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Validity and reliability of a questionnaire on knowledge, attitude, practice and perception (KAP2) towards food poisoning and its prevention during dining out among consumers in Terengganu
Nur Afifah, M.Z., Asma', A., Malina, O., Chee, H.Y., Raihana, N.I., Misni, N., Sukeri, S. and Chin, C.P.Y. Available Online: 4 JULY 2021 |
The validity and reliability of a questionnaire on knowledge, attitude, practice and perception (KAP2) towards food poisoning and its prevention during dining out among consumers in Terengganu was studied by Nur Afifah et al.
Improvement of physical properties and phenolic compounds of egg noodles by banana pulp and peel flour fortification
Jirukkakul, N. Available Online: 4 JULY 2021 |
Jirukkakul developed egg noodles fortified with banana pulp and peel flour and evaluated on the physical properties and phenolic compounds
Evaluation of microorganisms associated with vended frozen fish in Ado Ekiti locality
Olagbemide P. and Akharaiyi F.C. Available Online: 4 JULY 2021 |
Olagbemide and Akharaiyi evaluated the microorganisms associated with vended frozen fish in Ado Ekiti locality
Identification of yeasts in different rubber leaf (Hevea brasiliensis) clones and their effects on the physical properties of fermented glutinous rice tapai
Mohd Zin, Z., Azman, N.I, Abd Razak, S.B., Ibrahim, K., Rusli, N.D. and Zainol, M.K. Available Online: 4 JULY 2021 |
The identification of yeasts in different rubber leaf (Hevea brasiliensis) clones and their effects on the physical properties of fermented glutinous rice tapai were studied by Mohd Zin et al.
Effect of pretreatments and temperature on rehydration kinetics of naga chili (Capsicum chinense)
Rana, M.R., Sakib, K.N., Islam, M.Z., Das, P.C. and Ara, R. Available Online: 11 JULY 2021 |
The effect of pretreatments and temperature on rehydration kinetics of naga chili (Capsicum chinense) was studied by Rana et al.
Changes in physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity of fermented kepayang (Pangium edule Reinw.) seeds
Mustaffer, N.H., Ramli, N.S., Tongkhao, K., Vangnai, K., Rosni, N.K. and Rukayadi, Y. Available Online: 11 JULY 2021 |
Mustaffer et al. studied on the changes in physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity of fermented kepayang (Pangium edule Reinw.) seeds.
In vitro antioxidant activity test and determination of phenolic and flavonoid content of Moringa oleifera pulp and seeds
Ruslin, Yamin, Sahumena, M.H., Andriani, R., Manangkara, M. and Mistriyani. Available Online: 11 JULY 2021 |
Ruslin et al. determined the phenolic and flavonoid content of Moringa oleifera pulp and seeds by performing in vitro antioxidant activity test.
Kombucha based synbiotic beverage using Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) as a fermentation substrate: Development and sensorial analysis
Durães, G.C.S., Pires, B.A.M. and Lins, T.C.L. Available Online: 11 JULY 2021 |
Durães et al. developed a kombucha based synbiotic beverage using Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) as a fermentation substrate and evaluated the sensorial properties.
Phytochemicals, antioxidant activity and quality properties of fibre enriched cookies incorporated with orange peel powder
Al-Saab, A.H. and Gadallah, M.G.E. Available Online: 11 JULY 2021 |
Al-Saab and Gadallah studied the phytochemicals, antioxidant activity and quality properties of fibre enriched cookies incorporated with orange peel powder.
Large scale industry mill: effect of extraction rate of flour on the dough rheological properties
Alhendi, A.S., Ahmed, Z.A., Hussein, M.S. and Abed, S.A. Available Online: 11 JULY 2021 |
Alhendi et al. studied on the effect of extraction rate of flour on the dough rheological properties in large scale industry mill.
Assessment of sensory and microbiological quality of five marketed fish species at Dhaka city in Bangladesh
Islam, T., Mia, M.R., Rahman, M.A., Folorunso, E.A., Kabiraz, M.P., Masuda, M.A., Das, N.C. and Bhowmik, S. Available Online: 11 JULY 2021 |
Islam et al. assessed the sensory and microbiological quality of five marketed fish species in Dhaka city, Bangladesh.
Production and evaluation of jam produced from plum and African Star apple blends
Oluwafemi, G.I and Ogunlade, A.O. Available Online: 11 JULY 2021 |
Oluwafemi and Ogunlade produced and evaluated the African Star apple and plum blend jam.
Characteristics of inulin from mangrove apple (Soneratia caseolaris) with different extraction temperatures
Wibawanti, J.M.W., Mulyani, S., Legowo, A.M., Hartanto, R., Al-Baarri, A. and Pramono, Y.B. Available Online: 18 JULY 2021 |
The characteristics of inulin from mangrove apple (Soneratia caseolaris) with different extraction temperatures were studied by Wibawanti et al.
