online: 4 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Ismail et al. studied the physical properties and sensory acceptance of red palm olein-based low-fat ice cream added with guar gum and xanthan gum as stabilizers.
Characteristic of yellow tuna skin (Thunnus albacares) gelatin enriched with cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) powder
Ningrum, A., Hapsari, M.W., Perdani, A.W., Sutrisno, E., Pravitri, K.G., Ramadhani, N.F. and Munawaroh, H.S.H. Available Online: 4 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
The characteristic of yellow tuna skin (Thunnus albacares) gelatin enriched with cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) powder was studied by Ningrum et al.
Antimicrobial activities of extracts from stem-bark of Tagetes minuta
Pillai, M.K., Santi, L.I. and Mekbib, S.B. Available Online: 4 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
The antimicrobial activities of Tages minuta stem-bark extract was studied by Pillai et al.
Optimization of the extraction of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity from the roots of Waltheria ovata using the response surface methodology
Herrera-Calderon O. and Vega, R. Available Online: 5 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Herrera-Calderon and Vega optimized the extraction of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Waltheria ovata roots using response surface methodology.
Effect of different extraction solvents on the oxidative stability of chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) oil stored at different storage temperatures
Ishak, I., Ghani, M.A. and Nasri, N.N.S. Available Online: 7 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
The effect of different extraction solvents on the oxidative stability of chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) oil stored at different storage temperatures were studied by Ishak et al.
Effect of oven and freeze drying on antioxidant activity, total phenolic and total flavonoid contents of fig (Ficus carica L.) leaves
Elshaafi, I.M., Musa, K.H. and Abdullah Sani, N Available Online: 8 SEPTEMBER 2020 Updated: 16 DECEMBER 2024 |
The effect of oven and freeze drying on the antioxidant activity, total phenolic and total flavanoid contents of fig (Ficus carica L.) leaves were studied by Elshaafi et al.
Antibacterial and antioxidant activities of Homalomena josefii P.C. Boyce and S.Y. Wong rhizome extract
Rinai, K.R., Ismail, I.S., Son, R., New, C.Y. and Rukayadi, Y. Available Online: 8 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
The antibacterial and antioxidant activities of Hamalomena josefii P.C. Boyce and S.Y. Wong rhizome extract were studied by Rinai et al.
Role of formula and rice varieties on the characteristics of rice-based spring roll wrappers
Widjajaseputra, A.I. Available Online: 12 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Widjajaseputra studied on the influence of role of formula and rice varieties on the characteristics of rice-based spring roll wrappers.
In vitro antibacterial activity and potential applications in food of sea urchin (Diadema setosum) from Cape of Palette, South Sulawesi
Yusuf, M., Fitriani Nur, U.A. and Rifai, A. Available Online: 7 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Yusuf et al. studied the antibacterial activity and the potential applications in vitro of sea urchin (Diadema setosum) from Cape of Palette, South Sulawesi in food.
Physicochemical, antioxidant and sensory properties of chocolate spread fortified with jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) flour
Fitriani Nur, U.A., Yusuf, M., Pirman, Syahriati and Rahmiah, S. Available Online: 14 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
The physicochemical, antioxidant and sensory properties of chocolate spread fortified with jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) flour was studied by Fitriani et al.
Efficacy of sumac spice incorporation in Egyptian kofta against Staphylococcus aureus and Enterobacteriaceae
Ahmed, A.M., Mohamed, S.M., Ismail, T.H. and Shaheen, H.M. Available Online: 16 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Ahmed et al. studied the efficacy of sumac spice in Eygptian kofta against Staphylococcus aureus and Enterobacteriaceae.
Determination of solvent and ratio sample-solvent towards the production of oligo-glucosamine obtained from fermented tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) shell’s chitin by using precipitation method
Soedirga, L.C., Hardoko and Prameswari, G. Available Online: 22 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Soerdirga et al. studied the determination of solvent and ratio sample-solvent towards the production of oligo-glucosamine obtained from fermented tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) shell's chitin by using precipitation method.
Sensory and antioxidant evaluation of functional drinks based on Cardamom rhizomes (Amomum cardamomum willd.)
Winarsi, H., Nuraeni, I., Roselina, A. and Andreas, A. Available Online: 22 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Winarsi et al. studied the sensory and antioxidant evaluation of functional drinks based on Cardamom rhizomes (Amomum cardamomum willd.)
