Full Papers
The effect of the mole ratio of ethanol solution and palm kernel oil on the pattern of glycerides content of the level I, II and III PKO ethanolysis products
Murhadi, Hidayati, S. and Sugiharto, R. Available Online: 20 JUNE 2021 |
Murhadi et al. studied the effect of the mole ratio of ethanol solution and palm kernel oil on the pattern of glycerides content of the level I, II and II PKO ethanolysis products.
Ginger-flavoured ready-to-drink cocoa beverage formulated with high and low-fat content powder: consumer preference, properties and stability
Faiqoh, K.E.N., Muhammad, D.R.A. and Praseptiangga, D. Available Online: 20 JUNE 2021 |
Faiqoh et al. studied on the consumer preference, properties and stability of ginger-flavoured ready-to -drink cocoa beverage formulated with high and low-fat content powder
Red snapper fish intake improves thyroid gland activity in the hypothyroidism rat
Herawati, E., Titisari, R.S., Husna, S.A.N., Astirin, O.P., Widiyani, T. and Listyawati, S. Available Online: 20 JUNE 2021 |
Herawati et al. studied on the possibility of red snapper fish intake to improve thyroid gland activity in hypothyroidism rat
Optimization studies on pregelatinized sweet potato starch influenced by temperature and time
Ulfa, G.M., Putri, W.D.R., Fibrianto, K. and Widjanarko, S.B.l. Available Online: 20 JUNE 2021 |
Ulfa et al. optimized and studied on pregelatinized sweet potato starch influenced by temperature and time.
Detection of coconut (Cocos nucivera) sugar adulteration in palm (Arenga pinnata Merrill) sugar by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy
Roosmayanti, F., Rismiwindira, K. and Masithoh, R.E. Available Online: 20 JUNE 2021 |
Roosmayanti et al. used Fourier Transform Infrared (FR-IR) Spectroscopy to detect coconut (Cocos nucivera) suagr adulteration in palm (Arenga pinnata Merill) sugar.
The effect of Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. extract addition and cooling period on the preference levels, chemical properties and glycemic index of Cr and Mg fortified – parboiled rice
Yulianto, W. A., Sulistyani, and Swasono, F.D.H. Available Online: 20 JUNE 2021 |
The effect of Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. extract addition and cooling period on the preference levels, chemical properties and glycemic index of Cr and Mg fortified – parboiled rice was studied by Yulianto et al.
The changes in the chemical and microbiological characteristics of lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) tempe from Pacitan with usar inoculum during continued fermentation
Sari, A.M., Artini, D.A., Ishartani, D., Nursiwi, A. and Zaman, M.Z. Available Online: 20 JUNE 2021 |
Sari et al. evaluated on the changes in the chemical and microbiological characteristics of lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) tempe from Pacitan with usar inoculum during fermentation.
Classification of chili powder (Capsicum annuum L.) antioxidant activity based on near infrared spectra
Aprilia, Y.I., Khuriyati, N. and Sukartiko, A.C. Available Online: 20 JUNE 2021 |
Aprilia et al. classified the antioxidant activity of chili powder (Capsicum annuum L.) using near infrared spectra
Omega-3 fatty acid levels and sensory quality of eggs following consumption of alpha-linolenic acid enriched diets
Kartikasari, L.R., Geier, M.S., Hughes, R.J., Bastian, S. and Gibson, R.A. Available Online: 20 JUNE 2021 |
Kartikasari et al. studied on the omega-3 fatty acid levels and sensory quality of eggs produced by chicken fed with alpha-linolenic acid enriched diets.
The nutritional and functional properties of noodles prepared from sorghum, mung bean and sago flours
Azkia, M.N., Wahjuningsih, S.B. and Wibowo, C.H. Available Online: 20 JUNE 2021 |
Azkia et al. developed and studied on the nutritional and functional properties of noodles prepared from sorghum, mung bean and sago flours.
Synthesis of margarine fat from sesame oil and palm stearin by chemical interesterification
Siswanti, Hastuti, P., Supriyanto and Anandito, R.B.K. Available Online: 4 JULY 2021 |
The synthesis of margarine fat from sesame oil and palm stearin by chemical interesterification was studied by Siswanti et al.
Changes to the chemical and microbiological characteristics of Leucaena leucocephala seeds during tempeh fermentation in Pacitan, East Java
Ishartani, D., Sistiani, D., Sari, A.M., Nursiwi, A., Zaman, M.Z. Available Online: 4 JULY 2021 |
Ishartani et al. studied the changes of the chemical and microbiological characteristics of tempeh made from Leucaena leucocephala seeds during fermentation.
Measurement of Patchouli oil vapor using array of MOS gas sensors in various adulteration substances and concentrations
Sudarmaji, A., Margiwiyatno, A., Sulistyo, S. B. and Saparso Available Online: 4 JULY 2021 |
Sudarmaji et al. measured the Patchouli oil vapour in various adulteration substances and concentrations using array of MOS gas sensors
Evaluation of total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, germination power, and yield of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) sprouts elicited using various Na-alginate levels with different elicitation duration
Ariviani, S., Hapsari, K.C., Fauza, G., Ishartani, D., Atmaka, W., Khasanah, L.U. and Siswanti Available Online: 4 JULY 2021 |
Ariviani et al. evaluated the total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, germination power, and yield of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) sprouts elicited using various Na-alginate levels with different elicitation duration.
Determination of shelf life using accelerated shelf life testing (ASLT) method and characterization of the flavor components of freeze-dried durian (Durio zibethinus) products
Darniadi, S., Handoko, D.D., Sunarmani, S. and Widowati, S. Available Online: 12 JULY 2021 |
Darniadi et al. determined the shelf life of freeze-dried durian (Durio zibethinus) products using accelerated shelf life testing (ALST) method and characterized the flavour components
Chemical compounds and sensory characteristics of Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) as a novel specialty coffee from Sinjai Regency, Indonesia
Assa, A., Loppies, J. E., Amalia, A. N., Indriana, D., Utami, R.R., Mamang, M., Ariyanti, M. and Winaldi, A. Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2021 |
Assa et al. evaluated the chemical compounds and sensory characteristics of Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) as a novel specialty coffee from Sinjai Regency, Indonesia
The quality properties, thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values and microstructure of chicken sausage with local red beet root powder
Swastike, W., Suryanto, E., Rusman, Hanim, C., Jamhari, Erwanto, Y. and Jumeri Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2021 |
The quality properties, thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values and microstructure of chicken sausage with local red beet root powder was studied by Swastike et al.
The effect of powdered spices formula on antioxidant activity and sensory quality of solid brem
Maramy, N.V., Handayani, B.R. and Zaini, M.A. Available Online: 26 SEPTEMBER 2021 |
Maramy et al. studied on the effect of powdered spices formula on the antioxidant activity and sensory quality of solid brem.
Jambal roti characteristics: a traditional fermented fish from Rembang, Central Java
Karyantina, M., Anggrahini, S., Utami, T. and Rahayu, E.S. Available Online: 17 OCTOBER 2021 |
Karyantina et al. characterised Jambal roti, a traditional fermented fish from Rembang, Central Java.