Review of water-based extraction techniques affecting the antioxidant activity of pomegranate peel
Farhana, R., Ni Luh Suriani, Sukor, R., Izham, I., Medihi, N.I. and Raseetha, S.
Available Online: 3 JANUARY 2025│
Farhana, R., Ni Luh Suriani, Sukor, R., Izham, I., Medihi, N.I. and Raseetha, S.
Available Online: 3 JANUARY 2025│
Farhana et al. reviewed water-based extraction techniques that affects the antioxidant activity of pomegranate peel.
Effects of wet rendering extraction on the fatty acid and physicochemical profiles of catfish (Pangasius micronema Blkr.), milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal.) and snakehead fish (Chana striata Bloch)
Sasongko, H., Indah, I., Nurrochmad, A., Nugroho, A.E. and Rohman, A.
Available Online: 3 JANUARY 2025│
Sasongko, H., Indah, I., Nurrochmad, A., Nugroho, A.E. and Rohman, A.
Available Online: 3 JANUARY 2025│
Sasongko et al. evaluated the effects of wet rendering extraction on the fatty acid and physicochemical profiles of catfish (Pangasius micronema Blkr.), milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal.) and snakehead fish (Chana striata Bloch).
The effect of compression force, cooling medium, and type of animal product on physical and chemical properties in super-chilling process
Muttalib, S.A., Bintoro, N., Karyadi, J.N.W. and Saputro, A.D.
Available Online: 3 JANUARY 2025│
Muttalib, S.A., Bintoro, N., Karyadi, J.N.W. and Saputro, A.D.
Available Online: 3 JANUARY 2025│
The effect of compression force, cooling medium, and type of animal product on physical and chemical properties in super-chilling process was studied by Muttalib et al.
Antibacterial activity of ethanol extract of kingkit orange (Triphasia trifolia) fruit and leaves against Escherichia coli
Herdiana, N., Hidayati, S., Sartika, D., Suharyono, Murhadi and Hasanudin, U.
Available Online: 3 JANUARY 2025│
Herdiana, N., Hidayati, S., Sartika, D., Suharyono, Murhadi and Hasanudin, U.
Available Online: 3 JANUARY 2025│
The antibacterial activity of ethanol extract of kingkit orange (Triphasia trifolia) fruit and leaves against Escherichia coli was evaluated by Herdiana et al.
Analysis of nicotinic acid in coffee using the temperature programmable injection method in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Aprilia, S.A., Wonorahardjo, S. and Utomo, Y.
Available Online: 10 JANUARY 2025│
Aprilia, S.A., Wonorahardjo, S. and Utomo, Y.
Available Online: 10 JANUARY 2025│
The analysis of nicotinic acid in coffee using the temperature programmable injection method in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was studied by Aprilia et al.
Practical concepts to reveal metabolite group types in natural dietary based on 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra: a narrative review
Saifudin, A., Maryati, M., Abu Bakar, M.F., Norimoto, H., Tezuka, Y. and Tanaka, K.
Available Online: 10 JANUARY 2025│
Saifudin, A., Maryati, M., Abu Bakar, M.F., Norimoto, H., Tezuka, Y. and Tanaka, K.
Available Online: 10 JANUARY 2025│
Saifuddin et al. reviewed the practical concepts to reveal metabolite group types in natural dietary based on 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra.
Consumer perceptions of rabbit meat as an alternative animal protein source: a university-based study
Goli, Z., Akinmoladun, O.F., Mpetile, Z., Mazhangara, I.R. and Jaja, I.F.
Available Online: 10 JANUARY 2025│
Goli, Z., Akinmoladun, O.F., Mpetile, Z., Mazhangara, I.R. and Jaja, I.F.
Available Online: 10 JANUARY 2025│
Goli et al. evaluated the consumer perceptions of rabbit meat as an alternative animal protein source in a university-based environment.
Effect of microalgae extract enriched coconut oil on the antioxidant activity, pigment stability, and microstructure of cookies
Susanto, E., Mustajab, R.M., Agustini, T.W., Fahmi, A.S. and Arifin, M.H.
Available Online: 10 JANUARY 2025│
Susanto, E., Mustajab, R.M., Agustini, T.W., Fahmi, A.S. and Arifin, M.H.
Available Online: 10 JANUARY 2025│
Susanto et al. studied the effect of microalgae extract enriched coconut oil on the antioxidant activity, pigment stability, and microstructure of cookies.