Formulation and evaluation of whey based ready-to-serve therapeutic beverage from Aloe debrana juice
Mohammed, S.K., Shimelis. A.E., Gesessew, K.L., Agimassie, A.A. and Dessalegn. A.A. Available Online: 18 JULY 2021 |
Mohammed et al. formulated and evaluated whey based ready-to-serve therapeutic beverage from Aloe debrana juice.
Studies on development of low gluten cookies from pearl millet and wheat flour
Kulkarni, D.B., Sakhale B.K. and Chavan R.F. Available Online: 18 JULY 2021 |
Kulkarni et al. studied on the development of low gluten cookies from pearl millet and wheat flour.
Matrix metalloproteinase-2 inhibition activity of Plukenetia volubilis L. leaves extract for anti-aging application
Wuttisin, N., Nararatwanchai, T. and Sarikaphuti, A. Available Online: 25 JULY 2021 |
The matrix metalloproteinase-2 inhibition activity of Plukenetia volubilis L. leaves extract for anti-aging application was studied by Wuttisin et al.
Chemical characterization of ethanolic extract of Butterfly pea flower (Clitoria ternatea)
Tuan Putra, T.N.M., Zainol, M.K., MohdIsa, N.S. and MohdMaidin, N. Available Online: 25 JULY 2021 |
Tuan Putra et al. studied the chemical characterization of ethanolic extract of Butterfly pea flower (Clitoria ternatea)
Evaluation of physicochemical and functional characteristics of flour from three cultivars of unripe banana (Musa sp.) cultivated in Sabah, Malaysia.
Hasmadi, M., Addrian, I., Mansoor, A.H. and Zainol, M.K. Available Online: 25 JULY 2021 |
Hasmadi et al. evaluated the physicochemical and functional characteristics of flour from three cultivars of unripe banana (Musa sp.) cultivated in Sabah, Malaysia.
Comparative studies of the physicochemical and functional properties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) flour
Hasmadi, M., Merlynda, M., Mansoor, A.H., Salwa, I., Zainol, M.K. and Jahurul, M.H. Available Online: 25 JULY 2021 |
Hasmadi et al. compared studies of the physicochemical and functional properties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) flour.
Optimization of enzymatic protein hydrolysis conditions of Asiatic hard clam (Meretrix meretrix)
Zainol, M.K., Abdul Sukor, F.W., Fisal, A., Tuan Zainazor , T.C., Abdul Wahab, M.R. and Zamri, A.I. Available Online: 25 JULY 2021 |
Zainol et al. optimized the enzymatic protein hydrolysis conditions of Asiatic hard calm (Meretix meretix)
Ultrafiltration for the separation of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase and its effect on physicochemical and antioxidant properties of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) water
Syahputri, G.A., Santoso, U. and Supriyanto Available Online: 25 JULY 2021 |
Syahputri et al. studied on the effect of physicochemical and antioxidant properties of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) water of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase separated via ultrafiltration.
Comparisons among soil tillage system and their impacts to the tested rice varieties on lowland rainfed alluvial in Aceh Jaya
Helmi, H., Munawar, A.A., Bakhtiar, B. and Zulfahmi, Z. Available Online: 1 AUGUST 2021 |
Helmi et al. compared among soil tillage system and their impacts to the tested rice varieties on lowland rainfed alluvial in Aceh Jaya.
Storage stability of yoghurts enriched with Coriander (Coriandrum sativum l.) seeds extract
Jameel, Q.Y. and Mohammed, N.K. Available Online: 1 AUGUST 2021 |
The storage stability of yoghurts enriched with Coriander (Coriandum sativum l.) seeds extract was studied by Jameel and Mohammed.
Nutritional composition of different cape gooseberry genotypes (Physalis peruviana L.) – a comparative study
Petkova, N.T., Popova, V.T., Ivanova, T.A., Mazova, N.N., Panayotov, N.D. and Stoyanova, A. Available Online: 1 AUGUST 2021 |
The nutritional composition of different cape gooseberry genotypes (Physallis peruviana L.) was studied by Petkova et al.
The effect of basic ingredients form, cold storage and precipitate separation on bioactive components and antioxidant activity of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb water extract
Septiana, A.T., Erminawati and Winarsi, H. Available Online: 1 AUGUST 2021 |
Septiana et al. evaluated on the effect of basic ingredients form, cold storage and precipitate separation on bioactive components and antioxidant activity of Cucurma xanthorrihiza Roxb water extract.
Authenticity test of the processed meat products
Fakhry, S.S.,Farhan, Y.I., Adnan, M., Alrubaye, H.H. and Abdulbaqi, A.A. Available Online: 1 AUGUST 2021 |
Fakhry et al. performed a authenticity test of the processed meat products.
Serological and bacteriological evaluation of brucellosis in milk of small ruminants
Almashhadany, D.A. Available Online: 1 AUGUST 2021 |
The serological of brucellosis in milk of small ruminant was evaluated by Almashhadany.
Potential application of bioactive compounds in essential oils from selected Malaysian herbs and spices as antifungal agents in food systems
Ramli, M., Nor-Khaizura, M.A.R., Nur Hanani, Z.A., Rukayadi, Y. and Samsudin, N.I. Available Online: 8 AUGUST 2021 |
Ramli et al. evaluation on the bioactive compounds of some selected Malaysian herbs and spices as antifungal agents in food systems.
The effect of functional rice analogue diet from mocaf, corn, pigeon pea and seaweed on rats model of type 2 diabetes
Firdausia, R.S., Rumiyati, Nugroho, A.E., Purwestri, Y.A. and Pranoto, Y. Available Online: 8 AUGUST 2021 |
Firdausia et al. evaluated the effects of functional rice analogue diet from mocaf, corn, pigeon pea and seaweed on type-2 diabetes induced rats.
Physicochemical properties, oxidative stability and sensory acceptance of shortfin scad (Decapterus macrosoma) – surimi emulsion sausages
Halmi, N.A., Sarbon, N.M. and Sarbon, N.M. Available Online: 8 AUGUST 2021 |
The physicochemical properties, oxidative stability and sensory acceptance of shortfin scad (Decapterus macrosoma) of surimi emulsion sausages were evaluated by Halmi et al.
Evaluation of biofilm-forming abilities of Listeria monocytogenes (ATCC 19115) and efficacy of different washing methods for removal of biofilm on apple
Ali, Y., Mah, H.Y., Phuah, E.T., Azizi, P., Chen, S.N., Yeo, S.K., Kuan, C.S., Radu, S., New, C.Y. and Kuan, C.H. Available Online: 8 AUGUST 2021 |
Ali et al. evaluated the biofilm-forming abilities of Listeria monocytogenes (ATCC 19115) and the efficacy of different washing methods to remove the biofilms on apples.
Antimicrobial properties and sensorial acceptability of edible antimicrobial films from seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) and cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) essential oil
Siah, W.M., Aminah, A. and Ishak, A. Available Online: 15 AUGUST 2021 |
The antimicrobial properties and sensorial acceptability of edible antimicrobial films from seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) and cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) essential oil were studied by Siah et al.
Product quality of kaledo, a local food of Palu City Indonesia
Jayadi, Y.I., Astari, A., Ekasari, R., Aiman, U. and Dewi, N.U. Available Online: 15 AUGUST 2021 |
Jayadi et al. evaluated the product quality of kaledo, a local food of Palu City, Indonesia
Physicochemical, nutritional and sensory qualities of salted Philippine mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos L.) eggs
Mopera, L.E., Saludo, P.M., Flores, F.P., Sumague, M.J.V., Oliveros, B.R.R. and Tan, W.T. Available Online: 15 AUGUST 2021 |
The physicochemical, nutritional and sensory qualities of salted Philippine mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos L.) eggs were studied by Mopera et al.
The antioxidative-activity stability of aloe vera (Aloe vera var. chinensis) instant during storage
Riyanto and Wariyah, Ch. Available Online: 15 AUGUST 2021 |
Riyanto and Wariyah studied the antioxidative-activity stability of aloe vera (Aloe vera var.chinensis) instant during storage.
Effects of organic acid on the physicochemical properties of gelatine extracted from Fringescale sardinella (Sardinella fimbriata) bones
Arshad, N.M., Abd. Ghaffar, M. and Mohtar, N.F. Available Online: 18 AUGUST 2021 |
The effects of organic acid on the physicochemical properties of gelatine extracted from Fringescale sardinella (Sardinella fimbriata) bones
Prevalence of mould in chicken meat-cuts, giblets and products with immuno-affinity detection of aflatoxin residues
Morshdy, A.E., Abdel Samie, A.A., Tharwat, A.E., Elshorbagy, I.M. and Hussein M.A. Available Online: 18 AUGUST 2021 |
The prevalence of mould in chicken meat-cuts giblets and products with immuno-affinity detection of aflatoxin residues were studied by Morshdy et al.
Comparison of nutritional composition, chemical preservative, and glutamic acid content of canned food with freshly cooked and home cooked food products
Muhammad Ezzudin, R., Lim, X.X., Uthumporn, U., Shariffa, N.Y. and Liew, C.L. Available Online: 18 AUGUST 2021 |
Muhammad Ezzudin et al. compared the nutritional composition, chemical preservative and glutamic acid content of canned food with freshly cooked and home cooked food products.
