Physiochemical and functional properties of Moringa oleifera protein obtained by isoelectric precipitation
Paramita, V.D., Yuliani, H.R., Rosalin, R. and Irawati, L.
Available Online: 1 JANUARY 2024│
Paramita, V.D., Yuliani, H.R., Rosalin, R. and Irawati, L.
Available Online: 1 JANUARY 2024│
Pramita et al. evaluated the physicochemical and functional properties of Moringa oleifera protein obtained by isoelectric precipitation.
Prevalence of Bacillus cereus in food and hand swabs of night market food vendors and its relationship with their food safety knowledge, attitude, and practices
Abdul Rahim, N.A., Ungku Zainal Abidin, U.F., Son, R., Selamat, J. and Abdul Mutalib, N.A.
Available Online: 1 JANUARY 2024│
Abdul Rahim, N.A., Ungku Zainal Abidin, U.F., Son, R., Selamat, J. and Abdul Mutalib, N.A.
Available Online: 1 JANUARY 2024│
The prevalence of Bacillus cereus in food and hand swabs of night market food vendors and its relationship with their food safety knowledge, attitude, and practices was studied by Abdul Rahim et al.
Effectiveness of sugar palm fruit (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr.) and chitosan as edible coating on cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme
Muhandri, T., Adawiyah, D.R., Listyawati, S. and Fadhilatunnur, H.
Available Online: 4 JANUARY 2024│
Muhandri, T., Adawiyah, D.R., Listyawati, S. and Fadhilatunnur, H.
Available Online: 4 JANUARY 2024│
The effectiveness of sugar palm fruit (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr.) and chitosan as edible coating on cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme was studied by Muhandri et al.
Simultaneous determination of tartrazine and auramine O using FTIR spectroscopy and partial least square
Nurani, L.H., Edityaningrum, C.A., Guntarti, A., Ahda, M., Lestari, A.D. and Rohman, A.
Available Online: 4 JANUARY 2024│
Nurani, L.H., Edityaningrum, C.A., Guntarti, A., Ahda, M., Lestari, A.D. and Rohman, A.
Available Online: 4 JANUARY 2024│
Nurani et al. simultaneously determined tartrazine and auramine O using FTIR spectroscopy and partial least square
Some physical properties and relationship between fractions of dabai fruit (Canarium Odontophyllum Miq.) variety ‘Ngemah’
Shamsudin, R., Ariffin, S.H., Zainol @ Abdullah, W.N.Z., Azmi, N.S. and Halim, A.A.A.
Available Online: 4 JANUARY 2024│
Shamsudin, R., Ariffin, S.H., Zainol @ Abdullah, W.N.Z., Azmi, N.S. and Halim, A.A.A.
Available Online: 4 JANUARY 2024│
Shamsudin et al. evaluated the physical properties and relationship between fractions of dabai fruit (Canarium Odontophyllum Miq.) variety ‘Ngemah’.
Screening of different extraction methods for maximum production of total flavonoids, tannins, and antioxidants from Centella asiatica
Hossain, M.A., Ahmad, N.U., Alam, M., Hossain, M.M. and Sarkar, A.
Available Online: 4 JANUARY 2024│
Hossain, M.A., Ahmad, N.U., Alam, M., Hossain, M.M. and Sarkar, A.
Available Online: 4 JANUARY 2024│
Hossain et al. screened the different extraction methods for maximum production of total flavonoids, tannins, and antioxidants from Centella asiatica.
Immunomodulatory effect of fish oil and its polyunsaturated fatty acid components
Lestari, L.A., Fadilah, L., Anchaelsi, M.E., Yasmin, N.N., Estiasih, T. and Suseno, S.H.
Available Online: 13 JANUARY 2024│
Lestari, L.A., Fadilah, L., Anchaelsi, M.E., Yasmin, N.N., Estiasih, T. and Suseno, S.H.
Available Online: 13 JANUARY 2024│
The immunomodulatory effect of fish oil and its polyunsaturated fatty acid components was evaluated by Lestari et al.
A survey to investigate the heterogeneity of food date labelling and the consumer’s knowledge and practice on food date labelling in Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Mohd Fadzil, S.N., Nordin, Y., Chang, W.S., Loo, Y.Y., Tan, C.W., Kuan, C.H., Ungku Zainal Abidin, U.F. and Son, R.
Available Online: 13 JANUARY 2024│
Mohd Fadzil, S.N., Nordin, Y., Chang, W.S., Loo, Y.Y., Tan, C.W., Kuan, C.H., Ungku Zainal Abidin, U.F. and Son, R.
Available Online: 13 JANUARY 2024│
Mohd Fadzil et al. conducted a survey to investigate the heterogeneity of food date labelling and the consumer's knowledge and practice on food date labelling in Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
Comparative evaluation of physicochemical compositions, antioxidant activities and microbiological quality of three chili pastes from Carissa carandas L. under different conditions
Wanna, C., Soi-Ampornkul, R. and Sawangdee, Y.
Available Online: 13 JANUARY 2024│
Wanna, C., Soi-Ampornkul, R. and Sawangdee, Y.
Available Online: 13 JANUARY 2024│
Wanna et al. performed a comparative evaluation of physicochemical compositions, antioxidant activities and microbiological quality of three chili pastes from Carissa carandas L. under different conditions.
Biological activities of macroalgae in the Moudulung waters: bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity
Meiyasa, F., Henggu, K.U., Tega, Y.R., Tarigan, N., Ndahawali, S., Zulfamy, K.E., Saputro, M.N.B. and Priyastiti, I.
Available Online: 13 JANUARY 2024│
Meiyasa, F., Henggu, K.U., Tega, Y.R., Tarigan, N., Ndahawali, S., Zulfamy, K.E., Saputro, M.N.B. and Priyastiti, I.
Available Online: 13 JANUARY 2024│
The biological activities of microalgae in the Moudulung waters: bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity.
Prediction of antioxidant activities of Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia) with different harvesting times using FTIR spectra and chemometrics
Rohman, A., Asma, Santosa, D., Rafi, M., Aminah, N.S., Insanu, M. and Irnawati, I.
Available Online: 21 JANUARY 2024│
Rohman, A., Asma, Santosa, D., Rafi, M., Aminah, N.S., Insanu, M. and Irnawati, I.
Available Online: 21 JANUARY 2024│
Rohman et al. conducted a study to predict the antioxidant activities of Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia) with different harvesting times using FTIR spectra and chemometrics.
The determination of unapproved drugs in New Zealand dietary supplements using validated chromatographic methods
Kurniawan, W., Doncliff, J., McCarthy, M.-J., Miskelly, G.M. and Rindelaub, J.D.
Available Online: 21 JANUARY 2024│
Kurniawan, W., Doncliff, J., McCarthy, M.-J., Miskelly, G.M. and Rindelaub, J.D.
Available Online: 21 JANUARY 2024│
Kurniawan et al. determined the unapproved drugs in New Zealand dietary supplements using validated chromatographic methods.
Optimization of low carbohydrate and high fibre Talas Beneng (Xanthosoma undipes K.Koch) flour for type 2 DM patients
Bintanah, S., Hagnyonowati and Jauharany, F.F.
Available Online: 21 JANUARY 2024│
Bintanah, S., Hagnyonowati and Jauharany, F.F.
Available Online: 21 JANUARY 2024│
Bintanah et al. optimized the production of low carbohydrate and high fibre Talas Beneng (Xanthosoma undipes K.Koch) flour for type 2 DM patients.
Malnutrition intervention programmes for school children in Sub-Saharan Africa: a review
Alawode, O.W., Adeyemo, G.A., Alabi O.D., Alabi, B.E. and Babarinde, G.O.
Available Online: 21 JANUARY 2024│
Alawode, O.W., Adeyemo, G.A., Alabi O.D., Alabi, B.E. and Babarinde, G.O.
Available Online: 21 JANUARY 2024│
The malnutrition intervention programmes for school children in Sub-Saharan Africa was reviewed by Alawode et al.
Effect of sunflower oil nanoemulsions on the growth and lifespan extension of the Caenorhabditis elegans
Iqbal, R., Asghar, W., Mehmood, Z. and Khalid, N.
Available Online: 25 JANUARY 2024│
Iqbal, R., Asghar, W., Mehmood, Z. and Khalid, N.
Available Online: 25 JANUARY 2024│
Iqbal et al. evaluated the effect of sunflower oil nanoemulsions on the growth and lifespan extension of the Caenorhaditis elegans.
