eISSN: 2550-2166
Aim and Scope
Food Research is an Open Access journal that publishes reviews, original research articles and short communications focusing on food science and technology, food service management, nutrition, nutraceuticals, food innovation, and agriculture food science.
The Journal welcomes papers within the intended scope as follows:
Studies should be of general interest to the international community of food researchers. |
Journal Indexing
Latest Issues
Special Issue: 17th ASEAN Food Conference 2023 In progress
Volume 8, Supplementary 8 |
Special Issue: 3rd International Nursing and Health Sciences Symposium (INHSS) 2022
In progress Volume 8, Supplementary 6 |
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Special Issue: 12th Kuala Lumpur International Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation Conference (KLiAFP12) 2023
Volume 8, Supplementary 4 Special Issue: National Biotechnology Symposium (NBS) 2023
Volume 8, Supplementary 7 Special Issue: International Conference on Biodiversity 2022
Volume 8, Supplementary 5 |
Article In Press
The role of base types and concentration in the deacetylation process of manufacturing chitosan from green mussel shells (Perna viridis)
Sarofa, U., Rosida, D.F. and Khafsa, N.
Sarofa, U., Rosida, D.F. and Khafsa, N.
Ginger, lemongrass, and stevia tea: antioxidant activity, alpha-glucosidase inhibitory, and sensory quality
Puspitojati, E., Waluyo, Rahayu, N.A. and Saputra, H.P.
Puspitojati, E., Waluyo, Rahayu, N.A. and Saputra, H.P.
The effect of food waste behavior among Generation Z on sustainable food security
Novitasari, S.D., Purwadi, D. and Marseno, D.W.
Novitasari, S.D., Purwadi, D. and Marseno, D.W.
Food Research is an OPEN ACCESS journal that adheres to the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of open access. All articles published in Food Research is freely available online and users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles.