Medicinal and therapeutic properties of cephalopod ink: a short review
Hossain, M.P., Rabeta, M.S. and Husnul Azan, T. Available Online: 9 SEPTEMBER 2018 |
Hossain et al. had reviewed the medicinal and therapeutic properties of cephalopod ink in the hope that the ink can be used as a functional ingredient and not discarded as waste.
Full Papers
Quality of gluten-free cookies from germinated brown rice flour
Bolarinwa, I.F., Lim, P.T. and Muhammad, Kharidah Available Online: 7 NOVEMBER 2018 |
Gluten-free cookies produced using germinated brown rice flour were developed and studied by Bolarinwa et al.
Evaluation of bacteriological quality of locally produced raw and pasteurised milk in Selangor, Malaysia
Nordin, Y., Kwan, S.Y., Chang, W.S., Loo, Y.Y.,Tan, C.W., Mohd Fadzil, S.N., Ramzi, O.S.B., Kuan, C.H., Premarathne, J.M.K.J.K., Nor-Khaizura, M.A.R., New, C.Y. and Son, R. Available Online: 12 NOVEMBER 2018 |
Nordin et al. evaluated on the bacteriological quality of raw and pasteruised milk produced locally in Selangor, Malaysia.
Effect of high pressure processing on the microbiological, physicochemical and enzymatic properties of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus L.) bulb
Ng, S.K., Tan, T.B., Tan, P.F., Chong, G.H. and Tan. C.P. Available Online: 19 NOVEMBER 2018 |
Ng et al. studied the effects of high pressure processing on the microbiological, physicochemical and enzymatic properties of jackfruits (Artocarpus heterophyllus L.) bulb.
Shelf life determination of durian (Durio zibethinus) paste and pulp upon high pressure processing
Tan, P.F., Ng, S.K., Tan, T.B., Chong, G.H. and Tan, C.P. Available Online: 19 NOVEMBER 2018 |
The shelf life of high pressure processed durian (Durio zibethnus) paste and pulp was studied Tan et al.
Nutritional, mineral and organic acid composition of passion fruit (Passiflora species)
Ramaiya, S.D., Bujang J.B., Zakaria, M.H. and Saupi, N. Available Online: 1 DECEMBER 2018 |
Ramaiya et al. studied the nutritional, mineral and organic aicd composition of passion fruit juices from four Passiflora species
Optimization of sugar-free konjac gel texture containing erythritol-sucralose sweetener for producing healthy jam
Akesowan, A. and Choonhahirun, A. Available Online: 15 JANUARY 2019 |
Akesowan and Choonhahriun optimized the tecture of a sugar-free konjac gel that contains erythritol-sucralose sweetener to produce healthy jam.
Oxidative stability of crude extract of red variety rice bran from Minahasa, North Sulawesi on lipid-based food products
Moko, E.M., Ngangi, J. and Rahardiyan, D. Available Online: 23 JANUARY 2019 |
Moko et al. studied on the antioxidation properties of the crude extract of red variety rice bran from Minahasa, North Sulawesi incorporated into fortified mayonnaise with fish oil as a lipid-based food product.
Preliminary screening on wound healing potential of Ocimum tenuiflorum L. using in vitro assays
Rohini, J., Mansoureh, N.V., Fouad Saleih, Al-S., Rabeta, M.S. and Amin Malik Shah, A.M. Available Online: 24 JANUARY 2019 |
The potentiality of Ocimum tenuiflorum L. in wound healing was investigated by Rohini et al. using the in vitro assays.
Influence of palm sugar to the functional properties of bekasam hydrolysate
Sri Anggrahini, Setyaningsih, W., Ningrum, A., Anto, and Agustiari, N.M. Available Online: 28 JANUARY 2019 |
Sri Anggrahini et al. evaluated the influence of palm sugar on the hydrolysate extracted from bekasam oci fish and its functional properties.
Effect of different biocoagulants on the microbial quality and mineral composition of West African cheese produced from sheep milk
Ogunlade, A.O., Oyetayo, V.O. and Ojokoh, A.O. Available Online: 9 FEBRUARY 2019 |
Ogunlade et al. studied on the effect of different biocoagulants on the microbial quality and mineral composition of West African cheese produced from sheep milk.
Incorporating Monascus-fermented durian seeds and rice bran into bread: study on the bread physicochemical and sensory properties
Trisnawati, C.Y., Srianta, I., Nugerahani, I. and Marsono, Y. Available Online: 9 FEBRUARY 2019 |
Trisnawati et al. studied the effects of Monascus-fermented durian seeds and rice brand incorporated into bread on its physicochemical and sensory properties.
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