The effect of extraction methods towards antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of Litsea cubeba Lour. barks
Aminah, D., Dewi, P., Mahatir, M. and Denny, S.
Available Online: 16 JULY 2023│
Aminah, D., Dewi, P., Mahatir, M. and Denny, S.
Available Online: 16 JULY 2023│
The effect of extraction methods towards antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of Litsea cubeba Lour. barks was studied by Aminah et al.
Effect of partial replacement of wheat flour with flour/starch containing resistant starch on macaroni quality
Too, B.C. and Thuy, N.M.
Available Online: 16 JULY 2023│
Too, B.C. and Thuy, N.M.
Available Online: 16 JULY 2023│
Too and Thuy evaluated the effects of partial replacement of wheat flour with flour/starch containing resistant starch on the quality of macaroni.
The correlation between the serum calcium/magnesium level ratio, body composition and sarcopenia in older adult women using Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry
Sukmaningtyas, H., Ngestiningsih, D., Probosari, E. and Hananingtyas, A.
Available Online: 16 JULY 2023│
Sukmaningtyas, H., Ngestiningsih, D., Probosari, E. and Hananingtyas, A.
Available Online: 16 JULY 2023│
Sukmaningtyas et al. studied the correlation between the serum calcium/magnesium level ratio, body composition and sarcopenia in older adult women using Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry
Microstructure and technological properties of cooked meat sausages prepared with emulsions of vegetable oils as substitutes for animal fat
Momchilova, M.M., Gradinarska-Ivanova, D.N., Yordanov, D.G. and Zsivanovits, G.I.
Available Online: 16 JULY 2023│
Momchilova, M.M., Gradinarska-Ivanova, D.N., Yordanov, D.G. and Zsivanovits, G.I.
Available Online: 16 JULY 2023│
The microstructure and technological properties of cooked meat sausages prepared with emulsions of vegetable oils as substitutes for animal fat were studied by Momchilova et al.
An evaluation of potential fatty acids nutrition in snakehead fish (Channa striata) waste
Sasongko, H., Zulpadly, M.H. and Farida, Y.
Available Online: 22 JULY 2023│
Sasongko, H., Zulpadly, M.H. and Farida, Y.
Available Online: 22 JULY 2023│
Sasongko et al. evaluated the potential of the fatty acids nutrition in snakehead fish (Channa striata) waste.
Antihypertensive effect of functional rice analogue containing corn, mocaf, pigeon pea and seaweed on rats
Rumiyati, Nugroho, A.E., Sani, P.N., Cahyani, S.K., Purwestri, Y.A., Pranoto, Y., Saloko, S. and Widyastuti, S.
Available Online: 22 JULY 2023│
Rumiyati, Nugroho, A.E., Sani, P.N., Cahyani, S.K., Purwestri, Y.A., Pranoto, Y., Saloko, S. and Widyastuti, S.
Available Online: 22 JULY 2023│
The antihypertensive effect of functional rice analogue containing corn, mocaf, pigeon pea and seaweed on rats was studied by Rumiyati et al.
Detection and antibiotic resistance profile of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in raw vegetables
Lee, E., New, C.Y., Thung, T.Y., Tan, C.W., Wendy, R.D., Nuzul, N.J., Son, R. and Abdul-Mutalib, N.A.
Available Online: 22 JULY 2023│
Lee, E., New, C.Y., Thung, T.Y., Tan, C.W., Wendy, R.D., Nuzul, N.J., Son, R. and Abdul-Mutalib, N.A.
Available Online: 22 JULY 2023│
Lee et al. studied the prevalence of antibiotic resistance profile of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in raw vegetables.
Valorization of extracts of Andean roots and tubers and its byproducts: bioactive components and antioxidant activity in vitro
Muñoz, A.M., Jimenez-Champi, D., Contreras-López, E., Fernández-Jerí, Y., Best, I., Aguilar, L. and Ramos-Escudero, F.
Available Online: 22 JULY 2023│
Muñoz, A.M., Jimenez-Champi, D., Contreras-López, E., Fernández-Jerí, Y., Best, I., Aguilar, L. and Ramos-Escudero, F.
Available Online: 22 JULY 2023│
Muñoz et al. studied on the valorization of extracts of Andean roots and tubers and its byproducts.
Extraction and purification of polyphenol oxidase from edible mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) and its use in the manufacture of pastries
Morgab, M.A., Hussein, A.D. and Hadi, S.T.
Available Online: 3 AUGUST 2023│
Morgab, M.A., Hussein, A.D. and Hadi, S.T.
Available Online: 3 AUGUST 2023│
The extraction and purification of polyphenol oxidase from edible mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) and its use in the manufacture of pastries was studied by Morgab et al.
Capabilities of wheat crop farmers in the selected war zones in Afghanistan
Stanikzai, A.N., Ali, F. and Saeedi, S.A.W.
Available Online: 3 AUGUST 2023│
Stanikzai, A.N., Ali, F. and Saeedi, S.A.W.
Available Online: 3 AUGUST 2023│
Stanikzai et al. evaluated the capabilities of wheat crop farmers in the selected war zones in Afghanistan
Mathematical modelling of roselle seeds (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) drying kinetic
Thuy, N.M., Tram, N.B., Cuong, D.G., An, L.T., Duy, H.K. and Tai, N.V.
Available Online: 3 AUGUST 2023│
Thuy, N.M., Tram, N.B., Cuong, D.G., An, L.T., Duy, H.K. and Tai, N.V.
Available Online: 3 AUGUST 2023│
Thuy et al. modelled the drying kinetics of roselle seeds (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)
Evaluation of physicochemical parameters of edible oils at room temperature and after heating at high temperature
Wazed, M.A., Khatun, M.N., Khatun M.S., Hasan, M.R. and Yasmin, S.
Available Online: 3 AUGUST 2023 │
Wazed, M.A., Khatun, M.N., Khatun M.S., Hasan, M.R. and Yasmin, S.
Available Online: 3 AUGUST 2023 │
Wazed et al. evaluated the physicochemical parameters of edible oils at room temperature and aftter heating at high temperature.
Evaluation of xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity of sinapyl alcohol diacetate and stigmasterol compounds and phytochemical screening stem of Etlingera rubroloba A.D Poulsen
Jabbar, A., Sahidin, I., Malik, F., Ilyas, M.Y., Rusli, N., Apriyanto, Reymon and Qadar, J.
Available Online: 11 AUGUST 2023│
Jabbar, A., Sahidin, I., Malik, F., Ilyas, M.Y., Rusli, N., Apriyanto, Reymon and Qadar, J.
Available Online: 11 AUGUST 2023│
Jabbar et al. evaluated xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity of sinapyl alcohol diacetate and stigmasterol compounds of Etlingera rubroloba A.D Poulsen
Refining of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) viscera oil with different sodium hydroxide concentrations
Purnamayati, L., Istianisa, W., Sumardianto and Suharto, S.
Available Online: 11 AUGUST 2023│
Purnamayati, L., Istianisa, W., Sumardianto and Suharto, S.
Available Online: 11 AUGUST 2023│
Purnamayati et al. studied on the refined tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) viscera oil with different sodium hydroxide concentrations.
The employment of real-time polymerase chain reaction coupled with species-specific primer for analysis of wild boar meat for halal authentication
Aini, S.R., Kurniasih, K.S.I., Rohman, A., Mulyanto, Erwanto, Y., Windarsih, A. and Bakar, N.K.A.
Available Online: 11 AUGUST 2023│
Aini, S.R., Kurniasih, K.S.I., Rohman, A., Mulyanto, Erwanto, Y., Windarsih, A. and Bakar, N.K.A.
Available Online: 11 AUGUST 2023│
The employment of real-time polymerase chain reaction coupled with species-specific primer for analysis of wild boar meat for halal authentication was performed by Aini et al.
The effects of dietary addition of acetic acid on milk yield and composition in Awassi ewes at an early stage of lactation
Mustafa, M.W., Almallah, O.D. and Saadi A.M.
Available Online: 11 AUGUST 2023│
Mustafa, M.W., Almallah, O.D. and Saadi A.M.
Available Online: 11 AUGUST 2023│
Mustafa et al. evaluated the effects of dietary addition of acetic acid on milk yield and composition in Awassi ewes at an early stage of lactation.
Prevalence of multi-antibiotics resistant Vibrio parahaemolyticus in shrimp farms in Sarawak, Malaysia
Elexson, N., Eddy, M.B., Wong, J.C.J., Lesen, D., Ransangan, J. and Thung, T.Y.
Available Online: 15 AUGUST 2023│
Elexson, N., Eddy, M.B., Wong, J.C.J., Lesen, D., Ransangan, J. and Thung, T.Y.
Available Online: 15 AUGUST 2023│
The prevalence of multi-antibiotics resistant Vibrio parahaemolyticus in shrimp farms in Sarawak, Malaysia was studied by Elexson et al.
The moderating effect of halal certification on the purchase intention of halal bakery products in Petaling district, Selangor, Malaysia
Zulkfli, N., Abdullah, N. and Mat Issa, Z.
Available Online: 15 AUGUST 2023│
Zulkfli, N., Abdullah, N. and Mat Issa, Z.
Available Online: 15 AUGUST 2023│
Zulkifli et al. studied on the moderating effects of halal certification on the purchase intention of halal bakery products in Petaling district, Selangor, Malaysia.
Formulation and characterization of functional andaliman lozenges
Yanti, Temadja, L. and Tjandrawinata, R.R.
Available Online: 15 AUGUST 2023│
Yanti, Temadja, L. and Tjandrawinata, R.R.
Available Online: 15 AUGUST 2023│
Yanti et al. formulated and characterized the andaliman lozenges.
Quality of farmed shrimp (Penaeus monodon, Fabricius, 1798 and Macrobrachium rosenbergii, deman, 1879) as affected by melanosis inhibiting compounds
Khan, M. and Lively, J.A.
Available Online: 15 AUGUST 2023│
Khan, M. and Lively, J.A.
Available Online: 15 AUGUST 2023│
Khan and Lively evaluated the quality of farmed shrimp (Penaeus monodon, Fabricus, 1798 and Macrobrachium rosenbergii, deman, 1879 affected by melanosis inhibiting compounds.
Evaluation of the quality parameters of wheat flour and banana peel powder-formulated cakes
Khaled, B.M., Alam, S.M.S., Rana, M.S., Sina, A.A., Mahmud, M.S. and Hosen, M.Z.
Available Online: 18 AUGUST 2023│
Khaled, B.M., Alam, S.M.S., Rana, M.S., Sina, A.A., Mahmud, M.S. and Hosen, M.Z.
Available Online: 18 AUGUST 2023│
Khaled et al. evaluated the quality parameters of wheat flour and banana peel powder-formulated cakes.
Physiological properties of novel melon cultivars (cv. Meloni and cv. Tacapa Green Black) during storage
Wiratara, P.R.W., Daryono, B.S. and Supriyadi
Available Online: 18 AUGUST 2023│
Wiratara, P.R.W., Daryono, B.S. and Supriyadi
Available Online: 18 AUGUST 2023│
The physiological properties of novel melon cultivars (cv. Meloni and cv. Tacapa Green Black) during storage was studied by Wiratara et al.
A segmentation of the expected future in vitro meat market: a study in Vietnam
Nghiêm-Phú, B.
Available Online: 18 AUGUST 2023│
Nghiêm-Phú, B.
Available Online: 18 AUGUST 2023│
Nghiêm-Phú studied on a segmentation of the expected future in vitro meat market in Vietnam.
Physico-chemical properties, antioxidant activity and bioactive compounds in edible and non-edible portions of dragon fruit cultivars native to Bangladesh
Alam, M., Biswas, M., Ahmed, J., Hosain, M.A., Alam, A., Khan, M.H.H. and Molla, M.M.
Available Online: 18 AUGUST 2023│
Alam, M., Biswas, M., Ahmed, J., Hosain, M.A., Alam, A., Khan, M.H.H. and Molla, M.M.
Available Online: 18 AUGUST 2023│
Alam et al. evaluated the physico-chemical properties, antioxidant activity and bioactive compounds in edible and non-edible portions of dragon fruit cultivars native to Bangladesh.
Antioxidant profile of red oncom, an Indonesian traditional fermented soyfood
Surya, R. and Romulo, A.
Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2023│
Surya, R. and Romulo, A.
Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2023│
The antioxidant profile of red oncom, an Indonesian traditional fermented soyfood was studied by Surya and Romulo.
Preference for and consumption of traditional and fast foods among adolescents in Indonesia
Briawan, D., Khomsan, A., Alfiah, E., Nasution, Z. and Putri, P.A.
Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2023│
Briawan, D., Khomsan, A., Alfiah, E., Nasution, Z. and Putri, P.A.
Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2023│
Briawan et al. studied the preference for and consumption of traditional and fast foods among adolescents in Indonesia.
The improvement of nutrition quality, antioxidant capacity, and functional properties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) sprout flour through NaCl and Na-alginate elicitation
Ariviani, S. and Mudalifah, I.
Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2023│
Ariviani, S. and Mudalifah, I.
Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2023│
Ariviani and Mudalifah studied the improvement of nutrition quality, antioxidant capacity, and functional properties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) sprout flour through NaCl and Na-alginate elicitation.
Effect of additional sodium metabisulphite (Na2S2O5) on physico-chemical characteristics of cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale L) dregs flours
Arifan, F., Jannah, R., Broto, W., Sapatra E.F., Prasetyo, A.N.F. and Susanti
Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2023│
Arifan, F., Jannah, R., Broto, W., Sapatra E.F., Prasetyo, A.N.F. and Susanti
Available Online: 22 AUGUST 2023│
Arifan et al. evaluated the effect of additional sodium metabisulphite (Na2S2O5) on physio-chemical characteristics of cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale L) dregs flour.
Postharvest quality evaluation on the hot water-dipped Zingiber officinale rhizomes stored at low temperature storage
Shukor, N.I.A., Saari, N., Misran, A., Ahmad, S.H. and Mahmud, T.M.M.
Available Online: 25 AUGUST 2023│
Shukor, N.I.A., Saari, N., Misran, A., Ahmad, S.H. and Mahmud, T.M.M.
Available Online: 25 AUGUST 2023│
Shukor et al. evaluated the postharvest quality of hot water-dipped Zingiber offinale rhizomes stored a low temperature storage.
Zingiber mioga: a perspective of its botany, uses, chemical constituents and health benefits
Chan, E.W.C., Chan, H.T. and Wong, S.K.
Available Online: 25 AUGUST 2023│
Chan, E.W.C., Chan, H.T. and Wong, S.K.
Available Online: 25 AUGUST 2023│
Chan et al. reviewed Zingiber mioga from the botany, uses, chemical constituents and health benefits perspective.
The solvents influence in the continuous extraction to antioxidant and α-glucosidase inhibition of Cinnamomum burmannii bark
Ervina, M., Diva, J., Caroline and Soewandi, A.
Available Online: 25 AUGUST 2023│
Ervina, M., Diva, J., Caroline and Soewandi, A.
Available Online: 25 AUGUST 2023│
The influence of solvents in continuous extraction to antioxidant and α-glucosidase inhibition of Cinnamomum burmannii bark was evaluated by Ervina et al.
Ameliorative effect of peach gum on metabolic syndrome components and microbial short-chain fatty acids production in streptozotocin-induced rats
Noer, E.R., Sulchan, M., Kusumastuti, A.C., Murbawani, E.D., Probosari, E., Nuryanto, Veicinlun, S.Y., Rosma, S.N. and Ardiaria, M.
Available Online: 25 AUGUST 2023│
Noer, E.R., Sulchan, M., Kusumastuti, A.C., Murbawani, E.D., Probosari, E., Nuryanto, Veicinlun, S.Y., Rosma, S.N. and Ardiaria, M.
Available Online: 25 AUGUST 2023│
Noer et al. studied on the effects of peach gum on metabolic syndrome components and microbial short-chain fatty acids production in streptozotocin-induced rats
Optimization of sugarcane juice as a culture medium for scale up of Lactobacillus plantarum TISTR 2083 production
Mamun, A.A., Masniyom, P. and Maneesri, J.
Available Online: 28 AUGUST 2023│
Mamun, A.A., Masniyom, P. and Maneesri, J.
Available Online: 28 AUGUST 2023│
Mamun et al. optimized sugarcane juice as a culture medium for scale up of Lactobacillus plantarum TISTR 2083 production.
The characteristic of whole wheat bread supplemented with roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) powder
Nor Qhairul Izzreen, M.N., Noor Syafiqah, A., Mamat, H., Nurul Hanisah, J., Pindi, W. and Siti Faridah, M.A.
Available Online: 28 AUGUST 2023│
Nor Qhairul Izzreen, M.N., Noor Syafiqah, A., Mamat, H., Nurul Hanisah, J., Pindi, W. and Siti Faridah, M.A.
Available Online: 28 AUGUST 2023│
The characteristic of whole wheat bread supplemented with roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) power was studied by Nor Qhairul Izzreen et al.
