Mini Review
Olive (Olea europea) oil: Physico-chemical characterization and antioxidant activities in vitro and in vivo
Rohman, A., Riyanta, A.B., Lukitaningsih, E. and Riyanto, S. Available Online: 14 AUGUST 2019 |
The physico-chemical properties and the in vitro and in vivo antioxidant properties of olive (Olea europea) oil were reviewed by Rohman et al.
Comparison of different meat tenderization methods: a review
Woinue, Y., Ayele, A., Hailu, M. and Chaurasiya, R.S. Available Online: 30 AUGUST 2019 |
In this review, Woinue et al. compared the different meat tenderization methods.
Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) seed oil: chemical composition, antioxidant activities and its authentication analysis
Rohman, A. and Irnawati Available Online: 19 OCTOBER 2019 |
Rohman and Irnawati reviewed the chemical composition, antioxidant activities and the authentication analysis of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) seed oil.
Full Paper
Composition, color and antioxidant properties of cocoa shell at different roasting temperatures
Fakhlaei, R., Rozzamri, A. and Hussain, N. Available Online: 17 DECEMBER 2019 |
The composition, color and antioxidant properties of cocoa shell at different roasting temperatures were studied by Fakhlaei et al.
Optimization of NaOH concentration and trichloroacetic acid in bacterial carboxymethylation cellulose
Santosa, B., Wignyanto, W., Hidayat, N. and Sucipto, S. Available Online: 17 DECEMBER 2019 |
The optimization of NaOH concentration and trichloroacetic acid in bacterial carboxymethlyation cellulose was studied by Santosa et al.
Physicochemical properties of tarap (Artocarpus adoratisimus) starch
Noorfarahzilah, M., Jau-Shya, L., Mansoor , A.H., Jahurul, M.H.A., Umi Hartina, M.R., Mohamad Khairi, M. Z. and Hasmadi, M. Available Online: 17 DECEMBER 2019 |
Noorfarahzilah et al. studied the physicochemical properties of tarap (Artocarpus adortisimus) starch.
Antioxidant activity of sesame seed lignans in sunflower and flaxseed oils
Hadeel, S.Y., Khalida, S.A. and Walsh, M.K. Available Online: 22 DECEMBER 2019 |
Hadeel et al. studied the antioxidant activity of sesame lignans in sunflower and flaxseed oils.
Effect of milk fat content on absorption of calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate mixture in Sprague Dawley rats
Hardoko, Jasmine. V., Eveline, Halim, Y. and Antono, L. Available Online: 23 DECEMBER 2019 |
The effect of milk fat content on the absorption of calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate mixture in Sprague Dawley rats was studied by Hardoko et al.
Variety difference of physicochemical and cooking properties of selected brown rice from Thailand and Malaysia
Chapagai, M.K., Wan Rosli, W.I., Karilla, T. and Pinkaew, S. Available Online: 29 DECEMBER 2019 |
The variety difference of physicochemical and cooking properties of selected brown rice from Thailand and Malaysia was studied by Chapagai et al.
Antioxidative properties and proximate analysis of spent coffee ground (SCG) extracted using ultrasonic-methanol assisted technique as a potential functional food ingredient
Zainol, M.K., Mohd Subri, I., Zamri, A.I., Mohd Zin, Z., Fisal, A. and Mamat, H. Available Online: 1 JANUARY 2020 |
The antioxidative properties and proximate analysis of spent coffee ground (SCG) extracted using ultrasonic-methanol assisted technique as a potential functional food ingredient was studied by Zainol et al.
Characterization of modified cassava flour (mocaf)-based biscuits substituted with soybean flour at varying concentrations and particle sizes
Ratnawati, L., Desnilasari, D., Kumalasari, R. and Surahman, D.N. Available Online: 4 JANUARY 2020 |
Ratnawati et al. characterized the modified cassava flour (mocaf)-based biscuits substituted with soybean flour at varying concentrations and particle sizes.
Effect of calcium-alginate bead and Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata extract fluid on the viability of Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 and bioactive compounds in fermented apple juice
Lieu, M.D., Le, T.K.N., Nguyen T.L., Dang, T.K.T. and Do, D.G. Available Online: 4 JANUARY 2020 |
The effects of caclicum-alginate bead on Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata extract fluid on the viability of Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 and bioactive compounds in fermented apple juice were evaluated by Lieu et al.