Development of a synbiotic longan beverage: a nutritious and functional blend
Sakuntasri, K., Kwanmuang, P., Massa, S., Krusong, W., Charoenrat, T., Pan-utai, W. and Pornpukdeewattana, S.
Available Online: 15 JANUARY 2025│
Sakuntasri, K., Kwanmuang, P., Massa, S., Krusong, W., Charoenrat, T., Pan-utai, W. and Pornpukdeewattana, S.
Available Online: 15 JANUARY 2025│
Sakuntasri et al. developed a synbiotic longan beverage.
Evaluation of the fatty acid profiles, antioxidant activities, and total phenol and vitamin E contents of three types of Saudi date seed oils
Al-Hussain, M.A., Ali, D.O.M., Asiri, S.A., Alqahtani, N.K., Makki H.M.M., Mohamed, H.A., Ali, S.A. and Al-Senaien, W.A.
Available Online: 15 JANUARY 2025│
Al-Hussain, M.A., Ali, D.O.M., Asiri, S.A., Alqahtani, N.K., Makki H.M.M., Mohamed, H.A., Ali, S.A. and Al-Senaien, W.A.
Available Online: 15 JANUARY 2025│
The evaluation of the fatty acid profiles, antioxidant activities, and total phenol and vitamin E contents of three types of Saudi date seed oils was studied by Al-Hussain et al.
Evaluation of physicochemical properties and fatty acid profile on Indonesian local beef tallow and lard using two different rendering methods
Vera, N., Rifqi., Erwanto, Y., Agus, N.A., Utama, D.T. and Abidin, M.Z.
Available Online: 15 JANUARY 2025│
Vera, N., Rifqi., Erwanto, Y., Agus, N.A., Utama, D.T. and Abidin, M.Z.
Available Online: 15 JANUARY 2025│
Vera et al. evaluated the physicochemical properties and fatty acid profile on Indonesian local beef tallow and lard using two different rendering methods.
The utilization of spices to improve the quality and safety of traditional dried sardine fish
Singapurwa, N.M.A.S., Suprapta, D.N., Gunam, I.B.W. and Wirya, I.G.N.A.S.
Available Online: 15 JANUARY 2025│
Singapurwa, N.M.A.S., Suprapta, D.N., Gunam, I.B.W. and Wirya, I.G.N.A.S.
Available Online: 15 JANUARY 2025│
Singapurwa et al. utilizied spices to improve the quality and safety of traditional dried sardine fish.
Total lactic acid bacteria, total dissolved solids, and organoleptic properties of cocogurt with the addition of stevia leaf extracts
Pramono, Y.B., Al-Baarri, A.N., Mulyani, S., Raharjanti, Z. and Puspitoasih, A.D.
Available Online: 22 JANUARY 2025│
Pramono, Y.B., Al-Baarri, A.N., Mulyani, S., Raharjanti, Z. and Puspitoasih, A.D.
Available Online: 22 JANUARY 2025│
The total lactic acid bacteria, total dissolved solids, and organoleptic properties of cocogurt with the addition of stevia leaf extracts was studied by Pramono et al.
Factors influencing Chinese consumers' green purchase intention: a quantitative analysis in the food industry
Jiang, J., Lau, T.C., Pang, S.M. and Tan, B.C
Available Online: 22 JANUARY 2025│
Jiang, J., Lau, T.C., Pang, S.M. and Tan, B.C
Available Online: 22 JANUARY 2025│
Jiang et al. performed a quantitative analysis on the factors influencing Chinese consumers' green purchase intention.
Effects of calcium on physical properties and Fourier transformed infrared spectra of raw and sterilized goat milk
Hawae, F., Pinkaew, S. and Pakdeechanuan, P.
Available Online: 22 JANUARY 2025│
Hawae, F., Pinkaew, S. and Pakdeechanuan, P.
Available Online: 22 JANUARY 2025│
The effects of calcium on physical properties and Fourier transformed infrared spectra of raw and sterilized goat milk was studied by Hawae et al.
The changes in the traditional food serving patterns in the Ganti Langse traditional ceremony in Ngawi, Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic: a philosophical study and symbolic meaning
Muharrom, M.V., Saddhono, K. and Sulaksono, D.
Available Online: 22 JANUARY 2025│
Muharrom, M.V., Saddhono, K. and Sulaksono, D.
Available Online: 22 JANUARY 2025│
Muharrom et al. studied the changes in the traditional food serving patterns in the Ganti Langse traditional ceremony in Ngawi, Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic.