Full Papers
Seafood consumption patterns among coastal people in Ambon Island, eastern Indonesia
Soselisa, P.S., Soselisa, H.L. and Alfons, C.R. Available Online: 28 JULY 2021 |
Soselisa et al. studied the seafood consumption patterns among coastal people in Ambon Island, Eastern Indonesia.
Phenol content and antioxidant activity in seaweed fermented with lactic acid bacteria
Sumardianto, Riyadi, P.H., Anggo, A.D., Romadhon and Rianingsih, L. Available Online: 28 JULY 2021 |
The phenol content and antioxidant activity in seaweed fermented with lactic acid bacteria were studied by Sumardianto et al.
Nutrition education via “instagram” and motivational interviewing for weight loss motivation and physical activity in obese female students
Amalia, M.S., Dieny, F.F., Candra, A., Nuryanto and Tsani, A.F.A Available Online: 28 JULY 2021 |
Amalia et al. performed a study on the nutrition education via "instagram" to motivate obese female students to lose wieght and doing physical activity.
Cookies made from mangrove (Bruquiera gymnorrhiza) fruit and soybean (Glycine max) flour
Afifah, D.N., Alamsyah, A.A.M., Huwaida, A., Nissa, C., Wijayanti, H.S., Purwanti, R., Hastuti, V.N. and Sugianto, D.N. Available Online: 28 JULY 2021 |
Afifah et al. developed cookies made from Mangrove (Bruquiera gymnorrhiza) and soybean (Glycine max) flour.
Chemical profiles and antioxidant properties of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza fruit extracts from Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Riyadi, P.H., Tanod, W.A., Dewanto, D.K., Herawati, V.E., Susanto, E. and Aisiah, S. Available Online: 28 JULY 2021 |
Riyadi et al. evaluated the bioactive chemical profiles and antioxidant properties of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza frutis extract from Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Evaluation of the volatile compound basil leaf (Ocimum basilicum) intervention on Spirulina platensis
Yuliani, Agustini, T.W. and Dewi, E.N. Available Online: 28 JULY 2021 |
Yuliani et al. evaluated the volatile compound of basil leaf (Ocimum basilicum) intervention on Spirulina platensis.
Characterization of Caulerpa racemosa yogurt processed using Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus
Dewi, E.N. and Purnamayati, L. Available Online: 28 JULY 2021 |
Dewi and Purnamayati characterized Caulerpa racemosa yogurt processed using Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.
Application of Caulerpa racemosa extract as a natural colourant in raw noodles
Sholicha, F., Dewi, E.N. and Purnamayati, L. Available Online: 28 JULY 2021 |
Sholicha et al. evaluated the Caulerpa racemosa extract as a natural colourant in raw noodles.
Dried salted anchovy different processing methods: drying kinetics and modelling
Agustini, T.W., Fahmi, A.S., Riyadi, P.H. Available Online: 28 JULY 2021 |
Agustini et al. studied on the drying kinetics and modelling of dried salted anchovy processed in different methods.
Nutrient content and fatty acid profile of fermented shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) sausage
Fitriana, L.Y., Maharani, N., Anjani, G. and Afifah, D.N. Available Online: 8 AUGUST 2021 |
The nutrient content and fatty acid profile of fermented shrimp (Liotpenaeus vannamei) sausage was studied by Fitriana et al.
The effect of hydrolyzate on amino acid levels in nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Nuryanto, Chasanah, E., Afifah, D.N., Sulchan, M., Martosuyono, P. and Ihsani. K. Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2021 |
Nuryanto et al. studied on the effect of hydrolyzate on amino acid levels in nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).