A review of antioxidant and anti-acetylcholinesterase activities of Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Abbas, S., Latif, M.S., Shafie, N.S., Ghazali, M.I., Abidin, N.A.Z., Mustafa, M.K. and Kormin, F. Available Online: 27 DECEMBER 2020 |
Abbas et al. reviewed the antioxidant and anti-acetylcholinesterase activities of Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
Mini Review
Helicobacter pylori, food, fish and tilapia
Cortés-Sánchez, A.D.J. Available Online: 31 JANUARY 2021 |
Cortes-Sanchez reviewed Helicobacter pylori and its association in food, fish and tilapia.
Polysaccharides as wound healing agent: a mini review
Rohini J., Wan Ezumi M.F. and Rabeta M.S. Available Online: 13 FEBRUARY 2021 |
Rohini et al. reviewed on polysaccharide as wound healing agents.
The impact of high-pressure processing treatment on microbial inactivation of seafood – a review
Romulo, A. Available Online: 13 FEBRUARY 2021 |
Romulo et al. reviewed the impact of high-pressure processing treatment of microbial inactivation of seafood.
Development and optimization of flaked breakfast cereal processing parameters and formulation, incorporated with banana pulp and peel, using response surface methodology
Tay, H.X., Kuan, C.H., Chong, G.H., New, C.Y. and Son, R. Available Online: 21 FEBRUARY 2021 |
Tay et al. developed flaked breakfast cereal incorporated with banana pulp and peel and optimized the processing parameters and formulation using response surface methodology
Sensitivity of enrichment-PCR method for Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis analysis in chicken carcasses
Wulan, H.A., Nurjanah, S. and Rahayu, W.P. Available Online: 21 FEBRUARY 2021 |
Wulan et al. studied the sensitivity of enrichment-PCR method for Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidiz analysis in chicken carcasses.
Antioxidant effects of green tea extracts on lipid oxidation of half-dried eels
Song, H.S. Available Online: 21 FEBRUARY 2021 |
Song studied on the antioxidant effects of green tea extracts on the lipid oxidation of half-dried eels.
Potential of corncobs (Zea mays) fraction as tyrosinase inhibitor and natural antioxidant in vitro
Dewi, I.K., Pramono, S., Rohman, A. and Martien, R. Available Online: 27 FEBRUARY 2021 |
Dewi et al. studied on the potentiality of corncobs (Zea mays) fraction as tyrosinase inhibitor and natural antioxidant in vitro.
Assessment of major requirements for accessing credit among paddy farmers in Jigawa state, Nigeria
Datti, M.I., Said, R., Ismail, N.W. and Abd. Rahman, A. Available Online: 27 FEBRUARY 2021 |
The assessment of major requirements for accessing credit among paddy farmers in Jigawa state, Nigeria was studied by Datti et al.
Optimizing flavonoid-rich Quranic Mixed Food (QMF) formulation with simplex-centroid mixture design
Salbi, N.M., Muhammad, N. and Abdullah, N. Available Online: 27 FEBRUARY 2021 |
Salbi et al. optimized flavonoid-rich Quranic Mixed Food (QMF) formulation with simplex-centroid mixture design.
Antibacterial activity of taro (Colocasia esculenta L.) leaves extracts against Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus and its effect on microbial population in sardine (Sardinella longiceps Val.)
Padzil, K.N.M, Ayob, N.M, Alzabt, A.M. and Rukayadi, Y. Available Online: 27 FEBRUARY 2021 |
The antibacterial activity of taro (Colocasia esculenta L.) leaves extracts and the application of the microbial population on sardine (Sardinella longiceps Val.) was studied by Padzil et al.
Assessment of bacteriological quality and Escherichia coli O157: H7 in the ready-to-eat street food
Latchumaya, S.R., Hameed, M.N.S.S., Arkappan, P., Sreedharam, R.J. and Sandrasaigaran, P. Available Online: 27 FEBRUARY 2021 |
Latchumaya et al. assessed the bacteriological quality and Escherichia coli O157: H7 in ready-to-eat street food.
Drying kinetics and quality of tray dried peanut milk residue
Sanika, B., Poojitha, P., Gurumoorthi, P. and Athmaselvi, K.A. Available Online: 21 FEBRUARY 2021 |
The drying kinetics and quality of tray dried peanut milk residue was studied by Sanika et al.