Effect of heat treatment prior to extraction on the yield and quality of red fruit (Pandanus conoideus) oil
Sarungallo, Z.L., Hariyadi, O., Andarwulan, A. and Purnomo, E.H. Available Online: 4 JANUARY 2020 |
Sarungallo et al. studied the effects of heat treatment on the yield and quality of red fruit (Pandanus conoideus) oil prior to extraction.
Consumers’ knowledge and attitude towards Chinese herbal tea and consumption of Chinese herbal tea in selected district in Kedah
Teh, D.Y., Jaafar, S.N. and Asma’, A. Available Online: 30 DECEMBER 2019 |
The consumers' knowledge and attitude towards Chinese herbal tea and consumption of Chinese herbal tea in selected district in Kedah were studied by Teh et al.
Extraction and optimization of chitosan from razor clam (Ensis arcuatus) shells by using response surface methodology (RSM)
Zamri, A.I. , Latiff, N.F. , Abdullah, Q.H. and Ahmad, F. Available Online: 30 DECEMBER 2019 |
Zamri et al. optimised the extraction of chitosan from razor clam (Ensis arcuatus) shells by using response surface methodology (RSM).
Evaluation of storage temperature, packaging system and storage duration on postharvest quality of straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea)
Nur Sakinah, M.J., Misran, A., Mahmud, T.M.M., Abdullah, S. and Azhar, M. Available Online: 17 JANUARY 2020 |
The storage temperature, packaging system and storage duration on postharvest quality of straw mushrom (Volvariella volvacea) was evaluated by Nur Sakinah et al.
Prevalence of Salmonella contamination in processing chain of selected chicken-based side dishes
Novera, R., Rahayu, W.P., Kusumaningrum, H.D., Indrotristanto, N. and Nikastri, E. Available Online: 17 JANUARY 2020 |
Novera et al. investigated the prevalence of Salmonellla contamination in the processing chain of selected chicken-based side dishes in Indonesia
Microbiological status of some commonly available food items and the effects of microwave oven heat on the existence micro flora
Islam, M.F., Nur, I.T.,Islam, T., Sultana, R. and Acharjee, M. Available Online: 22 DECEMBER 2019 |
The effects of microwave oven heated ready-to-eat food on the microflora were studied by Islam et al.
Sorption isotherms and their fitted equations for dried chips of cassava roots (Manihot Esculenta Crantz; Tme-7 variety) and the resulting isosteric heats of sorption
Ajala, A.S., Ngoddy, P.O. and Olajide, J.O. Available Online: 17 JANUARY 2020 |
The sorption isotherms and their fitted equations for dried chips of cassava roots (Manihot Esculenta Crantz; Tme-7 variety) and the resulting isosteric heat of sorption were studied by Ajala et al.
Orange-fleshed sweet potato grown in Viet Nam as a potential source for making noodles
Thuy, N.M., Chi, N.T.D., Huyen, T.H.B. and Tai, N.V. Available Online: 17 JANUARY 2020 |
Thuy et al. developed noodles made from orange-fleshed sweet potato grown in Viet Nam.
Nutritional composition, glycemic index and glycemic load on Indonesian local package menus
Hakimah, N., Yunus, M., Sucipto, S., Wignyanto, W. and Aulanni'am, A. Available Online: 4 JANUARY 2020 |
The nutritional composition, glycemic index and glycemic load on the Indonenisa local package menus were studied by Hakimah et al.
Solvent used in extraction process of agarwood: a systematic review
Zakaria, F., Talip, B.A., Kahar, E.E.M., Muhammad, Abdullah, N. and Basri, H. Available Online: 4 JANUARY 2020 |
Zakaria et al. reviewed the solvent used in the extraction process of agarwood.
