A review: medicinal values, agronomic practices and postharvest handlings of Vernonia amygdalina
Nursuhaili, A.B., Nur Afiqah Syahirah, P., Martini, M.Y., Azizah, M. and Mahmud, T.M.M. Available Online: 19 FEBRUARY 2019 |
Nursuhaili et al. review the potentiality of Veronia amygdalina as a medicinal plant. The review also included the agronomic practices and postharvest handlings of V. amygdalina.
Full Papers
Physicochemical properties of instant noodles produced from blends of sweet potato, soybean and corn flour
Olorunsogo, S.T., Adebayo, S.E., Orhevba, B.A. and Awoyinka, T.B. Available Online: 22 FEBRUARY 2019 |
The physicochemical properties of instant noodles developed from different blends of flour were evaluated by Olorunsogo et al.
Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of sapodilla (Manilkara zapota L.) fresh, juice and bar
Murnisyazwani, J. and Rabeta, M.S. Available Online: 9 FEBRUARY 2019 |
Murnisyzawani and Rabeta studied on the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of sapodilla (Manilkara zapota L.) in raw, juice and fruit bar form.
Fructans and antioxidants in leaves of culinary herbs from Asteraceae and Amaryllidaceae families
Petkova, N.Tr., Ivanov, I.G., Raeva, M., Topuzova, M.G., Todorova, M.M. and Denev P.P. Available Online: 10 MARCH 2019 |
Leaves of culinary herbs from Asteraceae and Amaryllidaceae families were studied Petkova et al. for fructans and antioxidant properties.
Effect of garlic (Allium sativum L.) on the physicochemical, microbiological and sensory properties of chili sauce
Mahmood, A., Tuan Zainazor, T.C. and Anuar, N.R. Available Online: 18 MARCH 2019 |
Mahmood et al. studied on the effects of different concentrations of garlic (Allium sativum L.) on the physicochemical, microbiology and sensory properties of chili sauce.
Chemical profiling of Zanthoxylum acanthopodium essential oil and its antidiabetic activity
Yanti and Limas, R.W. Available Online: 27 MARCH 2019 |
Yanti and Limas studied on the chemical profile of Zanthoxylum acanthopodium (lemon pepper) essential oil and its antidiabetic acitvity.
Beneficial effectiveness of probiotic-low-fat ice cream containing Krueo Ma Noy (Cissampelos pareira L.) gum on colon microbiome under a dynamic gut model
Kemsawasd, V. and Chaikham, P. Available Online: 27 MARCH 2019 |
Kemsawasd and Chaikham evaluated the combined effects of low-fat ice cream supplemented with Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 and Krueo Ma Naoy (Cissampelos pareira L.) gum on colon microbiome under a dynamic gut model.
The effect of fermentation duration and starter concentration on physico-chemical properties of modified sorghum flour by Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0027
Kurniadi, M., Arsyad, M.F., Sari, A.M., Nurhayati, R. and Wiyono, T. Available Online: 27 MARCH 2019 |
Kurniadi et al. studied the effect of fermentation duration and starter concentration of Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0027 on sorghum flour.
Development and comparative evaluation of green and black tisanes using scent leaves (Chromolaena odorata)
Ndife J., Uka N.C. and Ukom N.A. Available Online: 15 MARCH 2019 |
Nidfe et al. studied the green and black tisanes from scent leaves (Chromolaena odorata) and performed a comparative evaluation with commercial green and blakc team for their physico-chemical properties, phyto-nutrient contents, antioxidant potentials and sensory qualities.
Nutritional and sensory properties of cake made from blends of pigeon pea, sweet potato and wheat flours
Olatunde, S.J., Ajayi, O.M., Akinwande, B.A. and Ajala, A.S. Available Online: 19 FEBRUARY 2019 |
Olatunde et al. evaluated on the nutritional and sensory properties of cakes made from different blends of pigeon pea, sweet potato and wheat flours.
Comparative study on DPPH free radical scavenging and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activities of ethanolic extracts from different parts of durian plant (Durio zibethinus Murr.)
Evary, Y.M., Nugroho, A.E. and Pramono, S. Available Online: 5 APRIL 2019 |
Evary et al. performed a comparative study on the DPPH free radical scavenging and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activities of ethanolic extracts from different parts of the durian plant (Durio zibenthinus Murr.)
Effect of heat-moisture treatment on functional and pasting properties of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. var. Granola) starch
Subroto, E., Indiarto, R., Marta, H. and Shalihah, S. Available Online: 7 APRIL 2019 |
The effect of heat-moisture treatment on the functional and pasting properties of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. var. Granola) starch was studied by Subroto et al.
Comparative study on the physicochemical characteristics of chicken sausage incorporated with sutchi catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) gelatin, carrageenan and pectin
Normah, I. and Nur Syuhadah, M.Z. Available Online: 8 APRIL 2019 |
Normah and Nur Syuhadah compared the physicochemical characteristics of chicken sausage incorporated with sutchi catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) gelatin, carrageenan and pectin.
Antiradical activity and physico-chemical analysis of crackers from Cucurbita moschata and modified cassava flour
Indrianingsih, A.W., Apriyana, W., Nisa, K., Rosyida, V.T., Hayati, S.N., Darsih, C. and Kusumaningrum, A. Available Online: 5 APRIL 2019 |
The antiradical activity and physico-chemical analysis of developed pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) and modified cassava crackers were evaluated by Indrianingsih et al.
Physicochemical properties and sensory acceptability of pineapples of different varieties and stages of maturity
Siti Rashima, R., Maizura, M., Wan Nur Hafzan, W.M. and Hazzeman, H. Available Online: 8 APRIL 2019 |
Pineapples of different varieties and stages of maturity were studied by Siti Rashima et al. based on its physicochemical properties and sensory acceptability.
Potency of mung bean with different soaking times as protein source for breastfeeding women in Indonesia
Widjajaseputra, A.I., Widyastuti, T.E.W. and Trisnawati, C.Y. Available Online: 8 APRIL 2019 |
Widjajaseputra et al. evaluated the potency of mung bean as a protein source for breastfeeding women in Indonesia at different soaking times.
Preparation and characterization of gelatin based films with incorporation of Centella asiatica (L.) urban extract
Suderman, N. and Sarbon, N.M. Available Online: 21 MARCH 2019 |
Suderman and Sarbon investigated the functional and antioxidant properties of chicken skin gelatin films incorporated with Centella asiatica (L.) urban extract.
Sensory Evaluation of Instant Noodles Produced from Blends of Sweet Potato, Soybean and Corn Flour
Olorunsogo, S.T., Adebayo, S.E., Orhevba, B.A. and Awoyinka, T.B Available Online: 12 APRIL 2019 |
Olorunsogo et al. performed a sensory evaluation on instant noodles developed from blends of sweet potato, soybean and corn flour.
Optimisation of browning index of Maillard reaction in gelatine powder by response surface methodology (RSM) for halal authentication
Hamid, A.H., Elgharbawy, A.A., Rohman, A., Rashidi O., Hammed, H., and Nurrulhidayah, A.F Available Online: 12 APRIL 2019 |
Hamid et al. optimised the browning index of Maillard reaction in gelatine powder via response surface methodology (RSM) for the purpose of halal authentication.
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of medicinal plants and evaluation of their biological activity
Gadjalova, A.V. and Mihaylova, D.Sp. Available Online: 12 APRIL 2019 |
The biological activity of medical plants extracted via ultrasound-assisted extraction was evaluated by Gadjalova and Mihaylova.
Nutritional, functional properties, glycemic index and glycemic load of indigenous rice from North and East Borneo
Saragih, Bernatal, Naibaho, Netty Maria and Saragih, Bernaulus Available Online: 16 APRIL 2019 |
The nutritional and functional properties, glycemic index and glycemic load of the indigenous rice from North and East Borne were evaluated by Saragih et al.