Eating behaviours of normal and overweight female undergraduate students in positive and negative emotions
Sidek, S., Mat Hassan, N.A.A., Hamirudin, A.H., Mohd. Abu Bakar, W.A. and Irfan Unal, T. Available Online: 7 MARCH 2021 |
The eating behaviours of normal and overweight female undergraduate students in positive and negative emotions were studied by Sidek et al.
African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) visceral protease: its specific activity and molecular weight at different purification stages
Anati, N.J., Siti Roha, A.M. and Normah, I. Available Online: 7 MARCH 2021 |
Anati et al. studied the specific activity and molecular weight of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) visceral protease purified at different stages
The effect of different levels of ozone and ozonized water on biogenic amines in broiler chicken meat by HPLC
Zakeri, A., Farzalipour, O., Kamyar Hidarnejad, K., Ahangar Parvin, P. and Sadeghpour, S.H. Available Online: 7 MARCH 2021 |
The effect of different levels of ozone and ozonized water on the biogenic amines in broiler chicken meat analysed using HPLC was studied by Zakeri et al.
Polyphenol rich mung bean (Vigna radiata) yogurt for obesity prevention
Winarsi, H., Agustia, F.C., Ramadhan, G.R., Zaki, I., Putri, W.A.K., Sulistyaning, A.R., Farida, F. and Sari, H.P. Available Online: 7 MARCH 2021 |
Winarsi et al. studied the possibility of polyphenol rich mung bean (Vigna radiata) yogurt for obesity prevention.
Evaluation of somatotype, dietary intake and blood pressure among female students in Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Malaysia
Khairil-Shazmin, K., Siti Hajar, R., Asma, A., Hayati, M.Y. and Wan Manan, W.M. Available Online: 7 MARCH 2021 |
Khairil-Shazmin et al. evaluated the somatype, dietary intake and blood pressure among female students in Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) Malaysia.
Biochemical and molecular characterization of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria isolated from Borassus aethiopum Mart. sap in Burkina Faso
Zongo, O., Zongo, U., Cissé, H., Kagambèga, B., Tarnagda, B., Muandze Nzambe, J.U., Sawadogo, A., Tapsoba, F., Zongo, C., Traoré, Y. and Savadogo, A. Available Online: 7 MARCH 2021 |
The biochemical and molecular characterization of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria isolated from Borassus aethiopum Mart. Sap in Burkina Faso were studied by Zongo et al.
Physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics of ciku fruit (Manilkara zapota) pastilles
Hashim, N.H., Mohd Zin, Z., Zamri, A.I., Rusli, N.D., Smedley, K.L. and Zainol, M.K. Available Online: 14 MARCH 2021 |
The physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics of ciku fruit (Manilkara zapota) pastilles were studied by Hashim et al.
Effects of extrusion operating conditions and blend proportion on the physico-chemical and sensory properties of teff-rice blend extruded products
Minweyelet, M., Solomon, W.K. and Bultosa, G. Available Online: 14 MARCH 2021 |
Minweyelet et al. studied the effects of extrusion operating conditions and blend proportion on the physico-chemical and sensory properties of teff-rice blend extruded products
Adulteration of Gabus (Channa striata) fish oil with corn oil and palm oil: the use of FTIR spectra and chemometrics
Irnawati, Riyanto, S. and Rohman, A. Available Online:14 MARCH 2021 |
Irnawati studied the adulteration of Gabus (Channa striata) fish oil with corn oil and palm oil using FTIR spectra and chemometrics
Study on the effect of incorporation of irradiated sunflower flour on the physico-chemical and sensory properties of biscuits during the storage period
Al-Kuraieef, A.N. Available Online: 14 MARCH 2021 |
Al-Kuraieef studied on the effect of incorporation of irradiated sunflower flour on the physico-chemical and sensory properties of biscuits during the storage period.
Response surface methodology optimization study on corncob pretreatment: reduction of sodium hydroxide usage and enhancement in pulpzyme HC biobleaching efficiency
Tang, T.-K., Lee, Y.-Y., Phuah, E.-T., Tan, C.-P., Kanagaratnam, S., Wang, Y., Cheong, L.-Z., Jamalullail, N.A., Yap, K.-L., Lee, C.-M., Tan, J.S. and Lai, O.-M. Available Online: 14 MARCH 2021 |
Tang et al. optimized the response surface methodology on corncob pretreatment to reduce the usage of sodium hydroxide and enhance HC biobleaching efficiency pulpzyme.