Tailed Pepper (Piper cubeba) L. berries extract reduced number of microbial population in tofu
Alqadeeri, F.M., Abas, F., Shaari, K. and Rukayadi, Y. Available Online: 22 JANUARY 2020 |
Alqadeeri et al. investigated the antibacterial effects of tailed pepper (Piper cubeba L. ) extract on tofu
Effect of 1-MCP concentration, exposure time and storage temperature on post-harvest quality of mango fruit cv. Alphanso
Gaikwad, S.S., Sakhale, B.K. and Chavan, R.F. Available Online: 22 JANUARY 2020 |
The effect of 1-MCP concentration, exposure time and storage temperature on post-harvest quality of mango fruit cv. Alphanso was studied by Gaikwad et al.
Ramification of gum arabic microencapsulation on the physicochemical and microbiological properties of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) flowers using ultrasonic spray dryer
Zainol, M.K., Lew, H.W., Mohd Zin, Z., Abd Razak, S.B., Mohd Maidin, N. and Mamat, H. Available Online: 23 JANUARY 2020 |
The ramification of gum arabic microencapsulation on the physicochemical and microbiological properties of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) flowers using ultrasonic spray dryer were studied by Zainol et al.
Modified tuber starches as potential stabilizer for food-grade pickering emulsions
Xian, L.X., Shariffa, N.Y., Azwan, M.L. and Uthumporn Utra Available Online: 27 JANUARY 2020 |
Xian et al. studied on modified tuber starches as a potential stabilizer for food-grade pickering emulsions.
Acidity level control formulation of roselle tea functional drinks based on variations in the addition of flower petals and sugar type
Purbowati, I.S.M., Karseno and Maksum, A. Available Online: 27 JANUARY 2020 |
Purbowati et al. evaluated the acidity level control formulation of roselle tea functional drinks based on variation in the addition of flower petals and sugar type.
In silico study of anthocyanin and ternatin flavonoids for treatment of inflammation-related diseases using molecular docking analysis
Wijaya, Y.T., Yulandi, A., Gunawan, A.W. and Yanti Available Online: 15 JANUARY 2020 |
Wijaya et al. performed In silico study of anthocyanin and ternatin flavonoids for treatment of inflammation-related diseases using molecular docking analysis.
Physicochemical properties of oci fish joruk (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and the antioxidant activity of joruk hydrolysate
Anggrahini, S., Setyaningsih, W., Ningrum, A., Anto. and Agustiari, N.M. Available Online: 28 JANUARY 2020 |
The physicochemical properties of oci fish joruk (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and the antioxidant activity of joruk hydrolysate were studied by Anggrahini et al.
Insight into food handlers’ perceived barriers and motivators to perform food temperature control
Wong, S.Y.W., Izzah, A., Mahyudin, N.A., Ho, J.A. and Ungku Fatimah, U.Z.A. Available Online: 14 JANUARY 2020 |
Wong et al. performed an insight into food handlers' perceived barriers and motivators to perform food temperature control
Effectiveness of Toothpony (Gazza minuta) protein hydrolysate on reducing oil uptake upon deep-frying
Zainol, M.K., Tan, R.C., Mohd Zin, Z., Ahmad, A. and Danish-Daniel, M. Available Online: 9 FEBRUARY 2020 |
The effectiveness of Toothpony (Gazza minuta) protein hydrolysate on reducing oil uptake upon deep-frying was studied by Zainol et al.
The effect of Acacia senegal as potential prebiotic on obese gut microbiota
Ahallil, H., Maskat, M.Y., Abdullah, A. and Sarbini, S.R. Available Online: 27 JANUARY 2020 |
Ahallil et al. studied the effect of Acacia senegal as potential prebiotic on obese gut microbiota.
Chemical compositions, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Tubu (Pycnarrhena longifolia) leaves used as ingredient in traditional functional foods
Mohammed, N.K., Muhialdin, B.J., Masri, N.S., Sukor R., Abd-El Aziem, F. and Meor Hussin A.S. Available Online: 21 JANUARY 2020 |
The chemical compositions, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Tubu (Pycnarrhena longifolia) leaves which was used as an traditional functional food ingredient was studied by Mohammed et al.
Hydrocolloids retard lipid digestion in whipping cream
Srikaeo, K. and Doungjan, S. Available Online: 15 FEBRUARY 2020 |
The hydrocolloids retard lipid digestion in whipping cream was studied by Srikaeo and Doungjan.