Antimicrobial resistance profile of Salmonella present in organic farming in Selangor, Malaysia
Thung, T.Y., Mazlan, N., Lee, E., New, C.Y., Tan, C.W., Son, R., Rinai, R., Anua, S.M. and Mastor, N.N. Available Online: 26 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Thung et al. constructed the antimicrobial profile of Salmonella present in organic farming in Selangor, Malaysia
Microencapsulation of indigenous probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum Dad-13 by spray and freeze-drying: strain-dependent effect and its antibacterial property
Kamil, R.Z., Yanti, R., Murdiati, A., Juffrie, M. and Rahayu, E.S. Available Online: 26 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Kamil et al. studied on the effects of microencapsulation of spray-dried and freeze-dried indigenous probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum Dad-13 and its antibacterial property.
The antioxidant properties and α-amylase inhibition activities of polyphyto mixture with honey formulations
Rashidi, W.N.A.S.W.M., Muhammad, N., Abdullah, N., Talip, B. A. and Bahrin, N. Available Online: 22 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Rashidi et al. studied the antioxidant properties and α-amylase inhibition activities of polyphyto mixture with honey formulation.
Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis condition of snakehead (Channa striata) protein hydrolysate based on yield and antioxidant activity
Rasimi, N.A.S.M., Ishak, N.H., Mannur, I.S. and Sarbon, N.M. Available Online: 13 AUGUST 2020 |
Rasimi et al. optimized the enzymatic hydrolysis condition of snakehead (Channa striata) protein hydrolysate based on the yield and antioxidant activity.
Physiological and physico-chemical changes in 1-methylcyclopropene-treated guava (Psidium guajava L. cv. Queso de Bola) fruit stored at ambient condition
Zuniega, J.S. and Esguerra, E.B. Available Online: 22 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
The physiological and physico-chemical changes in 1-methylcyclopropene-treated guava (Psidium guajava L. cv. Queso de Bola) fruit stored at ambient condition is studied Zuniega and Esguerra.
Incidence rate and antibiotic resistance profile of Cronobacter sakazakii isolated from various food products
Tayeb, B.A., Mohamed Sharif, Y.H. and Ameen, A. M. Available Online: 30 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
The incidence rate and antibiotic resistance profile of Cronobacteri sakazakii isolated from various food products were studied by Tayeb et al.
Optimization of protein and tannin extraction in Moringa oleifera leaf as antioxidant source
Wahyuni, R., Wignyanto, W., Wijana, S. and Sucipto, S. Available Online: 3 OCTOBER 2020 |
Wahyuni et al. optimized the protein and tannin extraction in Moringa oleifera leaf.
Comparative study on different incorporation of olive oil and dill extract in fresh cheese
Ivanova, M., Balabanova, T., Kostov, G. and Uzunova, G. Available Online: 26 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Ivanova et al. performed a comparative study on the different incorporation of olive oil and dill extract in fresh cheese.
Nutrient and sensory analysis of analog rice made with arrowroot (Maranta arundinaceae) flour, germinated red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) flour, germinated white sorghum flour, and sago starch
Nugraheni, M., Purwanti, S. and Ekawatiningsih, P. Available Online: 3 OCTOBER 2020 |
Nugraheni et al. developed analog rice made with arrowroot (Maranta arundinaceae) flour, germinated red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) flour, germinated white sorghum flour and sago starch.
Microbiological quality of different dried insects sold at Thohoyandou open market, South Africa
Ramashia, S.E., Tangulani, T., Mashau, M.E. and Nethathe, B. Available Online: 23 AUGUST 2020 |
The microbiological quality of different dried insects sold at the Thohoyandou open market, South Africa were studied by Ramashia et al.
Effects of vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging on the biochemical and microbiological quality of sliced goonch fish (Bagarius bagarius) stored at refrigerated condition
Alice, E.J., Amanullah, M., Karim, M.A., Hossain, M.A. and Islam M. T. Available Online: 14 OCTOBER 2020 |
The effects of vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging on the biochemical and microbiological quality of sliced goonch fish (Bagarius bagarius) stored at refrigerated condition were studied by Alice et al.
The effect of additives supplementation on the limitation of lipid and protein oxidation in dried snakehead fish (Channa striata)
Tran, B.L., Nguyen, V.M. and Tran, T.T. Available Online: 18 OCTOBER 2020 |
Tran et al. studied on the effect of additives supplementation on the limitation of lipid and protein oxidation in dried snakehead fish (Channa striata).
Characterization of acid soluble collagen (ASC) and pepsin soluble collagen (PSC) extracted from shortfin scad (Decapterus macrosoma) waste
Sulaiman, A.W. and Sarbon, N.M. Available Online: 22 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Sulaiman and Sarbon characterized the acid soluble collagen (ASC) and pepsin soluble collage (PSC) extracted from shortfin scad (Decapterus macrosoma) waste
Health risk assessment of pesticide residues in vegetables collected from northern part of Bangladesh
Nahar, K.M, Khan, M.S.I., Habib, M., Hossain, S.M., Prodhan, M.D.H. and Islam, M.A. Available Online: 18 OCTOBER 2020 |
Nahar et al. conducted a health risk assessment of pesticide residues in vegetables collected from nothern part of Bangaldesh.
The effect of homogenization and sterilization on the stability and nutritional evaluation of Vietnamese purple rice milk supplemented with sesame, soybean and water caltrop
Thuy, N.M., Banyavongsa, A. and Tai, N.V. Available Online: 29 OCTOBER 2020 |
Thuy et al. studied the effect of homogenization and sterilization on the stability and nutritional evaluation of Vietnamese purple rice milk supplemented with sesame, soybean and water caltrop.
Evaluation of a voluntary augmented reality nutrition menu labelling application (Nutrilabelapps©) usage in a university café: A cross-sectional study in Terengganu, Malaysia
Zulkifli, N.F.A., Asma’, A. Yusof, H.M., Khairil-Shazmin, K., Zakaria, N.S., Mustafa, M. and Mhd Jalil, A.M. Available Online: 1 NOVEMBER 2020 |
Zulkifli et al. evaluated a voluntary augmented reality nutrition menu labelling application (Nutrilabelapps©) usage in a university café via cross-section study in Terengganu, Malaysia.
Effect of emulsifiers on viscosity and emulsion stability of the cocoa powder mixture
Thuy, N.M., Ha, H.T.N. and Tai, N.V. Available Online: 1 NOVEMBER 2020 |
Thuy et al. studied the effect of emulsifiers on viscosity and emulsion stability of the cocoa powder mixture.
Factors influencing post-harvest losses of apples among growers in Paktia, Afghanistan
Amin, A., Nawi, N.M., Kamarulzaman, N.H. and Shamsudin, M.N. Available Online: 3 NOVEMBER 2020 |
Amin et al. studied on the factors that influenced post-harvest losses of apples among growers in Paktia, Afghanistan.
Optimization of tocols and γ-oryzanol extraction from rice bran using ultrasound and soybean oil as a green solvent
Loypimai, P., Moongngarm, A., Sittisuanjik, A. and Khamanan, S. Available Online: 8 NOVEMBER 2020 |
Loypimai et al. optimized tocols and γ-oryzanol extraction from rice bran using ultrasound and soybean oil as a green solvent.
Human antiaging research: a viewpoint from food science on calorie restriction mimetic
Shintani, T. Available Online: 2 SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Shintani described the human antiaging research from a viewpoint of food science and calorie restriction mimetic.
Mini Review
Recent advanced techniques in cysteine determination: a review
Mohamad Zharif, Z., Nur Azira, T., Muhamad Shirwan, A.S. and Azilawati, M.I. Available Online: 3 AUGUST 2020 |
Mohamad Zharif et al. reviewed the recent advanced techniques in cysteine determination.
Review on halal forensic: a focus on DNA-based methods for pork authentication
Yusop, M.H.M. and Bakar, M.F.A. Available Online: 20 AUGUST 2020 |
Yusop and Bakar et al. reviewed on the halal forensic science by focusing on the DNA-based methods for pork authentication.
Bioactive monolaurin as an antimicrobial and its potential to improve the immune system and against COVID-19: a review
Subroto, E. and Indiarto, R. Available Online: 8 NOVEMBER 2020 |
Subroto and Indiarto reviewed on the bioactive monolaurin as an antimicrobial and its potential to improve the immune system and against COVID-19.
Neuroprotective expression of turmeric and curcumin
Abbas, S., Latif, M.S., Shafie, N.S., Ghazali, M.I. and Kormin, F. Available Online: 4JUNE 2020 |
Abbas et al. reviewed the neuroprotective expression of turmeric and curcumin.