Effect of mono and diglyceride of medium chain fatty acid on the stability of flavour emulsion
Jadhav, H., Waghmare, J. and Annapure, U. Available Online: 14 MARCH 2021 |
The effect of mono and diglyceride medium chain fatty acid on the stability of flavour emulsion was studied by Jadhav et al.
Phytochemical analysis, total flavonoid, total phenolic contents and ferric reducing power of extracts from leaves and stem bark of Buddleja salviifolia
Matamane, R.P., Magama, S., Pillai, M.K. and Mekbib, S.B. Available Online: 21 MARCH 2021 |
Matamane et al. evaluated the phytochemical analysis, total flavonoid, total phenolic contents and ferric reducing power of extracts from leaves and stem bark of Buddleja salviifolia.
Physicochemical characterization of resistant starch type V (RSV) from manggu cassava starch (Manihot esculenta)
Faridah, D.N., Andriani, I., Talitha Z.A. and Budi, F.S. Available Online: 21 MARCH 2021 |
The physicochemical characterics of resistant starch type V (RSV) of manggu cassava starch (Manihot esculenta) was studied by Faridah et al.
2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil radical scavenging activity of extracts from roots and leaves of Searsia burchellii
Mpopo, M.S., Pillai, M.K. and Mekbib, S.B. Available Online: 21 MARCH 2021 |
Mpopo et al. studied the 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil radical scavenging activity of the extracts from roots and leaves of Searsia burchellii.
Novel practice to produce safe and healthy dry fish using irradiated chitosan coating
Rahman, M.L., Barua, R., Jubayer, A.A., Islam, J.M.M., Kamal, A.H.M., Ali, M., Hossain, M.S., Rahaman, M.S., Rahaman, M.S., Hossain, M.A., Huque, R. and Khan, M.A. Available Online: 21 MARCH 2021 |
Rahman et al. developed a novel practice to produce safe and healthy dry fish using irradiated chitosan coating
Analysis of candlenut oil as oil adulterant in three functional oils of soybean oil, sunflower oil and grapeseed oil in quaternary mixture systems using FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics
Riyanta, A.B., Riyanto, S., Lukitaningsih, E. and Rohman, A. Available Online: 21 MARCH 2021 |
The analysis of candlenut oil as an adulternat in a quarternary mixture system of functional oils using FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics was studied by Riyanta et al.
The effect of urea fertilizer doses on the chemical characteristics of the Samurai-1, Samurai-2, and Pahat mutant sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) grain varieties
Kurniadi, M., Nurcholis, M., Roeslan, M., Widodo, R.A, Wiyono, T., Rosyida, V.T, Nurhayati, R., Kusumaningrum, A. and Human, S. Available Online: 21 MARCH 2021 |
Kurniadi et al. studied the chemical characteristics of mutant sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) grain varieties from the effects of different urea fertilizer dose
Organic acid composition and consumer acceptability of fermented fish produced from black tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) and Javanese carp (Puntius gonionotus) using natural and acid-assisted fermentation
Ezzat, M.A., Ghazali, M.H., Roselina, K. and Zare, D. Available Online: 21 MARCH 2021 |
The organic acid composition and consumer acceptability of fermented fish from black tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) and Javanese carp (Puntius gonionotus) using natural and acid-assisted fermentation were studide by Ezzat et al.
Authentication analysis of milkfish fish oil using the combination of FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics
Mustafidah, M., Irnawati, I., Lukitaningsih, E. and Rohman, A. Available Online: 28 MARCH 2021 |
Mustafidah et al. performed an analysis to authenticate milkfish oil using the combination of FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics.
Protective effect of moringa-based beverages against hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes-induced rats
Al Zhrani, M.M, Althwab, S.A., Aljutaily, T., Alfheeaid, H.A., Ashoush, I.S. and Barakat, H. Available Online: 28 MARCH 2021 |
Al Zhrani et al. studied the protective effect of moringa-based beverages against hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes-induced rats.
Quantitation and optimization of β-carotene and α-tocopherol in emulsion prototype with reversed-phase chromatography
Rohmah, M., Rahmadi, A., Yanti, I., Jannah S.M., Bohari and Supratman, U. Available Online: 3 APRIL 2021 |
The quantitation and optimization of β-carotene and α-tocopherol in emulsion prototype with reversed-phase chromatography was studied by Rohmah et al.
Colchicine-induced mutation for new line development of tropical maize (Zea mays L.)
Rahajeng, S.M., Sugiharto, A.N. and Wardyati, T. Available Online: 11 APRIL 2021 |
Rahajeng et al. studied on the colchicine-induced mutation for new line development of tropical maize (Zea mays L.)
Physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of cow’s milk Kashkaval cheese ripened at different temperatures
Ivanova, M., Markova, A. and Ivanov, G. Available Online: 3 APRIL 2021 |
Ivanova et al. studied the physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of cow's milk Kashkaval cheese ripened at different temperatures.
Ingredient modification to improve nutrition of Indonesian Koya made of nile and soy as a source of protein
Anandito, R.B.K., Kawiji., Purnamayati, L. and Maghfira, L.L Available Online: 11 APRIL 2021 |
Anandito et al. modified an ingredient to improve nutrition of Indonesian Koya made of nile and soy as a source of protein.
Spectrophotometric determining of caffeine content in the selection of teas, soft and energy drinks available on the Croatian market
Vuletić, N., Bardić, L. and Odžak, R. Available Online: 3 APRIL 2021 |
Vuletić et al. determined the spectrophotometry of caffeine in teas, soft and energy drinks available in the Croatian market.
Microbial and metabolite profiles of spontaneous and adjunct-inoculated cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) fermentation
Peralta, J.G.B., Elegado, F.B., Simbahan, J.F., Pajares, I.G. and Dizon, E.I. Available Online: 21 MARCH 2021 |
Peralta et al. studied on the microbial and metabolite profiles of spontaneous and adjunct-inoculated cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) fermentation.
Effect of acetylation treatment on surface modified tapioca starches
Shaari, S., Samsudin, H. and Uthumporn, U. Available Online: 18 APRIL 2021 |
Shaari et al. studied the effect of acetylation treatment on surface modified tapioca starches.
Antiradical activity, total phenolic, and total flavonoids extract and fractions of pumpkin (Cucurbita moshata Duch) leaves
Sabarudin, Ruslin, Zubaydah, W.O.S. Sartinah, A. Buton, S. and Yamin Available Online: 18 APRIL 2021 |
The antiradical activity, total phenolic, and total flavonoids extract and fractions of pumpkin (Cucurbita moshata Duch) leaves was studied by Sabarudin et al.
Volatile profiles and antioxidant activity of different cultivars of Camellia sinensis var. assamica grown in Thailand
Khruengsai, S., Sripahco, T. and Pripdeevech, P. Available Online: 18 APRIL 2021 |
Khruengsai et al. studied on the volatile profiles and antioxidant activity of different cultivars of Camellia sinensis var. assamica grown in Thailand
Meat tenderization using bromelain enzyme extracted from pineapple waste
Woinue, Y., Chaurasiya, R.S. and Sharma, R. Available Online: 11 APRIL 2021 |
Woinue et al. studied on the meat tenderization using bromelain enzyme extracted from pineapple waste.
In vitro digestibility and the characteristics of puffed products from different degrees of milling and moisture content of adlay grain (Coix lacryma – jobi L.)
Tensiska, Cahyana, Y., Nurhadi, B., Desani, W.D. and Subroto, E. Available Online: 18 APRIL 2021 |
Tensiska et al. studied on the in vitro digestibility and the characteristics of puffed products from different degrees of milling and moisture content of adlay grain (Coix lacryma - jobi L.)
Chemical compositions and volatile compounds of Sabah indigenous durian (Durio dulcis Becc.)
Hasmadi, M, Nor Qhairul Izzreen, M.N., Mansoor, A.H., Jahurul, M.K.A. and Zainol, M.K. Available Online: 18 APRIL 2021 |
The chemical compositions and volatile compounds of Sabah indigenous durian (Durio dulcis Becc.) was stuided by Hasmadi et al.
HMG-CoA reductase and lipase enzyme inhibition from combination of Gynura procumbens and Curcuma xanthorrhiza aqueous extract
Setyowati, E., Ikawati, Z., Hertiani, T. and Pramantara, I.D.P. Available Online: 25 APRIL 2021 |
The HMG-CoA reductase and lipase enzyme inhibition from the combination of Gynura procumbens and Cucurma xanthorrhiza aqueous extract were studied by Setyowati et al.
Impact of blanching pretreatment on physicochemical properties, and drying characteristics of cabbage (Brassica oleracea)
Sarkar, A., Rahman, S., Roy, M., Alam, M., Hossain, M.A. and Ahmed, T. Available Online: 25 APRIL 2021 |
Sarkar et al. studied on the impact of blanching pretreatment on physiochemical properties and drying characteristics of cabbage (Brassica oleracea)
Antibacterial activity of taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] leaves extract against foodborne pathogens and its effect on microbial population in raw chicken meat
Alzabt, A.M. and Rukayadi, Y. Available Online: 25 APRIL 2021 |
The antibacterial activity of taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] leaves extracts and the application of the microbial population on raw chicken meat were studied by Alzabt and Rukayadi.