Shelf-life prediction for indian mango roll using accelerated shelf-life testing (ASLT) shelf-life plot approach
Jimeno, B., Rosales, A. and Domingo, C.J. Available Online: 17 FEBRUARY 2020 |
Jimeno et al. predicted the shelf-life for Indian mango roll using accelerated shelf-life testing (ASLT) pilot approach.
Comparative microbiological analysis of raw fishes and sun-dried fishes collected from the Kawran bazaar in Dhaka city, Bangladesh
Nur, I.T., Ghosh, B.K. and Acharjee, M. Available Online: 2 FEBRUARY 2020 |
Nur et al. compared the microbiological analysis of raw and sun-dried fishes collected from the Kawran bazaar in Dhaka city, Bangladesh.
Characteristics of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seed fat fractions and their potential application as cocoa butter improver
Azzatul, F., Jahurul, M.H.A., Norliza, J., Norazlina, M.R., Hasmadi, M., Sharifudin, M.S., Matanjun, P. and Lee, J.S. Available Online: 17 FEBRUARY 2020 |
The characteristics of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seed fat fractions and their potential application as cocoa butter improver were studied Azzatul et al.
Antimicrobial effects of different extracts of medicinally used green leafy vegetables collected from local market of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Hossaini, F., Munshi, S.K. and Chakraborty, M. Available Online: 17 FEBRUARY 2020 |
Hossaini et al. studied the antimicrobial effects of different extracts of medicinally used green leafy vegetables collected from local market of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Glycemic index and glycemic load of arrowroot (Maranta arundinaceae) cookies with the addition of cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) glucomannan
Lestari, L.A., Gama, D.B., Huriyati, E., Prameswari, A.A. and Harmayani, E. Available Online: 19 FEBRUARY 2020 |
Lestari et al. studied glycemic index load of arrowroot (Maranta arundinaceae) cookies added with cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) glucomannan
Structural characterisation, citral retention and thermal properties of the inclusion complex of rice starch–lemongrass extract
Hashim, M.A., Yahya, F., Hamzah, Y., Wan Aida, W.M. and Khalid, K.H. Available Online: 18 FEBRUARY 2020 |
The structural characterisation, citral retention and thermal properties of the inclusion complex of rice starch-lemongrass extract were studied by Hashim et al.
Optimization of meat analog production from concentrated soy protein and yam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) powder using pasta machine
Lindriati, T., Herlina, H., Arbiantara, H. and Asrofi, M. Available Online: 20 FEBRUARY 2020 |
Lindriati et al. optimized the meat analog production from concentrated soy protein and yam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) powder using pasta machine.
The application of taḥawwul (transformation) process for determination of vinegar status in the Malaysia market
Harahap, I., Shukri, A.S.M., Jamaludin, M.A., Nawawi, N., Alias, R. and Zaharim, A. Available Online: 22 FEBRUARY 2020 |
Harahap et al. studied on the application of tahawwul (transformation) process to determine the halal status of vinegar sold in the Malaysia market.
The effect of mixture of banana pseudostem flour proportion on organoleptic properties, dietary fiber content, resistant starch, and antioxidants of canna starch-based food bar
Welli, Y., Agnes, M., Yudi, P. and Yustinus, M. Available Online: 22 FEBRUARY 2020 |
The effects of banana pseudostem mixture flour proportion on the organoleptic properties, dietary fiber content, resistant starch, and antioxidants of canna starch-based food bar were studied by Welli et al.
Comparison of organoleptic, protein, lipid and flavonoid content of commercial starter and isolated culture red dragon fruit peel yogurt
Mardiana, Budiono, I. and Putriningtyas, N.D. Available Online: 22 FEBRUARY 2020 |
Mardiana et al. compared the organoleptic, protein, lipid and flavonoi content of commercial starter and isolated culture of the red dragon fruit peel yogurt.
Quality test of long-jawed mackerel (Rastrelliger sp.) fish flour
Domili, I., Labatjo, R., Ntau, L.A., Anasiru, M.A. and Arbie, F.Y. Available Online: 26 FEBRUARY 2020 |
The quality test of long-jawed mackerel (Rasterlliger sp.) fish flour was studied by Domili et al.
Articles 1 - 45