Effects of extraction temperature on bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of yellow velvetleaf (Limnocharis flava) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) leaf extract
Sudirman, S., Herpandi, Rinto, Lestari, S., Harma, M. and Aprilia, C.
Available Online: 25 JANUARY 2024│
Sudirman, S., Herpandi, Rinto, Lestari, S., Harma, M. and Aprilia, C.
Available Online: 25 JANUARY 2024│
The effects of extraction temperature on bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of yellow velvetleaf (Limnocharis flava) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) leaf extract.
Flavonoids extracts from Zhenghe white tea
Yang, Y., Huang, Y., Lu, B., Alrosan, M., Easa, A.M., Alu’datt, M.H. and Tan, T.C.
Available Online: 25 JANUARY 2024│
Yang, Y., Huang, Y., Lu, B., Alrosan, M., Easa, A.M., Alu’datt, M.H. and Tan, T.C.
Available Online: 25 JANUARY 2024│
Yang et al. studied on the flavonoids extracts from Zhenghe white tea.
Formulation and organoleptic characteristics of flavor enhancer from shrimp head protein hydrolysate
Yuniarti, T., Prayudi, A., Setiarto, R.H.B., Martosuyono, P., Supenti, L., Suhrawardan, H. and Maulani, A.
Available Online: 25 JANUARY 2024│
Yuniarti, T., Prayudi, A., Setiarto, R.H.B., Martosuyono, P., Supenti, L., Suhrawardan, H. and Maulani, A.
Available Online: 25 JANUARY 2024│
Yuniarti et al. formulated shrimp head protein hydrolysate as a flavour enhancer and studied the organoleptic characteristics.
Effect of hydrolysis of sweet potato starch by pullulanase enzyme on the formation of slowly digestible starch
Duong, H.Q., Nguyen, T.T.H., Phung, T.T.T, Le, T.V.A., Nguyen, T.C., Vu, T.T. and Luong, H.N.
Available Online: 28 JANUARY 2024│
Duong, H.Q., Nguyen, T.T.H., Phung, T.T.T, Le, T.V.A., Nguyen, T.C., Vu, T.T. and Luong, H.N.
Available Online: 28 JANUARY 2024│
The effect of hydrolysis of sweet potato starch by pullulanase enzyme on the formation of slowly digestible starch was studied by Duong et al.
Development of FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate calibration for authentication beef meatballs from pork meat
Putri, N., Syofyan, S., Andayani, R., Rohman, A. and Hamidi, D.
Available Online: 28 JANUARY 2024│
Putri, N., Syofyan, S., Andayani, R., Rohman, A. and Hamidi, D.
Available Online: 28 JANUARY 2024│
Putri et al. developed FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate calibration to authenticate beef meatballs.
Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic activity of a catfish oil and Andrographis paniculata herb extract combination in diabetic rat model
Sasongko, H., Rizki, F., Fatihah. A.Y.D., Sholikin. A.A., Kristiyanti. A.A., Ningsih. F.A.V., Sari, S.W.S., Cahyadi, M. and Sutarno
Available Online: 28 JANUARY 2024│
Sasongko, H., Rizki, F., Fatihah. A.Y.D., Sholikin. A.A., Kristiyanti. A.A., Ningsih. F.A.V., Sari, S.W.S., Cahyadi, M. and Sutarno
Available Online: 28 JANUARY 2024│
The hypoglycemic and hypolidemic activity of catfish oil and Andrographis paniculata herb extract combination in diabetic rat model were studied by Sasongko et al.
Development and quality evaluation of novel biscuits by utilizing fruits and vegetables seed
Esrafil, M., Akter, S., Alam, M.J., Alim, M.A., Reza, M.S.A., Zubair, M.A., Joy, P.R., Jahan, M. and Khatun, M.
Available Online: 28 JANUARY 2024│
Esrafil, M., Akter, S., Alam, M.J., Alim, M.A., Reza, M.S.A., Zubair, M.A., Joy, P.R., Jahan, M. and Khatun, M.
Available Online: 28 JANUARY 2024│
Esrafil et al. developed and evaluated the quality of novel biscuits made from fruits and vegetables.
Insights into foodborne Vibrio parahaemolyticus – a review
Fasulkova, R. and Stratev, D.