Determinants of climate variability adaptation and mitigation strategies harnessed by smallholder maize farmers in Sebayeng village, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Mangwane, Q. and Oluwatayo, I.B. Available Online: 25 APRIL 2021 |
Mangwane and Oluwatayo studied on the climate variability adaptation and mitigation strategies harnessed by smallholder maize farmers in Sebayeng village, Limpopo Province, South Africa.
Optimization of foam mat drying process of moringa leaf powder (Moringa oleifera) as protein and amino acids sources
Wahyuni, R., Wignyanto, W., Wijana, S. and Sucipto, Available Online: 25 APRIL 2021 |
Wahyuni et al. optimized the foam mat drying process of moringa leaf powder (Moringa oleifera) as protein and amino acids sources.
Vulnerabilities of wheat crop farmers in war zone
Stanikzai, A.N., Ali, F. and Kamarulzaman, N.H. Available Online: 11 APRIL 2021 |
The vulnerabilities of wheat crops farmers in ware zone was studied by Stanikzai et al.
Characterization of tuna (Thunnus albacares) skin gelatin edible film incorporated with clove and ginger essential oils and different surfactants
Sutrisno, E., Ningrum, A., Supriyadi, Munawaroh, H.S.H., Siti Aisyah and Susanto, E. Available Online: 8 NOVEMBER 2020 |
Sutrisno et al. characterized tuna (Thunnus albacares) skin gelatin edible film incorporated with clove and ginger essentials oils and different surfactants.
Antioxidant activity of the fractions from water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) extract
Herpandi, Lestari, S.D., Bastian and Sudirman, S. Available Online: 29 APRIL 2021 |
Herpandi et al. studied on the antioxidant activity of the fractions from water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) extract.
Nutritional composition of fortified finger millet (Eleusine coracana) flours fortified with vitamin B2 and zinc oxide
Ramashia, S.E., Gwata, E.T., Meddows-Taylor, S., Anyasi, T.A. and Jideani, A.I.O. Available Online: 29 APRIL 2021 |
The nutritional composition of fortified finger millet (Eleusine coracana) flours fortified with vitamin B2 and zinc oxide.
Effect of microwave-assisted extraction on bioactive compounds from industrial tomato waste and its antioxidant activity
Lasunon, P., Phonkerd, N., Tettawong, P. and Sengkhamparn, N. Available Online: 29 APRIL 2021 |
The effect of microwave-assisted extraction on bioactive compounds from industrial tomato waste and its antioxidant activity was studied by Lasunon et al.
Antioxidant properties of lipote (Syzygium polycephaloides (C.B. Rob.) Merr.) flesh and seeds as affected by maturity and processing method
Ilano, M.C.R., Sartagoda, K.J.D., Flandez, L.E.L., Compendio, M.C.M., Morales, D.B. and Castillo-Israel, K.A.T. Available Online: 29 APRIL 2021 |
Ilano et al. studied on the antioxidant properties of lipote (Syzgium polycephaloides (C.B. Rob.) Merr.) flesh and seeds as affected by maturity and processing method.
Comparison of α-amylase, α-glucosidase and lipase inhibitory activity of different types of vinegars
Yasmin, F., Abdul Razak, K.N., Abdul Samad, N., Widyawati, T. and Yusoff, N.A. Available Online: 30 APRIL 2021 |
Yasmin et al. compared α-amylase, α-glucosidase and lipase inhibitory activity of different types of vinegars.
Clitoria ternatea ethanolic extract prevents dental caries via inhibiting Streptococcus mutans growth and quorum sensing
Yanti, Setiawan, T. and Lay, B.W. Available Online: 30 APRIL 2021 |
Yanti et al. studied on the ethanolic extract of Clitoria ternatea that can prevents dental caries caused by Streptococcus mutans.
Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Indo-Malayan stingless bee (Heterotrigona itama) honey from different seasons and distribution of flowers
Mahmood, A.L., Lani, M.N., Hassan, Z., Razak, S.B.A. and Ahmad, F.T. Available Online: 30 APRIL 2021 |
Mahmood et al. evaluated the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Indo-Malayan stingless bee (Heterotrigona itama) honey from different seasons and distribution of flowers.