Effect of carboxymethyl cellulose on the physicochemical and sensory properties of bread enriched with rice bran
Harsono, C., Trisnawati, C.Y., Srianta, I., Nugerahani, I. and Marsono, Y. Available Online: 18 AUGUST 2021 |
Harsono et al. studied on the effect of carboxymethyl cellulose on the physicochemical and sensory properties of bread enriched with rice bran.
Effect of solvent types on the antioxidant activity and total flavonoids of some Bangladeshi legumes
Hossain, M.A., Arafat, M.Y., Alam, M. and Hossain, M.M. Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2021 |
The effect of solvent types on the antioxidant activity and total flavonoids of some Bangladeshi legumes was studied by Hossain et al.
Development of gluten-free biscuits made from composite flour of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp)
Soedirga, L.C., Cornelia, M. and Vania Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2021 |
Soedirga et al. developed gluten-free biscuits made from composite flour of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp)
Kinetic of polyphenol losses during convection drying of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) apples
Nguyen, D.V., Dao, T.P., Pham, T.N., Tran, T.Y.N., Nguyen, V.H., Trinh, K.D., Le, N.D.D. and Pham, V.T. Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2021 |
Nguyen et al. studied on the kinetics of polyphenol losses during convection drying of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) apples
Effects of food safety and perceived social support on mediating consumers’ attitude toward organic food purchase
Ratan, S.R.A., Ashraf, M.A., Tat, H.H. and Latiff, A.S.A. Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2021 |
Ratan et al. studied on the effects of food safety and perceived social support on mediating consumers' attitude towards organic food purchase.
Organoleptic and physicochemical properties of ‘Hass’ avocado (Persea americana Mill) oil extract obtained using cold press technology
Chimuti, N., Takalani, T.K. and Anyasi, T.A. Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2021 |
The organoleptic and physicochemical properties of 'Hass' avocado (Persea americana Mill) oil extract obtained using cold press technology was studied by Chimuti et al.
Quality evaluation of chicken breast marinated with encapsulation of turmeric extract
Febrianta, H., Yunianto, V.D., Nurwantoro, N. and Bintoro, V.P. Available Online: 28 AUGUST 2021 |
The quality evaluation of chicken breast marinated with encapsulation of turmeric extract was studied by Febrianta et al.
Physicochemical and thermal properties of durian seed flour from three varieties of durian native of Sabah
Siti Faridah, M.A., Nur Atikah, M.R L., Jau-Shya, L., Hasmadi, M., Mohd Rosni, S., Wolyna, P. and Noorakmar, A.W. Available Online: 28 AUGUST 2021 |
Siti Faridah et al. studied the physicochemical and thermal properties of durian seed flour from three varieties of durian native of Sabah.
Identification of Thai coconut sugar (Cocos nucifera L.) and prediction moisture content in Thai coconut sugar using FT-NIR spectroscopy
Thumrongchote, D. Available Online: 28 AUGUST 2021 |
Thumrongchote identified and predicted the moisture content of Thai coconut sugar (Cocos nucifera L.) using FT-NIR spectroscopy.
Optimization of the cold drying process of mango (Mangifera indica L.) Tu Quy variety by response surface methodology
Tran, T.Y.N., Dang, T.T, Do, T.N., Pham, V.T., Do, V.L., Chung T.P.T., Nguyen, N.Q., Tran, B.L., Le, D.T. and Dao, T.P. Available Online: 28 AUGUST 2021 |
Tran et al. optimized the cold drying process of mango (Mangifera indica L.) Tu Quy variety using response surface methodology.
Wound healing potential of palm oil tocotrienols rich fraction
Ting, T.M., King, J.H., Ho, K.L. and Lau, H.L.N. Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2021 |
Ting et al. evaluation the potential of palm oil tocotrienols rich fraction for wound healing.
The effect of type and concentration of acid on the characteristics of gelatine from bones of milkfish (Chanos chanos)
Winarti, S., Sarofa, U. and Prihardi, M.Y.R. Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2021 |
Winarti et al. studied on the effect of type and concentration of acid on the characteristics of gelatine from bones of milkfish (Chanos chanos)
Effect of strains and extraction methods on β-glucan production, antioxidant properties, and FTIR Spectra from mushroom fruiting bodies of Schizophyllum commune Fr. in Thailand
Mongkontanawat, N. and Thumrongchote, D. Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2021 |
Mongkontanawat and Thumrongchote evaluated the effect of strains and extraction methods on β-glucan production, antioxidant properties, and FTIR spectra from mushroom fruiting bodies of Schizophyllum commune Fr. In Thailand.
Effect of thickness and matrix variability on properties of a starch-based nanocomposite supple film
Fadeyibi, A. and Osunde, Z.D. Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2021 |
The effect of thickness and matrix variability on the properties of a starch-based nanocomposite supple film was studied by Fadeyibi and Osunde.