Available Online: 30 JANUARY 2024│
Fasulkova, R. and Stratev, D.
Available Online: 30 JANUARY 2024│
Fasulkova and Stratev reviewed the foodborne Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
Modification of hydrolyzed sweet potato starch by retrogradation to enhance slowly digestible starch yield
Luong, H.N., Nguyen, T.T.H., Duong, H.Q, Pham, T.X., Dao, T.B., Nguyen, T.N.B. and Vu, T.T.
Available Online: 30 JANUARY 2024│
Luong, H.N., Nguyen, T.T.H., Duong, H.Q, Pham, T.X., Dao, T.B., Nguyen, T.N.B. and Vu, T.T.
Available Online: 30 JANUARY 2024│
Luong et al. modified hydrolyzed sweet potato starch by retrogradation to enhance slowly digestible starch yield.
Proximate analysis and antioxidant activities of four popular Chinese Lamiaceae herbs in Malaysia
Yii, I.C.Y., Rosdi, R.A. and Wan Ishak, W.
Available Online: 30 JANUARY 2024│
Yii, I.C.Y., Rosdi, R.A. and Wan Ishak, W.
Available Online: 30 JANUARY 2024│
Yii et al. evaluated the proximate analysis and antioxidant activities of four popular Chinese Lamiaceae herbs in Malaysia.
Evaluation of the industrial quality of Moroccan durum, soft and red wheat landraces
El Houssni, I., Zahidi, A., Amallah, L., Khedid, K. and Hassikou, R.
Available Online: 30 JANUARY 2024│
El Houssni, I., Zahidi, A., Amallah, L., Khedid, K. and Hassikou, R.
Available Online: 30 JANUARY 2024│
El Houssni et al. evaluated the industrial quality of Moroccan durum, soft and red wheat landraces.
Harnessing indigenous agro-processed flour blends as composite bioresources in functional food development
Oleghe, P.O., Akharaiyi, F.C. and Ehis-Eriakha, C.B.
Available Online: 9 FEBRUARY 2024│
Oleghe, P.O., Akharaiyi, F.C. and Ehis-Eriakha, C.B.
Available Online: 9 FEBRUARY 2024│
Oleghe et al. reviewed on the indigenous agro-procssed flour blends as composite bioresources in functional food development.
Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oil kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix DC) leaves from East Borneo
Naibaho, N.M., Safitri, A.S.M., Rudito, Popang, E.P., Syauqi, A., Saragih, B., Amirta, R. and Arung, E.T.
Available Online: 9 FEBRUARY 2024│
Naibaho, N.M., Safitri, A.S.M., Rudito, Popang, E.P., Syauqi, A., Saragih, B., Amirta, R. and Arung, E.T.
Available Online: 9 FEBRUARY 2024│
The chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oil kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix DC) leaves from East Borneo were evaluated by Naibaho et al.
Physicochemical properties and sensory evaluation of gluten-free rice egg roll with hydrocolloids addition
Ho, L.-H. and Nurul Atikah, S.
Available Online: 9 FEBRUARY 2024│
Ho, L.-H. and Nurul Atikah, S.
Available Online: 9 FEBRUARY 2024│
Ho and Nurul Atikah evaluated the physicochemical and sensory properties of gluten-free rice egg rolls with hydrocolloids addition.
Non-enzymatic browning reaction of isomaltulose
Hadjikinova, R.D., Dobreva, V.C. and Dobrev, G.T.
Available Online: 9 FEBRUARY 2024│
Hadjikinova, R.D., Dobreva, V.C. and Dobrev, G.T.
Available Online: 9 FEBRUARY 2024│
Hadjikinova et al. studied on the non-enzymatic browning reaction of isomaltulose.
The effect of ajwa dates extract (Phoenix dactylifera L.) on gut microbiota of Sprague Dawley rats induced by a high-fat diet
Karim, M., Taslim, N.A., Bukhari, A., Hamid, F., Idris, I. and Sanusi, H.
Available Online: 20 FEBRUARY 2024│
Karim, M., Taslim, N.A., Bukhari, A., Hamid, F., Idris, I. and Sanusi, H.
Available Online: 20 FEBRUARY 2024│
The effect of ajwa dates extract (Phoenix dactylifera L.) on gut microbiota of Sprague Dawley rats induced by a high-fat diet was studied by Karim et al.
Protein-fatty acid complexes as delivery agent for fat-soluble vitamin: a review
Alamsyah, A.Z., Maharani, N., Fulyani, F. and Anjani, G.
Available Online: 20 FEBRUARY 2024│
Alamsyah, A.Z., Maharani, N., Fulyani, F. and Anjani, G.
Available Online: 20 FEBRUARY 2024│
Alamsyah et al. reviewed the protein-fatty acid complexes as a delivery agent for fat-soluble vitamin.
Weight status and food insecurity among Universiti Sains Malaysia health campus undergraduate students
Nur Izzati Syahirah, M.R. and Norfarizan-Hanoon, N.A.
Available Online: 20 FEBRUARY 2024│
Nur Izzati Syahirah, M.R. and Norfarizan-Hanoon, N.A.
Available Online: 20 FEBRUARY 2024│
The weight status and food insecurity among Universiti Sains Malaysia health campus undergraduate students were evaluated by Nur Izzati Syahirah and Norfarizan-Hanoon.
Determination of sodium benzoate in different brands of orange juices available in Bangladesh by high-performance liquid chromatography
Shaha, A., Esrafil, M., Akter, S., Bari, L., Khan, M.S.H., Alam, M.J., Dina, P.R. and Zubair, M.
Available Online: 20 FEBRUARY 2024│
Shaha, A., Esrafil, M., Akter, S., Bari, L., Khan, M.S.H., Alam, M.J., Dina, P.R. and Zubair, M.
Available Online: 20 FEBRUARY 2024│
Shaha et al. determined sodium benzoate in different brands of orange juices available in Bangladesh by HPLC.
Biofilm formation by pGFPuv labeled mutant Cronobacter sakazakii in the absence and presence of other bacteria
Dewanti-Hariyadi, R., Pratomo, Y.A. and Nuraida, L.
Available Online: 28 FEBRUARY 2024│
Dewanti-Hariyadi, R., Pratomo, Y.A. and Nuraida, L.
Available Online: 28 FEBRUARY 2024│
Dewanti-Hariyadi et al. studied the biofilm formation by pGFPuv labeled mutant Cronobacter sakazakii in the absence and presence of other bacteria.
Effect of different acids during collagen extraction the bone and fins from purple-spotted bigeye (Priacanthus tayenus Richardson, 1846) and their physicochemical properties
Hasanuddin, H., Jaziri, A.A., Shapawi, R., Mokhtar, R.A.M., Noordin, W.N.M. and Huda, N.
Available Online: 28 FEBRUARY 2024│
Hasanuddin, H., Jaziri, A.A., Shapawi, R., Mokhtar, R.A.M., Noordin, W.N.M. and Huda, N.
Available Online: 28 FEBRUARY 2024│
The effect of different acids during collagen extraction the bone and fins from purple-spotted bigeye (Priacanthus tayenus Richardson, 1846) and their physicochemical properties was studied by Hasanuddin et al.
Growth performance and heavy metal analysis of Oreochromis niloticus fed with phycoremediate microalgae supplemented diet formulation
Hairuddin, N.D., Talip, B.A., Mohamed, R.M.S.R., Al- Gheethi, A.A.S., Arifin, S.N.H., Jais, N.M. and Ahmad, S.A.A.
Available Online: 28 FEBRUARY 2024│
Hairuddin, N.D., Talip, B.A., Mohamed, R.M.S.R., Al- Gheethi, A.A.S., Arifin, S.N.H., Jais, N.M. and Ahmad, S.A.A.
Available Online: 28 FEBRUARY 2024│
The growth performance and heavy metal analysis of Oreochromis niloticus fed with phycoremediate microalgae supplemented diet formulation was evaluated by Hairudin et al.
Decreasing fishy odour from catfish (Clarias sp.) flour as a food ingredient by using various soaking solutions
Noviana, A., Palupi, E., Giriwono, P.E. and Rimbawan, R.
Available Online: 28 FEBRUARY 2024│
Noviana, A., Palupi, E., Giriwono, P.E. and Rimbawan, R.
Available Online: 28 FEBRUARY 2024│
Noviana et al. studied the effects of various soaking solutions to decrease the fishy odour from catfish (Clarias sp.).