The rapid detection of the infected seedlings of Amorphophallus muelleri using Visible Near-Infrared spectroscopy
Prastiwi, F.D., Zahra, A.M., Rahayoe, S., Masithoh, R.E., Pahlawan, M.F.R. and Nurrahmah, N.A., Indrayanti, E.
Available Online: 28 AUGUST 2023│
Prastiwi, F.D., Zahra, A.M., Rahayoe, S., Masithoh, R.E., Pahlawan, M.F.R. and Nurrahmah, N.A., Indrayanti, E.
Available Online: 28 AUGUST 2023│
Prastiwi et al. conducted a study to evaluate the rapid detection of infected seedlings of Amorphophallus muelleri using Visible Near-Infrared spectroscopy
Online transportation relationship with the diversity of household food consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic
Rahmadanih, Salman, D., Mahyuddin, Saadah and Viantika, N.M.
Available Online: 28 AUGUST 2023│
Rahmadanih, Salman, D., Mahyuddin, Saadah and Viantika, N.M.
Available Online: 28 AUGUST 2023│
Rahmadanih et al. evaluated the relationship of online transportation with the diversity of household food consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bioactive angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory activity and antihypertensive activity derived from fish protein hydrolysate: a systematic review
Cheng, X.L., Oslan, S.N.H., Ikhlas, B. and Huda, N.
Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2023│
Cheng, X.L., Oslan, S.N.H., Ikhlas, B. and Huda, N.
Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2023│
Cheng et al. reviewed the bioactive angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory activity and antihypertensive activity derived from fish protein hydrolysate.
Carotenoid composition in twenty ulam species as potential halal active pharmaceutical ingredients
Mat Ali, Q.A., Mohd Hatta, F.A., Othman, R., Ramya, R., Mohd Latiff, N.H. and Wan Sulaiman, W.S.H.
Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2023│
Mat Ali, Q.A., Mohd Hatta, F.A., Othman, R., Ramya, R., Mohd Latiff, N.H. and Wan Sulaiman, W.S.H.
Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2023│
The carotenoid composition in twenty ulam species as potential halal active pharmaceutical ingredients was evaluated by Mat Ali et al.
Carotenoids composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial capacities of Crocus sativus L. stigma
Mohd Hatta, F.A., Othman, R., Mat Ali, Q.A., Mohd Hassan, N., Ramya, R., Wan Sulaiman, W.S., Mohd Latiff, N.H. and Mohd Kashim, M.I.A.
Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2023│
Mohd Hatta, F.A., Othman, R., Mat Ali, Q.A., Mohd Hassan, N., Ramya, R., Wan Sulaiman, W.S., Mohd Latiff, N.H. and Mohd Kashim, M.I.A.
Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2023│
Mohd Hatta et al. evaluated the carotenoids composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial capacities of Crocus sativus L. stigma.
Pineapple (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr.) Cv. queen peel herbal tea with a variety of drying temperatures: bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity and antimicrobial activity
Dewi, Y.S.K. and Simamora, C.J.K.
Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2023│
Dewi, Y.S.K. and Simamora, C.J.K.
Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2023│
Dewi and Simamora studied the bioactive compounds, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities on the pineapple (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr.) Cv. queen peel herbal tea dried at different temperatures.
Chemical properties and sensory evaluation of sweetened condensed rice (Oryza sativa L.) milk
Wannasupchue, W.
Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2023│
Wannasupchue, W.
Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2023│
Wannasupchue studied the chemical properties and sensory evaluation of sweetened condensed rice (Oryza sativa L.) milk.
Antibacterial and antioxidant activities of ethanol extract of Artocarpus lacucha Buch-Ham leaves
Panal, S., Mahatir, M., Denny, S. and Nasri
Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2023│
Panal, S., Mahatir, M., Denny, S. and Nasri
Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2023│
The antibacterial and antioxidant activities of ethanol extract of Artocarpus lacucha Buch-ham leaves were studied by Panal et al.
Ultrasound as an innovative way to modify food structure and opportunities in food industry
Pau, C.H., Chong, L.C. and Chin, N.L.
Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2023│
Pau, C.H., Chong, L.C. and Chin, N.L.
Available Online: 31 AUGUST 2023│
Pau et al. reviewed ultrasound as an innovative way to modify food structure and opportunities in food industry.