Proximate composition, minerals contents, functional properties of Mastura variety jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) seeds and lethal effects of its crude extract on zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos
Sy Mohamad, S.F., Mohd Said, F., Abdul Munaim, M.S., Mohamad, S. and Wan Sulaiman, W.M.A. Available Online: 16 APRIL 2019 |
Sy Mohamad et al. evaluated the proximate composition, mineral contents and the functional properties of Mastura variety jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) seeds. The lethal effects of the crude extract were also studied.
Protein quality and functional properties of masa produced from maize, acha and soybean
Malomo, A.A. and Abiose, S.H. Available Online: 21 MARCH 2019 |
Malomo and Abiose evaluated the protein quality and functional properties of masa, a cereal-based fermented cake made from maize, acha, and soybean.
Sensorial and chemical characterization of snack bar with variation of gembolo flour (Dioscorea bulbifera) and arrowroot starch (Marantha arundinaceae L.)
Herawati, E.R.N., Miftakhussolikhah, M., Pusporini, A.R. and Murdiati, A. Available Online: 23 APRIL 2019 |
Herawati et al. developed a snack bar from gembolo flour (Dioscorea bulbifera) and arrowroot starch (Marantha arundinaceae L.) composite and evaluated its sensorial and chemical characteristics.
Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis conditions on the degree of hydrolysis of edible bird’s nest using Alcalase® and nutritional composition of the hydrolysate
Amiza, M.A., Oon, X.X. and Norizah, M.S. Available Online: 25 APRIL 2019 |
Amiza et al. optimize the enzymatic hydrolysis conditions on the degree of hydrolysis of edible bird's nest using Alcalase® and evaluated the nutritional composition of the hydrolysate
Isolation of chitinolytic bacteria and optimization of chitin fermentation process for glucosamine production using RSM method
Hardoko, Sasmito, B.B., Prasasti, V.A. and Halim, Y. Available Online: 20 APRIL 2019 |
Hardoko et al. isolated chitinolytic bacteria and optimize the production of glucosamine production from the chitin fermentation process of the bacterial isolates using RSM method.
Step-wise risk assessment of Vibrio vulnificus infection associated with the consumption of cockles
Chang, W.S., Rukayadi, Y., Nor-Khaizura, M.A.R., Najwa, M.S. Kuan, C.H., Malcolm, T.T.H., New, C.Y., Ubong, A., Tan C.W., Kwan, S.Y., Nordin, Y., Ramzi, O.S.B. and Son, R. Available Online: 23 APRIL 2019 |
The risk of consuming contaminated Vibrio vulnificus cockles by the Malaysian population were assessed in a step-wise fashion manner by Chang et al.
Influence of food composition type on the microwave heating time in relation to the inactivation of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis and Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) O157
New, C.Y., Abdul Rahman, R., Mohammed, A.S., Ubong, A., Chang, W.S., Thung, T.Y., Tan, C.W., Lee, E., Tang, J-Y-H. and Son, R. Available Online: 28 APRIL 2019 |
The inactivation of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis and Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) O157 in relation to the influence of different food composition via microwave heating was studied by New et al.
Knowledge, use of complementary alternative medicine and health-related quality of life among cardiovascular disease patients
Than, M.C., Anam, A., Nurfarahi, K., Asma’, A. and Hayati, M.Y. Available Online: 23 APRIL 2019 |
Than et al. studied on the knowledge, use of complementary alternative medicine and health-related quality of life among cardiovascular disease patients.
Amino acid composition of wild yam (Dioscorea spp.)
Doss, A., Tresina, P.S. and Mohan, V.R. Available Online: 2 MAY 2019 |
Doss et al. evaluated the amino acid composition of wild yam (Dioscorea spp.)
Articles 1 - 30